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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
kivi95 said:
Some Need For speed:Most Wanted screen shots and info!!( Looks amazing!!)


Amazing. That's an open world racing game on a handheld. 

Around the Network

Saw that Persona 4 has a nice preorder bonus in a Vita skin. I'll definitely be hopping on that!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

ikol said:
Matty I ordered Dokuro from play-asia after reading your earlier comments about it having a language selection :D
I have faith that you wouldn't lie to me Matty don't let me down ;)

Of course I wouldn't. And thank you for considering my comments. :) I'm happy to hear that! You made the right choice and you will not regret it! I can already see your future comments, full of love for this game. :)


Well 34 hours and 30 minutes in... Let's take a break and make a nice Dokuro sign! :D


forevercloud3000 said:
Does anyone else think Sony should take pairs of downloadable titles and release them on Cart?

Call it PSN Bang for Your Buck Bundle or something.
Super Stardust Delta and Escape Plan on one game cart for the ripe price of $30

I would love that. Vita has so many great titles on the PS Store. And... games on cart are always welcome.


kivi95 said:
Some Need For speed:Most Wanted screen shots and info!!( Looks amazing!!)

Thanks! Wow! It's gorgeous! :o

Impressive info and screens of Need for Speed on Vita and we are talking about a few months old handheld. There is so much potential, hopefully Vita will pick up on sales in order to have more studios working on games and apps for this wonderful handheld.


Hands-on: Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified for PS Vita

+ Posted by Jeff Rubenstein // Sr. Social Media Manager

Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified is real, and we’ve played it. I think the highest compliment I can pay it is to say that, well, it looks and plays like Call of Duty. The running and gunning, the aiming down the sights, the familiar Bank Gothic notices popping up when you land a long-range shot or end an opponent’s killstreak, the weapon loadouts and multiplayer modes — they’re all here, rendered on PS Vita’s luscious OLED screen and playable with dual analog sticks in a mobile setting for the first time.

Activision Product Manager Ryan Scott’s gamescom presentation cut straight to the heart of the matter, starting with the game’s multiplayer offering — a key consideration for any self-respecting CoD title. Multiplayer in Black Ops Declassified supports up to eight players via WiFi across six maps, encompassing essential play modes such as Free for all, Team Deathmatch, and Kill Confirmed, with other “classic Call of Duty modes” promised. Other trademark Call of Duty mechanics such as Create-a-Class, Killstreaks, XP, Perks, and Prestige were all present and accounted for.

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So how is developer Nihilistic adapting Call of Duty to PS Vita? After playing a round on the new “Shatter” map, it’s clear their goals were to change as little as possible. In fact, after inverting the Y-axis, I didn’t bother asking the devs on hand about the controls – everything was where I expected it to be.

Access to the knife, flashbang, and frag grenade that are assigned to L2/R2 or L3/R3 on PS3 are easily accessible on the front touchscreen. To hurl a grenade, you simply drag the grenade icon to the area of the screen where you want to throw it, or hold it to cook the fuse before you lob it. The ability to independently aim your grenade throw while shooting in another direction is a new tactical wrinkle for the series, and one that will surely be leveraged by experienced players. The knife is even quicker to use because you can tap any part of the screen not already assigned to something else to swipe your blade. That’s a highly practical implementation of the touchscreen, as players won’t have to fumble to tap a small icon during a heated CQC encounter, and we found it was quick and responsive.

Those all-important Killstreaks work the way you’d expect. Once you’ve unlocked a killstreak, the icon pops up on the left side of the screen and you can tap to trigger it. The mortar strike killstreak was blessedly simple: tap the icon to open the map, touch the target, and launch a volley of fiery death to annihilate the opposition.

That leaves sprinting, which is executed by pressing down on the directional pad. The left stick and D-pad are placed closely enough on PS Vita that you can place the tip of your thumb on the D-pad while keeping your left thumb on the left stick for quick recovery. The only use of the rear touchscreen we saw was to hold your breath while peering down the sniper’s scope – not something you’re likely to accidentally trigger.

Create-a-Class is fully supported with custom loadouts and Perks Black Ops: Declassified will also leverage PS Vita’s geo-social “near” functionality with Share-a-Class, enabling players to transmit a character class via WiFi using “near,” and will allow your friends access to load-outs they haven’t yet unlocked through regular progression. Prestige levels are also confirmed.

Visually, the multiplayer map “Shattered” looked sharp, with swirling dust motes, flapping bits of cloth, crumbled architecture, and a steady framerate.

Single-player content wasn’t shown, though Activision confirmed that it will consist of objective-based missions, along with survival and time trial missions, to keep the experience tuned for mobile play. They’ll be wrapped within an original story taking place between Call of Duty: Black Ops and the forthcoming Black Ops 2. Want to know what happened to Hudson, Mason, and Woods before this fall’s Black Ops 2? You know what to do.

Based on what we saw and played, Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified looks and feels much as you’d expect it to – only now it can take the experience with you on PS Vita. For CoD fans, that’s right on target.

Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified arrives this November. Are there any specifics you’d like to know? We’ll be speaking with developer Nihilistic soon, and will do our best to get your questions answered. Leave ‘em in the comments below!



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sorry guys, I'm excited for Call of Duty on the Vita. probably the only one on the team who is.

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engadget review on Nyko Power Grip for Vita:

I hadn't realized this was already released a while ago. I was interested in it when they first announced it but it looks like they scrapped their prototype from before.

Pros: Doubles the battery life, grips look really comfortable, $25

Cons: Blocks the game card slot, pretty bulky, rear touchpad is more difficult to reach.


A word on battery life from engadget:

"The company claims the device doubles the Vita's battery life, and we found that it did just that, offering twice as much longevity or more. Set to maximum screen brightness and volume settings, the Vita's standard three-hour runtime jumped to more than six. The four hours a dimmed-down and muted handheld can achieve doubled as well, dragging on for nearly eight and a half hours under the Power Grip's wing. Shifting into PSP mode prolongs the battery life even more, topping out at 11 hours at medium brightness -- more than enough to keep one occupied on a trip across the pond."

I might get it. More battery life is very appealing and 11 hours if you're playing PSP games? Awesome. If I want to take it off to switch games or to have easier access to the rear touch, it doesn't look like that'll be much of a problem. The part on the grip that connects to the charging port can slide and lock into place. You can also charge the Vita with the grip installed.

Well after reading the previews for tearaway I am positive that this game is gonna ROCK! Charming, unique and fun.

and lol the devs seems to be reading forums a bit...hence their response to the it's just a mini game collection comments. Good stuff

NFS MW = looking excellent! Will buy...Criterion are good devs...the psp burnout games were absolutely brilliant. Burnout Legends for life!

I 'might' get the Nyko eventually, but not right now. But looks like a solid piece of add on that's for sure. The battery life extension is VERY impressive

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

M.U.G.E.N said:
Well after reading the previews for tearaway I am positive that this game is gonna ROCK! Charming, unique and fun.

and lol the devs seems to be reading forums a bit...hence their response to the it's just a mini game collection comments. Good stuff

NFS MW = looking excellent! Will buy...Criterion are good devs...the psp burnout games were absolutely brilliant. Burnout Legends for life!

I 'might' get the Nyko eventually, but not right now. But looks like a solid piece of add on that's for sure. The battery life extension is VERY impressive

I've been reading too. Just now I saw the 1up preview and it is so interesting, the previewer said that's a game that could only be done on Playstation Vita. And this speaks tons of the game! Vita is unique, it really can produce unique, exclusive titles and bring full console experience on the go. Vita future is brilliant, I'm confident on it.

RafaelOrix said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Well after reading the previews for tearaway I am positive that this game is gonna ROCK! Charming, unique and fun.

and lol the devs seems to be reading forums a bit...hence their response to the it's just a mini game collection comments. Good stuff

NFS MW = looking excellent! Will buy...Criterion are good devs...the psp burnout games were absolutely brilliant. Burnout Legends for life!

I 'might' get the Nyko eventually, but not right now. But looks like a solid piece of add on that's for sure. The battery life extension is VERY impressive

I've been reading too. Just now I saw the 1up preview and it is so interesting, the previewer said that's a game that could only be done on Playstation Vita. And this speaks tons of the game! Vita is unique, it really can produce unique, exclusive titles and bring full console experience on the go. Vita future is brilliant, I'm confident on it.

Yep I also believe it's a special console. One that can provide best of all gaming worlds.


but sorry vita is le doomzed still and still haz no gamez

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!