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Forums - General Discussion - The Marijuana Thread: Congrats to Oregon, Alaska, and D.C.


Should USA legalize Marijuana?

Yes 204 72.86%
No 76 27.14%
melbye said:
The worst mass-murderer in history was born on April 20th, so it seems marijuana has good company on this day

You can attach a negative event in history to almost any date. Don't forget about Columbine.

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ASStronaut said:
sethnintendo said:
Chairman-Mao said:
sethnintendo said:

 but least I can drive while stoned as shit.  

I'm fine with weed but driving high should not be allowed. I'll take your word for it that you CAN drive high but you SHOULDN'T. 

And to answer the topic at hand I've only done weed twice. Once was a joint and once was from a bong. I know nothing about strains or anything, I'm a weed n00b. 

I am glad you brought driving up.  I have a special video for you.  This is from the channel Speedvision.  While it is only one study the guy actually drove better while stoned.  Watch for yourself!

Seth have you ever skinned up while driving?

I do it all the time while doing 60mph on the outside lane on a motorway.

I'm mad.

Skinned up is rolling up a j or blunt right? I suppose it means blunt more since they go by the name of blunt skins. Nope, I'm not that skilled but I've known some people that can. Mainly people that can roll js with one hand.

NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:

No, it really shouldn't. And Marijuana smoking is nowhere near as damaging to your lungs as legal tobacco smoking. 

It's still damaging, though. Don't try to dodge out of that.


Smoking a joint once a week or a bit more apparently doesn't harm the lungs, suggests a 20-year study that bolsters evidence that marijuana doesn't do the kind of damage tobacco does.

The results, from one of the largest and longest studies on the health effects of marijuana, are hazier for heavy users – those who smoke two or more joints daily for several years. The data suggest that using marijuana that often might cause a decline in lung function, but there weren't enough heavy users among the 5,000 young adults in the study to draw firm conclusions.


Please before posting at least google your claim. There is so much bad info out there. Its most likely more damaging to your lungs to live in a big city and be surrounded by smog and other unhelathy air pollutants.


some more


Putting together 20 years of data—and using the magic of statistics to separate the effects of pot from those of tobacco, since people often smoke both—the researchers found that pot smokers seemed to have better lung function than people who didn’t smoke at all.


With all of that said, its kind of meaningless as marijuana is illegal and therefore can not be properly tested in a scientific way, and really we only have statisitics which will show a picture, but aren't a scietific study. One more reason for it to be legal.

Weed CAN be used as medicine. I know that, weed is already legal for medical reasons in many states. I have no problem with that.

What I said about not knowing how it effects yours brain is true though. Someone who smokes MJ ever day for years can be fine but someone else can end up with health problems. Scientists know very little about the brain whcih is why there is an epidemic of mental health issues like depression. Do you know how these issues are treated? Doctors play a guessing game by giving their patients a popular drug for depression, if that doesn't work, try another one...repeat. If we really knew exactly what causes these problems and we could better provide medicince, maybe even weed.

The medicinal properties still haven't been 100% proven though, if that was the case it would have been legalized in every single state by now, at least for medical reasons. But it's not. For every study that shows it can have "healing" properties, there is another one that shows it doesn't. Maybe wed can help treat cancer, but what does it damage in exchange? Everything has side effects.

I find it sad that 15 year olds at my school smoke weed at grade 9 and act like they're cool! :/

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VGKing said:

Weed CAN be used as medicine. I know that, weed is already legal for medical reasons in many states. I have no problem with that.

But you said it should remain illegal? Now are you saying it should be legal for medical reasons but illegal for recreation? 

What I said about not knowing how it effects yours brain is true though. Someone who smokes MJ ever day for years can be fine but someone else can end up with health problems.

This is classic "correlation does not imply causation". And how many times have I posted studies in this thread that find MJ to "not effect brain tissue" or something along those lines. 

Scientists know very little about the brain whcih is why there is an epidemic of mental health issues like depression. Do you know how these issues are treated? Doctors play a guessing game by giving their patients a popular drug for depression, if that doesn't work, try another one...repeat. If we really knew exactly what causes these problems and we could better provide medicince, maybe even weed.

I don't neccessarily disagree, but you're ignoring part of my point again: "We don't need to know exactly how, but the effects would certainly be visible and apparant if there were in fact effects... which there are not (or are so small to the point that we don't even notice)"

The medicinal properties still haven't been 100% proven though, if that was the case it would have been legalized in every single state by now, at least for medical reasons. But it's not. For every study that shows it can have "healing" properties, there is another one that shows it doesn't. 

So, you obviously just pulled that out of your arse. I linked dozens upon dozens of studies that prove medicinal qualities, and I could go into the hundreds if I want to. (hell, I know someone has compiled a list of thousands of studies). Where are these studies that suggest the contrary? There may be a few, but there won't be nearly as many that find links. Also, there are just some obvious uses for it that you really can't argue against... I've used it for headaches occasionally and my (mild) insomnia... works better than any prescribed or off-the-shelf meds I've ever used, and I've never had any shitty side effects that I might get from those.

Maybe wed can help treat cancer, but what does it damage in exchange? Everything has side effects.

Millions of people have been using it for thousands of years and serious side effects have never been apparant*. I'm not saying side effects don't exist, I'm saying they're so insignificant or benign (i.e. not negative) in 99.9% of people that it doesn't matter.

*There will probably be that 0.1% of the population that will experience noticeably damaging side effects, but that's the same with every substance... be it a drug or diary products or whatever.

You've still not presented any valid arguments whatsover for legalisation. If you don't personally like weed or want to use it, fine, but that's a shitty reason to keep it illegal. By the way, do you know why it was made illegal in the first place? 

Quote me next time please. 

Ok you win. Weed is awesome and in no way bad for you. You should keep smoking it. Rock on.

weaveworld said:
I used to do K2, Top44, Purple Haze and White Widow.
Loved the K2 also Hash is so much more relaxing than weed.

I quit ten years ago because i was experiencing something akin to schizophrenic episodes, the drugs became too strong. Haven't smoked since, but i still do enjoy rolling a joint for friends. Got my technique down to perfection.

Even in the Netherlands it is not exactly legal though, you're not allowed to grow more than 5 seeds at home. Coffeeshops obtain weed by the kilogram, so the proffessional growing is still very much a criminal activity.
Pulp fiction anyone?

B-b-b-but I thought it was good for you? I thought it cured cancer!?

Hey guys .. I'd like to know how things are in different countries. On average how much do you pay for the following in your country?

- A joint

- an ounce

Where I am from a Joint is the equivalent of US$2. If you're looking for Skunk or any specialty high grade stuff then you're talking about 5 USD or so. An ounce is ... roughly $20 - 22.

Also ... how easy is it for you to access the stuff? What about varieties?


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I often can't believe the negative stigma attached to this plant. Just remember that inhaling isn't the only way to consume cannabis. You can cook it into foods and still get all of the benefits of THC without damaging your lungs one bit. This is extremely beneficial to any user, especially someone going through serious medical treatments.

And also keep in mind that [fresh or dried] raw cannabis (the illegal plant we're all discussing) has zero drug properties when consumed. It's on par with the healthiest vegetables on the planet. Far healthier than even spinach, and is the absolute best way to fight inflammatory illnesses (such as cancer).

Also, an area of land planted with cannabis or hemp creates a system that is 4x more efficient in producing oxygen than the same area of land planted with trees. Cannabis is naturally beneficial to all life, and can only be consumed as a drug when heated to a certain temperature or combusted. The more we care to learn about this naturally healthy plant, the more ridiculous the drug laws around the world are.

As a farmer, no one should have the right to tell me that I can't plant cannabis, which cleans the air and makes the healthiest salad possible. Nor should I have to fear planting hemp, which can be used to make clothing, paper products, oil, food, etc.

By the way, I celebrated 4/20 by mixing some hummus with some cannabis olive oil I made recently. Very yummy, very healthy.