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Who the fuck cares?! 

inFAMOUS 2 will be out =p

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i hope Kojima will blow away the whole E3 in Sonys corner...MGS5 or MGS1 remake PLEASE!

im so excited about Agent new Uncharted 3 trailer gameplay!

i also hope for Twisted Metal holiday release!

and clarity about the release date or lets say release year for Last Guardian!

agent is either vapourware or will become multiplatform. Not that I really care, sony's 1st party line up is the best it's been this entire generation.


Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

TT Makaveli said:

i hope Kojima will blow away the whole E3 in Sonys corner...MGS5 or MGS1 remake PLEASE!

im so excited about Agent new Uncharted 3 trailer gameplay!

i also hope for Twisted Metal holiday release!

and clarity about the release date or lets say release year for Last Guardian!

MGS 1 remake with GOW3 graphics.

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the only way i'd be ok with a remake is if it's a mgs triology with mgs1 , mgs2 and mgs3. 


RE 6 exclusive and GOW 4.

What if Versus 13 isn't at anybody's confrence lol. I hope MS annouces some new RPG's exclusive from them. I miss playing them (main reason i bought a PS3). 

Gears going on PS would be as big as Final Fantasy 13 going to xbox. But i don't see it happening. 

funny reading all these comments and counting the number of people excited about new agent info, you know considering what we learned just recently