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lets just ingore all you peoples incorrect info and just ask the suing supporters this question

how is the ps3 being hacked and lets say easily pirated now affect much


1.  was the ps3 carrying the industry.  without the ps3 would all companies be bankrupt due to lack of sales because all other consoles are so badly pirated?

2.  Is now 100% of all ps3 owners going to pirate games so that there is now 0 sales, or 1 sale i mean for each game


If i'm not wrong I'm under the belief that the PS3 is last in software sales for teh consoles.  It took the longest to hack and was pirate proof for how long after the others.  So how come these other systems that are easily pirated beating the ps3 handily in the software sales department?

3. How much of an affect do you seriously think pirating will effect.  Do you seriously think that say Killzone 3 will sell millions less now?  or even a million less?