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r2007 said:

hey guys, that was just a funny title for introducing the trailers. no pun intended, ok?
have you seen umbrella chronicles? sure looks very good.

Oh, well if that's what you want the subject to be... :P

I was thinking it looks ALOT better than RE4 in some places... and then others, it looked about the same. You couldnt tell unless it was on a TV tho. However the faces seem... more real. But the combat, seems to have some added... chunky bits... gore. Other than that, same ol' same ol. (and pointer aim)

EDIT1: I feel that the pointer removes the difficulty from the game tho. RE4 would be a walk in the park with a pointer. If you could always hit them in the head with every shot... It would be easy... (I normally hit things in the head anyways in RE4) 

PSN ID: Kwaad

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