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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kotaku: Microsoft And Sony Targeting 2014 For New Consoles

axt113 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Oh you mean like how Sony did it the previous 2 generations?   See I bring up irrelevant points also

actually you prove my point, no need to have a more powerful system, as the weaker one wins

Which is exactly why MS and Sony can ignore that Nintendo is releasing a console this early, which is the point of the thread.  Since there is no threat that the 3rd party support they are getting will go anywhere.  Nintendo will have to rely on their first party which hasnt always worked out for them.  

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Play4Fun said:
Vetteman94 said:

Actually for a business as large as Sony or MS,  it doesnt matter as much since they have other ways of making money.  And its not like they got beat as bad as the last 2 Nintendo consoles did

Nintendo made profits on GC, Sony lost all profits made with PS1 and PS2 because of PS3. That's billions of dollars I believe. I'm sure they care.

Anyways, Nintendo isn't going to just release an upgraded console and call it a day, they'll do much more than that, so I'll wait and see how this plays out.

Oh they cared but it wasnt their entire business model like it is with Nintendo,  if Nintendo fails in the gaming industry, Nintendo will struggle to exist.  Not true for the other 2 companies. 

Vetteman94 said:
axt113 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Oh you mean like how Sony did it the previous 2 generations?   See I bring up irrelevant points also

actually you prove my point, no need to have a more powerful system, as the weaker one wins

Which is exactly why MS and Sony can ignore that Nintendo is releasing a console this early, which is the point of the thread.  Since there is no threat that the 3rd party support they are getting will go anywhere.  Nintendo will have to rely on their first party which hasnt always worked out for them.  

Some rumours say it's slightly more powerful, others say it is significantly more powerful.

At this point, no one reallly knows, so why are you talking as if you do? You've got inside information?

Vetteman94 said:
Play4Fun said:
Vetteman94 said:

Actually for a business as large as Sony or MS,  it doesnt matter as much since they have other ways of making money.  And its not like they got beat as bad as the last 2 Nintendo consoles did

Nintendo made profits on GC, Sony lost all profits made with PS1 and PS2 because of PS3. That's billions of dollars I believe. I'm sure they care.

Anyways, Nintendo isn't going to just release an upgraded console and call it a day, they'll do much more than that, so I'll wait and see how this plays out.

Oh they cared but it wasnt their entire business model like it is with Nintendo,  if Nintendo fails in the gaming industry, Nintendo will struggle to exist.  Not true for the other 2 companies. 

It doesn't matter. No business is happy about losing millions, much less billions. I doubt their shareholders are happy about it.

Nintendo have made so much profits that they are in a position where they can soak up one or two system flops like GC and still have money to go on since even with a GC-like flop they will be making profits (as they did with GC).

Vetteman94 said:
axt113 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Actually for a business as large as Sony or MS,  it doesnt matter as much since they have other ways of making money.  And its not like they got beat as bad as the last 2 Nintendo consoles did

Actually they got beat worse, N64 and GCN were profitable for Nintendo, including R&D costs, Sony and MS are no where near as profitable

So you jump from sales to profits to prove a point when it doesnt favor you in one way.   

No I already pointed out we are alking about a business, if you go into a business and tell them that all that matters is sales and not profits, they'll probably tell you to leave.  Saying that they beat Nitnendo worse, while ignoring that Nintendo trounced them in profits is ignoring a big aspect of the buisiness, sure they sold more this gen than Nintendo did last gen and the one before, but they did it while losing more money, not a good idea for long term success if you are business.

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Vetteman94 said:
axt113 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Oh you mean like how Sony did it the previous 2 generations?   See I bring up irrelevant points also

actually you prove my point, no need to have a more powerful system, as the weaker one wins

Which is exactly why MS and Sony can ignore that Nintendo is releasing a console this early, which is the point of the thread.  Since there is no threat that the 3rd party support they are getting will go anywhere.  Nintendo will have to rely on their first party which hasnt always worked out for them.  

Except as we saw with the Wii that argument is false, as they can dominate on the strength of their first party alone, the highest selling games around, and without needing a lot of power, and as we know, Nintendo tends to be revolutionary and even disruptive with its systems, things  that MS and Sony can't match

Play4Fun said:
Vetteman94 said:
Play4Fun said:
Vetteman94 said:

Actually for a business as large as Sony or MS,  it doesnt matter as much since they have other ways of making money.  And its not like they got beat as bad as the last 2 Nintendo consoles did

Nintendo made profits on GC, Sony lost all profits made with PS1 and PS2 because of PS3. That's billions of dollars I believe. I'm sure they care.

Anyways, Nintendo isn't going to just release an upgraded console and call it a day, they'll do much more than that, so I'll wait and see how this plays out.

Oh they cared but it wasnt their entire business model like it is with Nintendo,  if Nintendo fails in the gaming industry, Nintendo will struggle to exist.  Not true for the other 2 companies. 

It doesn't matter. No business is happy about losing millions, much less billions. I doubt their shareholders are happy about it.

Nintendo have made so much profits that they are in a position where they can soak up one or two system flops like GC and still have money to go on since even with a GC-like flop they will be making profits (as they did with GC).

true and if shareholders aren't happy, eventually a company will close down a failing segment

I dont  care when it comes out I wont buy a next gen console until its under $300 & in the year 2020

Vetteman94 said:
nightsurge said:

I still say late 2012 like Nintendo, or late 2013 at the absolute longest and most likely. They aren't going to give Nintendo 2 full years without any competition.

Maybe they dont believe this new Nintendo console is actually the start of the next Gen.  If the rumors are true that its on par/slightly better than the 360 and PS3 than I would agree with that as well.  They may feel that the PS3 and 360 is enough competition for the new Nintendo console.  

This is what I believe as well, Sony and MS will be the only 2 in the "next gen," becasue I don't see Nintendo pulling out a console that is that much more powerfl than the PS3, when the PS3 itself is still $300.

Teo said:
Vetteman94 said:
nightsurge said:

I still say late 2012 like Nintendo, or late 2013 at the absolute longest and most likely. They aren't going to give Nintendo 2 full years without any competition.

Maybe they dont believe this new Nintendo console is actually the start of the next Gen.  If the rumors are true that its on par/slightly better than the 360 and PS3 than I would agree with that as well.  They may feel that the PS3 and 360 is enough competition for the new Nintendo console.  

This is what I believe as well, Sony and MS will be the only 2 in the "next gen," becasue I don't see Nintendo pulling out a console that is that much more powerfl than the PS3, when the PS3 itself is still $300.

The blue-ray player jumps the costs up in a PS3 considerably compared to 360.  Nintendo doesn't necessarily have to use a blue-ray drive.  At this point in time, Nintendo could easily double to triple the specs on a PS3 without paying much more in hardware costs.   Nintendo actually can't release a console that is only the power of a PS3 or they might actually get mistaken for a current generation console-- Nintendo has to give core gamers that own both a PS3 and a wii a reason to invest in the next Nintendo console. 


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