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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario & Sonic Impressions

Schwarz said:
@Branko2166 - It depends on whether you own an LCD or a Plasma TV.On my 42inch PANASONIC 1080P PLASMA it looks way better than you could ever imagine.

 Ok I'll take your word for it. However upscaling will never look as good as native hi def resolutions IMHO.

ps Why would you invest so much money into a hi def tv only to be viewing standard or upscaled media on it??

It would be like geting a supercar and fiting it with a 4 cylinder engine




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Branko2166 said:


Wii + 50" Hi def tv=WTF

Jaggies FTW

On a serious note you seem to have contradicted yourself. You said it was perfect graphially and I quote

"GRAPHICS: Graphically (and in terms of overall presentation), I would say the title is perfect. The only noticable flaw are the crowds - they are a little "stiff", and could really have done with the same crowd system that Mario Chargers uses (for instance). The characters all look great, the stadium/events are rendered really well, and in general it just looks great. Probably the only possible improvement would have been HD - as there are some jaggies present (on my TV anyway - but thats what you get at 50'')."

So after you mentioned it was perfect you then mentioned it has jaggies and would look better in hi def. I have a feeling that when more people start playing the wii on hi def tvs they will start to see what people like myself have been talking about all this time. The wii is all good and well on a standard def tv but was simply not designed for a hi def gaming experience.


Its very simple. Jaggies are a result of the hardware - every game has them (even hi-def ones). But some games are better are reducing them than some others.

M&S doesn't have a LOT of jaggies - but because the game (in general) is very crisp and well rendered, the few that appear are noticeable.


And your conclusion with the Wii on hidef TVs is completely flawed.

I bought the TV primarily for the Wii. Of all games I have, about 90% of them look significantly better on the TV - and a couple (in selected spots) look worse - for instance bowling in WiiSports has a lot of jaggies.

Its a no brainer - the Wii looks better on my TV, so its a win-win situation.

(and one day I may end up with an upsampling box between the Wii and the TV - making games look even better, and jaggies less prominent. Again - a win/win situation).


I have seen the Wii on some large LCD displays - and it looks pretty bad (bordering on terrible). I definitely recommend Plasmas for the Wii - all the way. 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

I preordered the game and get it end of November.
Besides MP8 it’s a must have for multi player / party gaming. Last friend I invited to play M&S, bought a wii 2 days ago
Graphics are good, no problem on my 2m 16:9 screen / Sanyo PLV Z 5.

Game_boy said:
I would say it is very fun, graphically suited for the situation, clearly designed for the Wii and has Mario and Sonic IP used to great effect while not interfering with the game itself. However, I don't think it is worth full price, in the same way that Link's Crossbow Training, Wii Sports and Wii Play aren't.

It is only worth buying if you already have Zelda TP, SMG and MP3:C and still have money left over.

If you are a hardcore gamer - I agree completely.

But if I was recommending one title for a "party house" - I couldn't recommend any of the above (definitely not Zelda or MP3:C). Possibly Galaxy, but M&S would definitely be in front of it as a recommendation. The 'average person' would have a lot more fun with M&S.

(i.e. my brother would never play Galaxy - but I think he would love M&S...).

Its a great companion to WiiSports. 


I agree on the money issue - but its more of a general concern. Back on the GC, I typically payed $100 (sometimes even $110, and maybe once $120) AU for a game.

Now, I'll never pay $100 for a Wii game. Getting most for $80 at the most, and many for $70. I think I managed to pick up Metroid for $60 (what a steal...).... or maybe it was $70.

I'll happily pay $70 for M&S - but no way I will pay $100 (reserved for maybe ONLY Galaxy).

Most places have M&S for $80 at the moment - if I can find it for $70, its mine. I think I saw it for $75 at BigW... 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

hmm ok what difference do you see between a 1080p plasma and LCD. They are both displaying the same resolution with the technology behind them being the only difference. However they would both still be limited by their source which in this case is the wii.
So if the wii has Jaggies on a LCD tv then it should come up the same on a plasma tv seeing as the source is the same as well as the resolution.



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Quality for Life

It's so much better then Mario Party 8. MASATOLG (longest abbrevitation ever?) uses motion sensing so much more and better then MP8.

Predictions for December 31st 2008:
Wii 38,000,000
DS 84,500,000
PS3 17,000,000
PSP 41,000,000
X360 23,000,000

/adds to wanted list

Another similar title to watch is Winter Sports: The Ultimate Challenge
This is made by Conspiracy - who makes the worst shovelware crap to grace the Wii and yet reviews for this (all from general public so far) are surprisely good. (3-5 stars)

After reading about 10 reviews they say this:

Graphics are good, in fact, for Conspiracy and a $19.99 title, real good.

Wii Controls are spot on. This is agreed on by everyone which is real surprising after how spotty they are on other Conspircy games.

15 events which are all good to great and some smart controls (rythm for skating, broom sweeping for Curling), however not a lot of depth (only one track for downhill for example)

While not the best Wii game, nor as good as M&S for the price this game seems a great addition to any Wii library and may be a real hit for Conspiracy.

I expect Game Ranking will give this a 6 avg which for a fun budget game, isn't too shabby.

Anyone actually own this yet?


^ I do.But didn't play it until now.To busy(SMG).

Quality for Life