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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 Numbers don't add up!

Dark Jedi said: Townzy said: Also lets assume the 5.38m for NA and .32m for Japan are correct (for year end 2006) the 2.64m for Other is way too low. 900k have been sold in UK, 150k have been sold In Aus Last Gen there were 6m Xbox's sold in Europe (2m in UK) so UK accounts for roughly 33% of sales 900 / 3 = 2.7m in Europe (+ 150k in AUS) = 2.85m But thats not all. last gen 2m were sold in Asia with 450k of that being in Japan (i think asia included 800k Aus sales) = 800k for the rest of Asia so japan accounts for another 33% of Asia = 320* 3 = 1m = 3.85m 360 has also launched in all new country's (india, china, korea) another 150k is viable from these so 4m for other is about right. 360 is at about 9.2 - 9.4m WW These numbers seem to be pretty more accurate than vgcharts numbers.
Wishful thinking . X360 is selling across Europe worse than the Xbox 1 ,except maybe in the UK that they are even . They console hasnt shipped yet to Korea ,India or China . The 5.38 million number for NA is way too high .NPD numbers for those regions go in 31 dec to 4.5 million for US and some 300 000 for Canada so 4.8 million . Numbers are still overstimated in the main pages .

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"X360 is selling across Europe worse than the Xbox 1 ,except maybe in the UK that they are even . They console hasnt shipped yet to Korea ,India or China ." 1- ¿How do you Know in Europe is selling worse than xbox? ¿Where do you get the numbers from? 2- As far as i can find in the internet, xbox360 has launched in those markets, except China. Look at this one, for example: It says: "Already launched in Europe, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, Xbox 360 will be available in the Indian market from September 23 onwards." ¿What information do you have to say that's not true?

Well ,first I do live in Europe ,I know more or less whats selling and whats not .Second ,we dont have any organization as NPD or media create that put toghether numbers from all the countries and presents them ,but thats not to say it is impossible to know how is selling something .There are data for individual countries as the UK and France ,and here and then you receive milestones as "1 millon DS sold in X country " .Plus ,Sony ,Nintendo and I suppose Microsoft know the numbers quite well and they make statements here and there .For example Microsoft claimed in July having shipped 1.3 million to Europe ,in september by X06 it claimed having sold 1.3 million ,and end november first days of december they claimed some 1.7 sold in Europe .That serves to calculate the amount sold per month quite well ,once you discount the launch . Plus ,Nintendo and Sony give data here and there about how much their plattforms sold compared to the rivals .The numbers more or less coincide .And ,for all the past year ,things were like 115 000 PS2 per week in all Europe against some 19 000 360 .....or if you wish per month some 460 000 PS2 against 76 000 X360 .That has been a pattern for all the year .Other milestones provided show in the UK the X360 is besides the PS2 ,DS and PSP in sales ,and here in Spain Nintendo just recently told it had already surpassed the pre-holiday X360 sales with some 100K consoles sold... True ,I dont have too much data for Christmas wich is a very strong period here for sales ,but seeing the Nintendo numbers I doubt highly that X360 could have sell more than half a million .Playstation 2 has still sold a lot more than X360 this christmas and PSP also beats X360 in all the countries .So if 55% of hardware sold has been Nintendo machines(1.5 million DS and 0.7 million Wii ) ,and the PS2 and PSP have outsold the X360 both then you can see the X360 sales cant be more than 500-600 K consoles sold by any measure .Add that to the 1.7 reported by Microsoft and you have 2.2-2.3 million here by end december .Its seen in the shops easily ,DS has been sold out in many stores ,also PS2 ,even the PSP has seen sales strong enough to threat a rupture of stocks in some shops ...but the X360 is in each and every shop you visit ,its space in those shops is reduced even having absorbed all the shelf space from the original Xbox ....well I dont have exact numbers but things dont look too good . By the own Microsoft numbers(1.3 in september when in NA it was around 3 million ,1.7 in november when in the US it was 3.78 ) Europe is consuming less than 50% of the X360 of the US ,while the Xbox sold in NA 15 million and in Europe 9 million in fact it is selling worse than the original box . I saw a news a month ago saying Microsoft was preparing to launch in Korea ....I havent seen any confirmation of X360 shipping there but there you go ,maybe I am wrong .In any case has it has been already pointed once you add Australia ,Canada ,US ,EU and Japan you have covered nearly 95% or the market ...expecting those regions to fill the million gap between official reported numbers and hallucinogic Gates numbers is wishful thinking .Maybe I am wrong and X360 has seen a huge surge in sales here in Europe and there hastn been any sold out because Microsoft has pumped them out like crazy but I highly doubt it remains to be proven .Last data is 1.7 million at end november .....and my guess is about 500-600 K sold for holidays and christmas shop season any case never much more as Nintendo numbers point ..if 2.2 million has been 55% of the hardware sales and the X360 has to share the rest with PS2 ,PSP and GBA (PS2 and PSP outsell it clearly ) then half a million ,maybe a little more ,is a good guess and that being quite possitive .

Ok, you're just guessing, but you've got no real numbers. So we have no data from Europe, at least not in xmas time, which can be very important in order to get the real facts. Neither you have data for those other emerging markets, like India, Korea... What we do know is that ps3 has sold 35000 this last week in japan. 4 times more than x360, which is not impressive at all, i should say. Doesn't look like ps3 can surpass x360 selling that in the land of the raising sun. I guess the leap among those two consoles will keep on growing.

Hmm, since people are avoiding the other thread, I will ask again here. Forgetting about the "Other" (I am European too and I don't agree with Diomedes), I will ask about NA. The NA numbers for Wii and PS3 are NPD + 30% or more (which I guess might be accurate to adjust for Canada and NPD underestimation). For X360 though it is NPD + 15%. Why? No X360 fanboy here, seriously, I am curious if I am missing something.

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Oh Boy, there we go accusing people (and comparing them to someone who is claiming Mexico is the Silverado of console sales - no offence Monty). Let's take what NPD reported on the 11th and posted repeatedly on this forum: HW Sales (month and LTD) Xbox 360 1.1 mm 4.5 mm Wii 604.2 K 1.1 mm PS3 490.7 K 687.3 K The 360/Wii/PS3 NA numbers on the front page at that time were: 5.14/1.43/0.91. If we used current front page numbers, the PS3 has increased more, but we are halfway in Jan, so we shouldn't go there. Well? This is what I am talking about: +30% for Wii (1.43/1.1), +32% for PS3 (0.91/0.69), +15% for 360 (5.14/4.5). And I am asking why that is, and I expected something more logical than people pulling numbers out of their ass. Now, you are telling me the numbers have changed, and that the front page is wrong. Well, the point is why were the numbers as they where when the above NPD report was considered "fact". I guess you could tell me that the 360 stopped selling on Dec 31 while the PS3 and Wii sold like crazy for a week and the front page reflected that at the time of the report. Of course that would be absurd because the PS3 did certainly not sell 116k consoles in a week (0.91-1.15*0.69) - while the 360 zero, and the Wii strangely has remained locked on the front page at the 1.43 number for a while (even if it is indeed selling like crazy - or as much as Nintendo can produce). So, something more rational please? Plus, you could be helpful for the discussion if you posted a link to NPD updated numbers.

This site should just take that stupid counter off the front page entirely. Just stick with the weekly and monthly numbers. This thread should prove it is more trouble than its worth.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

THe counter in the main page is cool but it is giving more problems than anything .If they keep it it must be kept froze until new data arrives .At least for the NA and Japan markets .

pantheon said: ...HW Sales (month and LTD) Xbox 360 1.1 mm 4.5 mm Wii 604.2 K 1.1 mm PS3 490.7 K 687.3 K The 360/Wii/PS3 NA numbers on the front page at that time were: 5.14/1.43/0.91. If we used current front page numbers, the PS3 has increased more, but we are halfway in Jan, so we shouldn't go there. Well? This is what I am talking about: +30% for Wii (1.43/1.1), +32% for PS3 (0.91/0.69), +15% for 360 (5.14/4.5). And I am asking why that is, and I expected something more logical than people pulling numbers out of their ass.
I ask myself the same thing.

I did the calculation for you if you read my post. The PS3 would have had to sell 116k in a week, while the 360 ZERO at the same time for your argument to be valid. For the Wii I could believe such a massive sale (but weirdly its sales numbers are stuck on vgcharts, another point ot address), as there is so much demand for it, but the 360 is certainly not outselling the PS3 just due to availability. So you still don't give me something that makes sense. In fact it makes even less sense, as the whole point of the front page numbers is that it doesn't calculate shipped units, only sold ones. Yet the explanation you give is that there was a "massive shipment", that must have somehow miraculously sold immediately when there was no PS3 shortage in the first place. And again, my point is not that PS3 is overcalculated. NPD is usually underestimating, so adding something seems logical to me. But the 360 is underestimated, as I cannot believe 25% of the entire to date production is on shelves or on boats... I am also sceptical about the Wii. It has shipped over 4 million and there are ZERO in stores. Over half a million on the way to stores?