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Gears of War 2/3 and Alan Wake. Halo Wars on PC done properly (shortcuts, more detailed tech tree) would also be good.

Lost Odyssey as well possibly.

Really wish my 360 wasn't Chinese, lol.

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The only game I've had fun is Splinter Cell Conviction in co-op mode. I was addicted to it and I was playing with my brother during my exam period last year :P

I know its also on pc but I don't know if it has local co-op

Fable, I've always wanted to play those games.

Gears of War.

fable and alan wake

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).


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Hephaestos said:

Definitely gears in local Coop.

though yeah some arcade games are pretty good too and not appearing on PC (Shadow Complex, explosion man...)

Ya, know I myself would like to try out Shadow Complex and Explosion man

Left 4 Dead series

Left 4 Dead Series 

Gears of War Series

Alan Wake






Infinite Undiscovery.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?