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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii is for kids!

new Biohazard Umbrella Chronicle movie (volume 2)
Manhunt 2 Trailer

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Xbox360 is not a FPS console it has Viva Pinata.

Yojimbo said:
Xbox360 is not a FPS console it has Viva Pinata.

...and Blue Dragon, two great titles.

Let's see how this is received by people picking the wii. It will probably give us an idea of the type of gamer is buying it apart from the "non-games" fans.

I hope it won't bomb like RE:DS... Someone used it as an argument about mature content on DS too.... Finally devs tried to squeeze this poor hardware a bit and provide pretty cool graphics.

 BTW what is the solid number for RE4 as for Japan in the eyes of N-fanboys/girls ?

Wii is not for kids. Its fun for all ages, and in order to be fun for all ages it must have games for all ages. Consoles not really have an age target, what decides the age target for a console is the games that come out for it. If most of the games for one console are for one age group then people say that the console is for that age group.

The people who make games like manhunt will say that they are targeting over 18s but a good number of people playing the games are still around 12-16. And the people who make the games know this and make the game accordingly.

I live in the UK and lets take GTA ( or 2 or 3 or what ever version) for an example. In the UK it is ILLEGAL to sell GTA to anyone under 18. But most of the people that buy it are buying it for their kids (the parents) or their friends. People may point at a game like GTA and say that its not made for kids but it IS made for kids. 

The wii has ended up being a games console for ALL ages. I have seen youtube videos of 2 year olds playing the wii and having fun, and I have read about how the wii has become very popular in retirement home.

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Hey, I was playing Doom all day when I was like... 7.

Doom is for kids! 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

hey guys, that was just a funny title for introducing the trailers. no pun intended, ok?
have you seen umbrella chronicles? sure looks very good.

i was quite amused when i clicked on the links.

i expected another wii bash but r2007 made me smiling

r2007 said:

hey guys, that was just a funny title for introducing the trailers. no pun intended, ok?
have you seen umbrella chronicles? sure looks very good.

Oh, well if that's what you want the subject to be... :P

I was thinking it looks ALOT better than RE4 in some places... and then others, it looked about the same. You couldnt tell unless it was on a TV tho. However the faces seem... more real. But the combat, seems to have some added... chunky bits... gore. Other than that, same ol' same ol. (and pointer aim)

EDIT1: I feel that the pointer removes the difficulty from the game tho. RE4 would be a walk in the park with a pointer. If you could always hit them in the head with every shot... It would be easy... (I normally hit things in the head anyways in RE4) 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

I'm looking forward to Umbrella Chronicles.  I've talked to a lot of my friends, and it seems like half of them are excited for it and the other half says it sounds lame.  They don't like the idea of it being on-rails...although I have a feeling if they played it, some of them might change their mind.  We'll see.  I love that new trailer too.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )