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Another similar title to watch is Winter Sports: The Ultimate Challenge
This is made by Conspiracy - who makes the worst shovelware crap to grace the Wii and yet reviews for this (all from general public so far) are surprisely good. (3-5 stars)

After reading about 10 reviews they say this:

Graphics are good, in fact, for Conspiracy and a $19.99 title, real good.

Wii Controls are spot on. This is agreed on by everyone which is real surprising after how spotty they are on other Conspircy games.

15 events which are all good to great and some smart controls (rythm for skating, broom sweeping for Curling), however not a lot of depth (only one track for downhill for example)

While not the best Wii game, nor as good as M&S for the price this game seems a great addition to any Wii library and may be a real hit for Conspiracy.

I expect Game Ranking will give this a 6 avg which for a fun budget game, isn't too shabby.

Anyone actually own this yet?