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pantheon said: ...HW Sales (month and LTD) Xbox 360 1.1 mm 4.5 mm Wii 604.2 K 1.1 mm PS3 490.7 K 687.3 K The 360/Wii/PS3 NA numbers on the front page at that time were: 5.14/1.43/0.91. If we used current front page numbers, the PS3 has increased more, but we are halfway in Jan, so we shouldn't go there. Well? This is what I am talking about: +30% for Wii (1.43/1.1), +32% for PS3 (0.91/0.69), +15% for 360 (5.14/4.5). And I am asking why that is, and I expected something more logical than people pulling numbers out of their ass.
I ask myself the same thing.