When reading the charts and making predictions do you see yourself as an Optimist, a Pessimist, or a Realist?
AND what do you think OTHERS may view you as?
I actually see myself as a Realist but realize that others see me as a dyed-in-the-wool Optimist. (possibly Delusional Optimist Hahaha)
Why do you think your worldview of the gaming market formed the way it did?
My view came from experience growing up with gaming observing and absorbing the happenings of the industry while having moments of Pessimism (yes I've doubted Nintendo before and was proven wrong hard which is why I follow their aims more tightly now).
Let's discuss how we formed our views of the industry and how we make these high-falutin' sales projections.
John Lucas
Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot