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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Insomniac's new IP: Overstrike

I actually like looks like a lot of fun. Need to see gameplay

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No gameplay shown means a waste of E3 conference time

Couldn't be more impressed with the trailer, but I'll wait to see gameplay first. The last thing I want is for this to be more Ratchet & Clank then awesome.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

I hope it has a Timesplitters feel to it...

I can't say I'm impressed yet.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

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Wow... even a token black guy...

4 ≈ One

I was very underwhelmed, but it could of been worse, I'll definitely wait to see what the scores are on this game before I consider to buy it, because right now it looks distinctly average (the trailer had no gameplay either :/)

They should have stayed with sony. This is so dissapointing :( Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

kivi95 said:
They should have stayed with sony. This is so dissapointing :(

They still develop exclusives for Sony.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

I'm shocked, there's so much hate toward Insomniac. I really liked the trailer, it was a fresh feel to an oversaturated genre. I'm eagerly looking forward to the gameplay.

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