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Forums - Website Topics - Show your true face!!!!(continued..)PT II

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Wonktonodi said:

taken today

rutea7 said:

taken today

It seems I was right your eyes are great. I suspect you will be getting profile veiws through the roof. PEACE.

Around the Network

thank you ^_^

Me and the fiancee

Dr.Grass said:

Me and the fiancee


I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Wonktonodi said:

rutea7 said:

taken today

Is there a new girl on VGC!? IMPOSSIBLE!

You must be some weird guy pretending to be a girl...Portugul - pffffft *rolls eyes* yeah right..

EDIT: I don't mean that it could be a guy in the pic - you are attractive and most definitely female. Sorry about the duplicious statement!