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Vetteman94 said:
axt113 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Actually for a business as large as Sony or MS,  it doesnt matter as much since they have other ways of making money.  And its not like they got beat as bad as the last 2 Nintendo consoles did

Actually they got beat worse, N64 and GCN were profitable for Nintendo, including R&D costs, Sony and MS are no where near as profitable

So you jump from sales to profits to prove a point when it doesnt favor you in one way.   

No I already pointed out we are alking about a business, if you go into a business and tell them that all that matters is sales and not profits, they'll probably tell you to leave.  Saying that they beat Nitnendo worse, while ignoring that Nintendo trounced them in profits is ignoring a big aspect of the buisiness, sure they sold more this gen than Nintendo did last gen and the one before, but they did it while losing more money, not a good idea for long term success if you are business.