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Kresnik said:
ils411 said:
I am so pissed off right now... I finally decided to use my $50 psn credit and buy Disgaea 3 for the Vita and you know what? FUCK SONY! I keep getting C2-13245-5 error and cant download the damn fuck! I'm out $39.99 and for what? NOTHING!

I emailed their customer service detailing my problem and even mentioned that I also bought Puddle along with Disgaea 3 and Puddle downloaded fine. I specifically included in my email that Puddle downloaded without any issues and that I was able to buy and download Gravity Rush, Crimson Gem Saga, Persona 3, Grand theft auto Liberty City Stories, HOt Shots golf, super stardust delta, motor storm rc, platns vs zombies, escape plan etc etc etc without any issues. I pointed this out so as to show them that my connection has no issues and that I can and have been able to buy and download games from PSN and asked them not to tell me that my Vita cant connect to the internetz coz obviously it can.

And what reply do I get? I get the standard, Oh I've read your problem and based on your detailed account, you cant connect to the internetz try a. turning off your vita b. reseting your modem and shit c. try connecting to another internetz source...

SOB!!!! mother fuckers! and no, its not my internet coz i tried various hot spots and its still the same! fucking Sony and their lame ass service.

The just literally stole $39.99 from me. I pray to God that some crazy ass hacker hacks the Vita and I swear, I WILL hack mine too.

I use to support sony, but I hope that they crash and burn. you hear me sony? You just lost a loyal customer. This is the last sony productd I'm ever buying! I will never ever ever buy a single sony product ever again. Burn fuckers Burn!

Have you tried contacting them again and telling them that you've done all of those things?  I wouldn't give up that easily if I'd just spent $40 :l

I've sent them about 8 emails already each email being more detailed than the last. I've got 3 responses of which the contents are the same except for the name of the dood responding. bunch of aholes!

Oh, i'm going to do something about it all right, its called selling the vita, buying a jail broken ps3 and a hacked psp get the picture.