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Forums - Sony Discussion - SONY: PS3 over 50m units sold and 8m MOVE units sold.

psrock said:
late_release said:
psrock said:

I'm very happy to Move being a huge susscess. Hopefully Sony support it properly. As for PS3, expected numbers. 

Hmm what you mean? As far as I see the Move TANKED in comparison with its rivals :/

It's couple million behind the fastest selling product ever, that's a success to me. 

This is where the 8 mill vs 10 mill (plus) figures are deceptive.

When the Move userbase isn't actually anywhere near 10 mill, or 8 mill, and in a longer time frame .. it's not so HUGE.

Move has done well, but an estimated 4/5 mill userbase in 6 months plus including a holiday period ... isn't HUGE.

It's doing very well though and will chug along nicely.


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Seece said:
psrock said:
late_release said:
psrock said:

I'm very happy to Move being a huge susscess. Hopefully Sony support it properly. As for PS3, expected numbers. 

Hmm what you mean? As far as I see the Move TANKED in comparison with its rivals :/

It's couple million behind the fastest selling product ever, that's a success to me. 

This is where the 8 mill vs 10 mill (plus) figures are deceptive.

When the Move userbase isn't actually anywhere near 10 mill, or 8 mill, and in a longer time frame .. it's not so HUGE.

Move has done well, but an estimated 4/5 mill userbase in 6 months plus including a holiday period ... isn't HUGE.

It's doing very well though and will chug along nicely.

Selling 8 million of any products in 6 months no matter the userbase is huge to me. Sellling is selling. And I really don't care much for userbase since it''s nearly impossible to know, I only have one move, obviously I know people with more than one 360, it means nothing. Sony sold 8 million move, HUGE.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
late_release said:
psrock said:

I'm very happy to Move being a huge susscess. Hopefully Sony support it properly. As for PS3, expected numbers. 

Hmm what you mean? As far as I see the Move TANKED in comparison with its rivals :/

It's couple million behind the fastest selling product ever, that's a success to me. 

This is where the 8 mill vs 10 mill (plus) figures are deceptive.

When the Move userbase isn't actually anywhere near 10 mill, or 8 mill, and in a longer time frame .. it's not so HUGE.

Move has done well, but an estimated 4/5 mill userbase in 6 months plus including a holiday period ... isn't HUGE.

It's doing very well though and will chug along nicely.

Selling 8 million of any products in 6 months no matter the userbase is huge to me. Sellling is selling. 

Then you need to get a perspective on things.


Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
late_release said:
psrock said:

I'm very happy to Move being a huge susscess. Hopefully Sony support it properly. As for PS3, expected numbers. 

Hmm what you mean? As far as I see the Move TANKED in comparison with its rivals :/

It's couple million behind the fastest selling product ever, that's a success to me. 

This is where the 8 mill vs 10 mill (plus) figures are deceptive.

When the Move userbase isn't actually anywhere near 10 mill, or 8 mill, and in a longer time frame .. it's not so HUGE.

Move has done well, but an estimated 4/5 mill userbase in 6 months plus including a holiday period ... isn't HUGE.

It's doing very well though and will chug along nicely.

Selling 8 million of any products in 6 months no matter the userbase is huge to me. Sellling is selling. 

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.


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Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.

When it comes to these products knowing userbase is not possible, your 4/5 million sold mostly  through guessing if one person bought 2 move. Do we know how many people have more than one move? no. So I am going to put things into perspective based on nothing but guess work. 

So, I am going soly on what I know for sure, the amount sold. And to me, it's a huge success. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
kitler53 said:
hudsoniscool said:

i know this is a ps3 thread but with ps3 at 50 million(great milestone) 360 is probably at a liitle over 53 million right now. does anyone know if ps3 has gained on the 360 since last official numbers. damn its taken 5 years for ps3 to gain 3 million by that it could take another 5 until they are even.

  i think the averge move owner has about 2 moves so that would put the unique users at about 4 million, which i think is decent.

you're forgetting the average ps3 owner has no friends and plays with himself.

8 million shipped means 8 million unique users!

Not true. PSN may not be as "In" as XBox Live, but it definitely does offer a competitive free service. In truth, when you have exclusives with genre defining characters, who needs to talk to friends for multiplats? I barely talk to my friends on the PS3's because I'm busy playing exclusives. I play on my 360 with nothing but multiplats and my friends are always on it doing the same. Rarely do I ever see a friend playing an exclusive title.

late_release said:
psrock said:

I'm very happy to Move being a huge susscess. Hopefully Sony support it properly. As for PS3, expected numbers. 

Hmm what you mean? As far as I see the Move TANKED in comparison with its rivals :/

Kinect isn't impressing me. Show me its actually attach rate with the 360. If the Kinect was really selling the 360 as a potent console to its competitors the PS3 wouldn't be gaining. Both the move and the Kinect are great compliments to their consoles. Everything I see on tv regarding the kinect being a phenomenon is really add-on sales, rather than stand-alone.

Congratulations Sony ! Let's see them double this number !!!

Oh and did Sony reach their fiscal target (15m) or is that yet to be determined ?

Who's the best Pac, Nas, and Big. Just leave it to that.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Slaughterhouse Is The Sh*t  .... NOW ........ B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Notorius.A.i.G said:

Congratulations Sony ! Let's see them double this number !!!

Oh and did Sony reach their fiscal target (15m) or is that yet to be determined ?

To be determined.