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Forums - Sony Discussion - Convince me PS Home isn't the worst thing ever.

So I got bored the other night and re-downloaded PS Home.  Every time I have ever gone on there, it has struck me as godawful and worthless, but I know a lot of people use it and love it, so I am willing to concede that maybe I am just missing something.  So, give me tips for FREE things I can do that make PS Home worth having installed on my console.

For reference, I went and played 3 holes of a terrible mini-golf mini-game (Green Dragon I think), went to a Star Wars Cantina that was completely devoid of content outside of some Bith musicians, and went to a Magic the Gathering room that was full of what I assume are mini-games which, every time I tried to use, said they could not connect to the server.

So, convince me that PS Home doesn't suck as much as it seems to.

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Lol I could try but I would be lying it is the worst. Well probably not the "worst" of its type but still bored the hell out of me the 2 times i used it.

Is it on at present?

no men this thing really sucks :D to mee anyway, but I have a friend and he loves it, dunno he just likes to interact with other people there, I however...

It is not the worst thing ever. Saddam Hussein used to run a torture chamber which, judging from videos, looked marginally worse.

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 No one is forcing you to enter Home and there is no need to be convinced about anything. Its a place of social networking/gathering, just like IMVU (which i know its quite popular too).

I find it boring too, but I dont like social networks in general (including facebook)

Dude home is awesome. They have like these rooms based on games which is awesome. The infamous one has a bunch of infamous quotes and its like the empire city and has a fun mini game. The uncharted one is at a bar in like a tropical island. Its just fun to go around and talk to other people to. Plus, its free. So there.

Simple: Other people enjoy it, lots of people in fact. 

Another thing is that the worst thing ever is infact doesn't exist. In order to be the worst thing ever it has to be hated by everyone and every thing. Death is the closest, flies not far behind. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

it's free

apart from that I really like to play some chess with random people in home - it's pretty exciting imo, as the skill level of the users range from very poor to very good and you have to figure out how bold you can be against your current opponent

mchaza said:

Simple: Other people enjoy it, lots of people in fact.

Another thing is that the worst thing ever is infact doesn't exist. In order to be the worst thing ever it has to be hated by everyone and every thing. Death is the closest, flies not far behind.

...followed by Rebecca Black

OT: i think Home is alright, certainly killed some hours in there and always go looking for new stuff every now and then. i never bought anything, but i am always amazed how many people are actually online at any given time and how many are wearing premium outfits and stuff.



“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’