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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So PS3 and 360 fans, how do you feel about the new Nintendo HD rumors?


So PS3 and 360 fans, how do you feel about the new Nintendo HD rumors?

So excited! Always liked ... 36 12.46%
Already was a Wii fan, HD... 52 17.99%
Wait and see, wasn't a f... 28 9.69%
Not excited,Nintendo just... 57 19.72%
Its coming too early, not... 45 15.57%
See poll results. 70 24.22%

All I need is smash Bros with compotent online. Everything else is just bonus!

I Can't wait!!

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BenVTrigger said:
zgamer5 said:

why are you excited? by the looks of it next gen is going to be the same situation tech wise. wii 2 behind by a gen. and the xbox and ps will be equal or atleast very comparable. now unless the wii2 gets lots of 3rd party support i see no reason for an hd twin fan to want to get one.

first of all the wii2 isnt a way of taking the hd twins fans. mainly because ninty is going to have to support the casual and that means that a portion of its devs will be focused on them. other then that as a hd twin fan i dont like mario, platformers, donkey kong, starfox..... thats why i dont own a wii.

the only 3 big ninty franchises i can see pleasing core gamers, are zelda, smash brawl, and metroid. 

when it comes to zelda im interested in it, but i want to play it with a normal controller, and i want it to have blood, lots of blood,(and thats not going to happen since ninty want to make zelda a bigger franchise).

when it comes to smash brawl, theyr going also to have to make the graphics and the game more mature, as well as adding other characters which hd twins fans like, and thats not going to happen.

metroid is going to need a good multiplayer, and thats not going to happen.

ninty fans are going to love wii2, but as a sony fan, until know i see nothing in the wii2 that i want for my next gen console.

I'm excited for the exact reasons you listed, HD Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, and probably Monster Hunter.  See I think Wii2 is going to be launching a full 2-3 years before the next console from Sony or MS so I'm way down with haveing 3 pretty powerful HD machines playing all the best games from each 1st party at once.

Granted once Xbox 720 and PS4 come out the Wii2 may be considerably less powerful but for at least 2 years or so its gonna be stacked with awesomeness.

so your already a wii fan!

so you cant be considered as a fan of the hd twins.

id only buy a ninty console for a mature zelda game, with blood, sex, and oblivion like content. and thats never going to happen.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

Jay520 said:

All I need is smash Bros with compotent online. Everything else is just bonus!

I Can't wait!!

I know!  Can you imagine a HD graphics powered Smash Bros, with a massive roster and amazing ranked online matchmaking support?  All I need is that and an awesome beautiful new Zelda and I'm sold.

zgamer5 said:
BenVTrigger said:
zgamer5 said:

why are you excited? by the looks of it next gen is going to be the same situation tech wise. wii 2 behind by a gen. and the xbox and ps will be equal or atleast very comparable. now unless the wii2 gets lots of 3rd party support i see no reason for an hd twin fan to want to get one.

first of all the wii2 isnt a way of taking the hd twins fans. mainly because ninty is going to have to support the casual and that means that a portion of its devs will be focused on them. other then that as a hd twin fan i dont like mario, platformers, donkey kong, starfox..... thats why i dont own a wii.

the only 3 big ninty franchises i can see pleasing core gamers, are zelda, smash brawl, and metroid. 

when it comes to zelda im interested in it, but i want to play it with a normal controller, and i want it to have blood, lots of blood,(and thats not going to happen since ninty want to make zelda a bigger franchise).

when it comes to smash brawl, theyr going also to have to make the graphics and the game more mature, as well as adding other characters which hd twins fans like, and thats not going to happen.

metroid is going to need a good multiplayer, and thats not going to happen.

ninty fans are going to love wii2, but as a sony fan, until know i see nothing in the wii2 that i want for my next gen console.

I'm excited for the exact reasons you listed, HD Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, and probably Monster Hunter.  See I think Wii2 is going to be launching a full 2-3 years before the next console from Sony or MS so I'm way down with haveing 3 pretty powerful HD machines playing all the best games from each 1st party at once.

Granted once Xbox 720 and PS4 come out the Wii2 may be considerably less powerful but for at least 2 years or so its gonna be stacked with awesomeness.

so your already a wii fan!

so you cant be considered as a fan of the hd twins.

id only buy a ninty console for a mature zelda game, with blood, sex, and oblivion like content. and thats never going to happen.

No not a Wii fan, a Nintendo fan, as well as Sony and MS.  I don't really have beef with any of them.  I mean I have more than 50k gamerscore and almost level 8 on PSN so I obviously enjoy my other systems.  In fact I'm a far bigger Sony and MS fan than Nintendo but I like them all, I just like games lol

BenVTrigger said:
zgamer5 said:
BenVTrigger said:
zgamer5 said:

why are you excited? by the looks of it next gen is going to be the same situation tech wise. wii 2 behind by a gen. and the xbox and ps will be equal or atleast very comparable. now unless the wii2 gets lots of 3rd party support i see no reason for an hd twin fan to want to get one.

first of all the wii2 isnt a way of taking the hd twins fans. mainly because ninty is going to have to support the casual and that means that a portion of its devs will be focused on them. other then that as a hd twin fan i dont like mario, platformers, donkey kong, starfox..... thats why i dont own a wii.

the only 3 big ninty franchises i can see pleasing core gamers, are zelda, smash brawl, and metroid. 

when it comes to zelda im interested in it, but i want to play it with a normal controller, and i want it to have blood, lots of blood,(and thats not going to happen since ninty want to make zelda a bigger franchise).

when it comes to smash brawl, theyr going also to have to make the graphics and the game more mature, as well as adding other characters which hd twins fans like, and thats not going to happen.

metroid is going to need a good multiplayer, and thats not going to happen.

ninty fans are going to love wii2, but as a sony fan, until know i see nothing in the wii2 that i want for my next gen console.

I'm excited for the exact reasons you listed, HD Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, and probably Monster Hunter.  See I think Wii2 is going to be launching a full 2-3 years before the next console from Sony or MS so I'm way down with haveing 3 pretty powerful HD machines playing all the best games from each 1st party at once.

Granted once Xbox 720 and PS4 come out the Wii2 may be considerably less powerful but for at least 2 years or so its gonna be stacked with awesomeness.

so your already a wii fan!

so you cant be considered as a fan of the hd twins.

id only buy a ninty console for a mature zelda game, with blood, sex, and oblivion like content. and thats never going to happen.

No not a Wii fan, a Nintendo fan, as well as Sony and MS.  I don't really have beef with any of them.  I mean I have more than 50k gamerscore and almost level 8 on PSN so I obviously enjoy my other systems.  In fact I'm a far bigger Sony and MS fan than Nintendo but I like them all, I just like games lol

And that's what it's all about.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Around the Network

It's too early for a next gen. Wii needs it, but as a ps360 owner, I don't want a next gen yet. Developers, on average, haven't mastered making games for our gen like they have for previous gens in their relative time frame, (we're what, 5, 6 years in?), and a next generation of consoles just doesn't make sense. To be honest, I see nintendo as developing nothing but children's titles, so praise be to them to continue their ways of manipulating children to use their parents to invest into their company. 360/ps3 titles have a long way to go in terms of producing titles that can sell 100 million consoles (for both companies); only first party games utilize the console perfectly, and until the average dev company can produce titles as beautifully as uncharted 3/gears 3/killzone 3, why bother pushing on? (irrelevent: For those who want the push, there's always PC. )

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.


Yeah, I hope Nintendo don't fuck up

PureDante said:

It's too early for a next gen. Wii needs it, but as a ps360 owner, I don't want a next gen yet. Developers, on average, haven't mastered making games for our gen like they have for previous gens in their relative time frame, (we're what, 5, 6 years in?), and a next generation of consoles just doesn't make sense. To be honest, I see nintendo as developing nothing but children's titles, so praise be to them to continue their ways of manipulating children to use their parents to invest into their company. 360/ps3 titles have a long way to go in terms of producing titles that can sell 100 million consoles (for both companies); only first party games utilize the console perfectly, and until the average dev company can produce titles as beautifully as uncharted 3/gears 3/killzone 3, why bother pushing on? (irrelevent: For those who want the push, there's always PC. )

Can't say I disagree with any of that and your 100% right the HD twins still have plenty of life in them.  I just don't think the Wii2 is going to force the Xbox 720 or PS4's release date up faster so basically its a win for everyone.  Nintendo finally gets to be on an even playing field for a while in terms of hardware, and MS and Sony can continue to grow their consoles and compete with Ninty. 

Basically if your a gamer with some money who can afford it all its pretty sweet all around!

don't really see why nintendo needs hd to be honest.  Almost all their properties are cartoonie, and not the kind that need to graphic intensive.  

The only reason I can see nintendo going for this is to capture some 3rd party support... but all the rumores make this thing sound pretty gimicky.  Kinda like the 3ds.  I'll reserve final judgement until all is revealed, but right now I'm leaning towards the not interested collumn.

I'm pretty excited to see what the Wii2 will be like, but I'm a Playstation fan and I'm just waiting to see how Sony reacts, my Wii gets used most by my girlfriend even though I bought it for my sister, and I don't play the system that much, even  though I have a few games for it, I simply prefer the PS3 and 360 and I don't see why I really need a Wii2 for myself when there are so many great games coming out this year and next year (well not that many announced for next year, but I'm sure some Sony games will get delayed, there are too many out this year already!)