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AussieGecko said:

i never understood why Rockstar owed sony... either way. E3 looks to be amazing for the two HD consoles at least imo :D

- sony pumped over 20 millions in la noire, they "gave" to take 2/ rockstar in exchange for new ip being Agent. Gears have bigger chance going to ps than Agent going multiplat. Im 100% for first game in possible series, maybe more depending on deal.

- rockastar became what is today( top 3 devs in world quality and popularity wise) thx to ps brand.

Sure gtas were on other systems but biggest sales and recognition ey received on playstation.


OT, i hate these predictions, i always feels let down after  e3. I just hope sony ll leave most stuff about ngp for gamescom.

- uncharted, resistance demos

- TLG live demo, release march 2012

- warhawk 2 announcement, if ey dont do it weeks before e3

- agent trailer, holiday 2012

- ffvs 13 stays on ps3

- twisted metal release date, start of 2012

- new quantic dream exclusive

- new mgs exclusive

- kingdom hearts, monster hunter for ps3

- deals for third party, Akham city, rage, skyrim(this can be on ms ), bf3 dlc( good relations wiht ea)


But lets be honest here, most of these things wont happen, its just too good to be true.

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LoD 2.


That is all.

Lots of NGP stuff. That's all I can say with certainty.

Probably more Move exclusives and HD collections, and hopefully a release date for TLG and Twisted Metal, a Sly 4 trailer and at least a teaser for Kingdom Hearts 3.

I honestly think that an old Playstation Brand platformer such as Crash Bandicoot or Croc will be remade and may even be Move compatible in some way.

I'm not expecting a whole lot for PS3. E3 '10 was disappointing with only Twisted Metal debuting. NGP will dominate and Starhawk with either Syphon Filter 5 or Sly 4 will be shown.


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want uncharted 3 and the last guardian to release in 2011, and both to have amazing gameplay demonstrations at e3

extensive coverage of NGP, I want to see game(s) that will make me want to buy the NGP on day one...

1 - 2 big surprise announcements...Agent still being exclusive with a reveal trailer would count as a surprise for me as I think it is vapour ware or gone multiplatform. Also, a reveal trailer from Santa Monica wouldn't be out of the question either since gow3 released March 2010. Both would be huge but unrealistic..perhaps settle for warhawk 2 showing or something similar...or new exclusive from QD would be cool too (if it is ready to be shown that is...)

Lastly, I want to see sorcery fufilling its potential (if it hasn't released by e3 that is) but don't really care much about other move games. 

That's pretty much about it for me...

BUT I do want to see mass effect 3, skyrim, and arkham city rocking. However, I'll go on record and say that mass effect 3 will either be delayed...or will be a pretty underwhelming/scratchy conclusion to the trilogy (DA2 is proof that bioware games only shine with that extra bit of development time...time that ME3 sorely needs). early (May) 2012 release date would please me. 

NGP'll be the big attraction, since that's when they'll really info-dump for the thing and put together a more definitive lineup (much like how Nintendo had their conference back in January to do that for the 3DS, whereas E3 was more about unveiling the thing itself)

That alone should secure them the E3 victory this year. The only thing that tops a new handheld is a new console, so unless Nintendo (or, less likely still, Microsoft) drops a new console, Sony's got this year in the bag, which, by my reckoning, will be their first win since 07 (and 07 was barely a win for them, all of the big three were weak that year, Sony was just trying harder to please)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

this year will be the best E3 for PS3 fans. we are gonna get alot of amazing games =)

i just hope TM doesn't get delayed and FF Versus 13 stays PS3 exclusive.

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leatherhat said:

Yeah pretty easy to guess

I agree, hopefully they'll be a couple surprises (Move games mainly) and better than last year.

Nintendo's and Microsoft's conferences (the former's especially!) should be more interesting, and likely more exciting this year though. Maybe someone should start a thread about both of them...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

i will come back in 2 month later... still too early to wish stuff for this cause some might show up before E3 2011... xD