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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you like Animal Crossing?

I'm with the others that love this game, but have no idea as to why.  For whatever reason, it is fun to collect the random stuff, annoy your neighbors, and celebrate the various holidays.

I am sure a lot of you have seen this, but if you haven't, here is an Animal Crossing cartoon to bring a tear to your eye. 

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TopCat8 said:

I remember hearing all the hype about Animal Crossing when it came out for the Gamecube a few years ago. I decided that it was worth a shot, so I bought it. I didn't like the game at all because I couldn't really see the point: Running errands to get furniture??? Boring... I traded it in for Metroid Prime. Anyway, my brother got the game for Christmas (not this Christmas, a long time ago), and I started playing it again. Now I like it more, but I still don't understand why this game is so highly praised.

What are your opinions of Animal Crossing on the Gamecube? I haven't played the DS version, but you can discuss it here as well.

Do I like Animal Crossing?


I LOVE Animal Crossing.

Thanks to a trophy cameo in Super Smash Bros. Brawl (my first Gamecube game) I saw Totakeke, Mr. Resetti, & Tom Nook for this mysterious "upcoming release" or "new release" or whatever they called it.

Come to find out these characters were from a game called Animal Crossing & that became my 2nd GC purchase, one I have loved to death ever since. At one time about all I was playing was Animal Crossing on the Gamecube.

Recently I got a DS as a gift & my 2nd purchase there (after the obligatory New Super Mario Bros.) bought as December 29th, 2007 was Animal Crossing: Wild World. AT LAST! I have the DS Animal Crossing!!

The game was so fresh & so new to me when I saw it on GC.

If you're closed minded to new ideas Animal Crossing doesn't appeal to you. But if you like difference & variety it will. Nothing wrong with Metroid Prime (I own the epic trilogy myself) but you may wanna give Animal Crossing another try.

It was an early implementation of Nintendo's current strategy. Social accessible playing. Think of it like Seinfeld: a game about nothing. That's the freedom of it. You MAKE the game. You choose how you behave in this little community and how you will arrange it. Outside of the initial parts there is no real mission or objective. A cartoony version of another life.

And get a GBA (original or SP. Micro's not built for it) with a GBA-to-GC link cable so you can visit the island. Lots of people miss that. Adds so much to the game.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



So, when they make the inevitable Wii version (which will be awesome) who thinks it will have Gamecube graphics, since the 'Cube version had N64 graphics?

MrPickles said:
So, when they make the inevitable Wii version (which will be awesome) who thinks it will have Gamecube graphics, since the 'Cube version had N64 graphics

The Gamecube version was basically a port of the N64 version that was released in Japan. They did revamp the graphics a little though so it wasnt truly just N64 graphics.


But no, I think they will make it from scratch with Wii graphics. 


Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

Add me and send me a PM with your FC!


Dragonball Z pwns all.

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LOL I joke I joke, I know all about that stuff

However, It'll be sad to see the 'blockiness' go, as I felt it sort of symbolized how 'simple' the game's world was, and I appreciated that.

I love Animal Crossing DS!!!!

8.4 million Bells

Mansion (house completely paid off)

Triforce (yeah it is an item, want one?)

I got pretty much everything. But I don't play it everyday like I used too.

I love the GC Animal Crossing, but I'm the kind of person who still has stuffed animals. Cousteau was my favorite.


I never played the GC version, but I did buy the DS version. I loved it. I was hooked for months. I caught all of the fish, most of the insects, and dug up all of the fossils. I didn't procure a lot of paintings (I got burned by that traveling salesman too many times). I did get all of the golden tools, though ^_^

I stopped playing once I had upgraded my house to the max and found all my favorite items (furniture and clothing). I think I still would have kept playing, but one of my favorite feline residents (I think I had a crush on her, haha) moved, out of the blue, for no friggin' reason. A stupid bitch of a giraffe moved in to take her place. ;_; I hated that giraffe.

I look forward to the Wii version. But I don't expect a "true" MMO out of it. There is no way Nintendo will allow kids to talk to random players or visit random towns freely. It will probably be similar to WW's online options. But we can always hope.

My End of 2008 Hardware Predictions (console only):

Wii : 50 million

360: 28 million

PS3: 24 million

These predictions were made on January 3rd and won't be revised