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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Red Dead Redemption


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dsister said:
Boutros said:

I don't understand why dsister, mirson and Doobie's votes are counted.

They break rule #2.

How did I break rule #2? I was using 7 as an average. this game just really really sucked a lot

I'm going to let you go this time but I better not catch you again.

trasharmdsister12 said:
yo_john117 said:

This is an absolutely ridiculously low score for a game like this (if anyone thinks I may have screwed up the math for this let me know and i'll recount)

Vgchartz score -- 7.89

GamrReview score -- 9.1

Highest score was 10, lowest was 2


I will have the next ranking thread up tomorrow night after I get home from work.

I got 8.196154 as the average.

Yeah that sounds closer. Thanks for recounting for me...I was in a hurry last night and figured I might have made a mistake.

You interested in becoming co-score counter? :D

Vgchartz score -- 8.20

GamrReview score -- 9.1

Highest score was 10, lowest was 2


There this is the legit score--I'll have the Demons Souls one up in a bit.

dsister said:
Boutros said:

I don't understand why dsister, mirson and Doobie's votes are counted.

They break rule #2.

How did I break rule #2? I was using 7 as an average. this game just really really sucked a lot

You seem mad since most people loved the game on here more than GTAIV. Just saying. Whatever though people have weird ideas about things all the time even me.

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Sorry but some of these low scores are just way off.

When giving a low score:

Some people didn't say why

Some people based it on options that can be changed, or complained about options that weren't there, but actually were = didn't play the game long enough.

Some people didn't even add a graphics opinion.

Some people repeated there dislike twice, just reworded it.

It hilarious to read people complain about how you control a horse, like it's suppose to be tweaked and handle like a Lamborghini.  Or how little money you get, because obviously back in the day were people usually traded raccoon pelt in exchange for supplies would have $100's in their pocket next to their credit cards.  Herbs - Plant gathering were used for medicine, Pelt - Skinning were used for clothing, bedding, furniture, to complain about those things as a bother to do, should not have picked up a 'Western Game'... seriously.

I wonder if the score would change for some if Square Enix made it?

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

I can't take these threads seriously anymore. Not liking a game or not finding a game enjoyable doesn't necessitate giving the game a low score. Really, I only played the game for approx 7 hours or so and never went back to it since, yet even I find scores of 3 or 4 out of 10 for this game puzzling and even deplorable.


can i still rate? if so i give it a 8.8

chocoloco said:

You seem mad since most people loved the game on here more than GTAIV. Just saying. Whatever though people have weird ideas about things all the time even me.

I didn't care for GTA IV much either. I just liked it more than RDR. Nothing compares to the epicness of SR 2, Crackdown, or inFamous!

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

The final score should be lower.