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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Kresnik said:
Dgc1808 said:

Vs 5 studio's in Eu: SCE Cambridge, London, Media Molecule, Guerilla Games, and Evolution.

XDev in Europe.  A support studio like Foster City.

Just looked them up and you are right. For some reason SONY doesn't list them

but at the same time they do have a page acknowledging them on their site

4 ≈ One

Around the Network

So new new for you guys.

A new Fighting game from the Blaz Blue makers anounced for Ps Vita, X360 and pS3.

Heavenly_King said:
The off-topic things I want in the Vita´s Future:

A MGS game for the VITA
FF Type-0 for the VITA in the US
RE: Revelations port to the VITA
A GOW game for the VITA (the remake of GOW betrayal)
Every HD collection to be released on the VITA (because it makes more sense)
Killzone:Mercenaries to have a proper story mode, and not just 3 mins random missions like Unit 13.

And Finally I want that the developers put their sh!t together and begin making games for the PSVITA instead of waiting for the sales to pick up magically. >_<

Urgh I so agree with you, specially on RE: Revelations port and the remake of Betrayal.

Capcom is pissing me off lately.

Kresnik said:
ils411 said:
hey guys, wanna read something funny? look for the thread where this biased fanboy is trying to compare the £200++ Vita to a £500++ cellphone... keeps claiming that the Vita's power has been beaten by a mobile phone, that is "gasp"! over £500++ ahahahahaha! people just loves to keep spinning the wheel.

I actually don't mind him making the comparison.  It's the fact that in that thread, he's comparing the price of the Vita to the price of the iPhone because "you'll always have a contract so it's just accepted", with posts like this:

I'm not quite sure what he doesn't understand about contracts.  For example, when I got my iPhone 3GS, I paid a lump sum of something like £100 up front, and then £35 a month fixed contract for 18 months.  Once the contract was up, I switched to my current plan which is £10 a month for the same amount of minutes, texts and 3G limits.

So basically, I paid £100 + 18 x £25 = £550 for the phone on it's own.

Compare that to a £200 one-off payment for a Vita (+ a memory card these days I guess, but still), there's just no contest.

there are comparisons, and there are comparisons but his is just plain ignorant. How do you justify comparing something that is $200+ to a new thing that will cost almost or more that twice that? its like saying, hey my new "porch" can run circiles around your 6 month old toyota altis.. or something like that. obviously, higher cost = higher specs = better as compared to lower cost = lower specs = inferior.

Some people will just try and twist and turn things to suit their agenda. Also, one time payment vs comparable upfront payment + monthly for 12-24 months = not the same.

honestly, some people here are just so full of themselves. its just so obvious as how blatantly biased these guys are. like I said, they just keep on turning the wheel and spinning things around.

to tell you the truth, the only reason i dislike the MS and Nintendo are because of these lame ass fanboys. take these people away and I'd actually like MS and Nintendo.

Anyways, I'm off topic so..... how much will LBPV be anyways? I had $51.5+ on my PSN account but spent $2.49 on the streetfighter table for zen pinball two. So I'm left with $49.++ but less than $49.50 (too lazy to do the math). I'm thinking of spending just enough so that i'm left with $35 for LBPV. Or do yhou guys think it will be $40? coz i'll be left with just under $10 to spend on other games (too bad there isnt any other vita game for under $10 that I dont have already)

FFVII is out of the question as it cost $9.99...and I dont feel like replaying it..I've already wasted over 400hours of my life on it back in the day. No xenogears, PE, PE2 or any other good psone games i want...hmm... SCEA just plain sucks. VC2...hellllooooo.... SCEA..... when you gonna put it in the Vita store? bunch of morrons.

ungh..guy cant get a break, if its not rabid biased fanboys, its SCEA themselves that cause me pain and heartache. might as well go buy a second psp and install 6.60 pro-B10 or something on it and just cram it full of cso games. that'll teach you SCEA, bunch of lazy, incompetent bastards.

SunofKratos said:
So new new for you guys.

A new Fighting game from the Blaz Blue makers anounced for Ps Vita, X360 and pS3.

I'd be surprised if it releases in NA, seeing that Guilty Gear isn't really supported in NA and one removed off psn and one not released on the psn store

Around the Network

Anyone know the size of the japanese version of NLKS. I am thinking of getting it if its not too big.

And btw. Anyone know a Full PS Vita release calendar for sept to december. (I don't mind the dates that arnt official)
Also I'm seeing a November 20th release for Persona 4 Golden. Anyone know where this release date came from? Cause I have PSABR and Sonic and Allstars Racing Transformed to get for vita tbat same day and wanna know if thats a placeholder or a date given

RafaelOrix said:
Heavenly_King said:
The off-topic things I want in the Vita´s Future:

A MGS game for the VITA
FF Type-0 for the VITA in the US
RE: Revelations port to the VITA
A GOW game for the VITA (the remake of GOW betrayal)
Every HD collection to be released on the VITA (because it makes more sense)
Killzone:Mercenaries to have a proper story mode, and not just 3 mins random missions like Unit 13.

And Finally I want that the developers put their sh!t together and begin making games for the PSVITA instead of waiting for the sales to pick up magically. >_<

Urgh I so agree with you, specially on RE: Revelations port and the remake of Betrayal.

Capcom is pissing me off lately.

well, SF vS Tekken is coming out Oct or that'll solve my capcom fix

And yeah, MGSV, Type-OV, and every HD collection for Vita sounds great. As for RE:R, cant say that I care much about RE, but I did enjoy RE:Mercenaries on the 3Ds.

Devil May Cry HD collection on the Vita sounds great, also Shadow hearts 1-3, and why not tekken tag 2 for the vita? or even if they just bring tekken 1-6 for the Vita! that WOULD BE AWESOME!! Xenosaga 1-3 too, damn I can keep going lol!

Teflon02 said:
And btw. Anyone know a Full PS Vita release calendar for sept to december. (I don't mind the dates that arnt official)
Also I'm seeing a November 20th release for Persona 4 Golden. Anyone know where this release date came from? Cause I have PSABR and Sonic and Allstars Racing Transformed to get for vita tbat same day and wanna know if thats a placeholder or a date given

This is the best site I have found for VG releases, but I dont know how official the dates are.

  Tifa got MOVES!

How bad of an idea was it for Capcom to delay the Vita release on SF X Tekken so damn far? I think this might drastically hurt the selling potential of the game. Too much bad press about balancing issues surrounding the HD console versions. :(




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)