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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend

hehey said:

Cause GEO is the source, if not for him and failoverflow or whatever they are called this wouldnt be an issue, they are responsible.

USB dongles already allowed the ability to play backups. And the only game to have cheaters on it or so I've heard is CoD. That is up to Activision to take care of 

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

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dsister said:
hehey said:

Cause GEO is the source, if not for him and failoverflow or whatever they are called this wouldnt be an issue, they are responsible.

USB dongles already allowed the ability to play backups. And the only game to have cheaters on it or so I've heard is CoD. That is up to Activision to take care of 

none of that excuses them, not one bit.

hehey said:

2), the people who should be punished for the bad are those hackers who enabled it, aka GEOhot included.

Sony should do whatever it takes.

Okay, what if Sony said "As a countermeasure, we are taking complete control of your PS3. You will only be able to install stuff with our permission, effectively making your PS3 ours. You are merely renting it."

Would you support this extremity?

hehey said:

none of that excuses them, not one but.

Is English your first language?


On topic: You just said he was the source. But he isn't the source and even tried to block it... 

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

fordy said:
hehey said:

2), the people who should be punished for the bad are those hackers who enabled it, aka GEOhot included.

Sony should do whatever it takes.

Okay, what if Sony said "As a countermeasure, we are taking complete control of your PS3. You will only be able to install stuff with our permission, effectively making your PS3 ours. You are merely renting it."

Would you support this extremity?

....what would change for me exactly?, last time i checked i was already authorized to instat uncharted games or Call of Duty on the PS3. i dont use pirated or hacked software so i dont have anything to worry about. 

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hehey said:

I dont use pirated or hacked sofware so i dont have anything to worry about. 

Answer the question.

Would you give Sony complete control of your PS3, effectively terminating you as the owner, in order to finish piracy?

lets just ingore all you peoples incorrect info and just ask the suing supporters this question

how is the ps3 being hacked and lets say easily pirated now affect much


1.  was the ps3 carrying the industry.  without the ps3 would all companies be bankrupt due to lack of sales because all other consoles are so badly pirated?

2.  Is now 100% of all ps3 owners going to pirate games so that there is now 0 sales, or 1 sale i mean for each game


If i'm not wrong I'm under the belief that the PS3 is last in software sales for teh consoles.  It took the longest to hack and was pirate proof for how long after the others.  So how come these other systems that are easily pirated beating the ps3 handily in the software sales department?

3. How much of an affect do you seriously think pirating will effect.  Do you seriously think that say Killzone 3 will sell millions less now?  or even a million less? 

fordy said:
hehey said:

I dont use pirated or hacked sofware so i dont have anything to worry about. 

Answer the question.

Would you give Sony complete control of your PS3, effectively terminating you as the owner, in order to finish piracy?

Seeing as how it would be no different whatsover than how it is now, yeah i would, there wouldnt be any cheaters or pirates and i would still be able to install and play uncharted or final fantasy games or anything else that wasntr pirated or hacked. I play by the rules so i have nothing to worry about.

You dont sacre me with your exagerations and conspiracy theories.

Nothing would change from where the PS3 was before these hacker jerks showed up.

irstupid said:

lets just ingore all you peoples incorrect info and just ask the suing supporters this question

how is the ps3 being hacked and lets say easily pirated now affect much


1.  was the ps3 carrying the industry.  without the ps3 would all companies be bankrupt due to lack of sales because all other consoles are so badly pirated?

2.  Is now 100% of all ps3 owners going to pirate games so that there is now 0 sales, or 1 sale i mean for each game


If i'm not wrong I'm under the belief that the PS3 is last in software sales for teh consoles.  It took the longest to hack and was pirate proof for how long after the others.  So how come these other systems that are easily pirated beating the ps3 handily in the software sales department?

3. How much of an affect do you seriously think pirating will effect.  Do you seriously think that say Killzone 3 will sell millions less now?  or even a million less? 

1 pirated game is 1 pirated game too many, you can try to justify stealing all you want but it doesnt make pirating right or justifyable.

hehey said:
irstupid said:

lets just ingore all you peoples incorrect info and just ask the suing supporters this question

how is the ps3 being hacked and lets say easily pirated now affect much


1.  was the ps3 carrying the industry.  without the ps3 would all companies be bankrupt due to lack of sales because all other consoles are so badly pirated?

2.  Is now 100% of all ps3 owners going to pirate games so that there is now 0 sales, or 1 sale i mean for each game


If i'm not wrong I'm under the belief that the PS3 is last in software sales for teh consoles.  It took the longest to hack and was pirate proof for how long after the others.  So how come these other systems that are easily pirated beating the ps3 handily in the software sales department?

3. How much of an affect do you seriously think pirating will effect.  Do you seriously think that say Killzone 3 will sell millions less now?  or even a million less? 

1 pirated game is 1 pirated game too many, you can try to justify stealing all you wnat but it aint right.

not justifying it, just stating that you guys are making it sound like its the end of the gaming industry and all developers are going to go broke if sony loses.

us on geohats side are not on his side for pirating reasons, we are on his side for our consumer rights to own a product we purchase.


You guys say we are over exagerating the consequenses of sony winning, but its you guys over exagerating the effects of piracy.