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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend

SqueakySamurai said:

All you people who support Geohot are retards. I don't care if he wants to hack his PS3 and put linux on it, it's not my problem. But, whenever he posts how to hack online so all the hackers can pirate games and cheat on line, then it's my problem. I still want to see great games like Shadow of the Colossus and Uncharted being made, but if people are downloading them all the time, then I might as well say goodbye. He had no reason to post the root key online other than to look cool. It's like when  a murderer commits the most eleborate murder ever and tells everyone about it because he wants to be known (I'm thinking of the book, And then there Were None).

horrible comparison.  the guy is posting about a murder online, which is illegal.  this is not illegal.

you keep bringing in unrelated things.  Geohot has nothing to do with people downloading games for free.  you can't count him responsible for other people.  why don't we arrest people who sell guns or knives if any of those are used in murder?  

people kill people, guns don't.  People use this code illegally or not, geohot isnt' responsible for that.

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Ail said:

The worse that will come out of this is that if he somehow he wins, next gen every game will be online enabled with constant DRM checking with an online server to check that the game was purchased through legal means....

That or some other feature that half the people saying they support the dude will bitch about...

Personally I don't care if this leads to stricter DRM, still I want the dude to loose....

they will shoot themselves in the foot if they do that.  people will be turned off and just quit buying games if it is too much of a hastle.

hell i refuse to buy games like that because they are annoying.  No i do not pirate them, i don't buy them, thus don't play them either.

I want to be able to take my system to anywhere i want and be able to play. I dont' want ot have to get someones interent password to hook up to their wifi, or worry about if they even have internet.  

I don't see how you guys can root for sony.  This has nothign to do with it being sony, it has to do with a company restricting us consumers from doing what we want LEGALLY to our own products.  

irstupid said:
SqueakySamurai said:

All you people who support Geohot are retards. I don't care if he wants to hack his PS3 and put linux on it, it's not my problem. But, whenever he posts how to hack online so all the hackers can pirate games and cheat on line, then it's my problem. I still want to see great games like Shadow of the Colossus and Uncharted being made, but if people are downloading them all the time, then I might as well say goodbye. He had no reason to post the root key online other than to look cool. It's like when  a murderer commits the most eleborate murder ever and tells everyone about it because he wants to be known (I'm thinking of the book, And then there Were None).

horrible comparison.  the guy is posting about a murder online, which is illegal.  this is not illegal.

you keep bringing in unrelated things.  Geohot has nothing to do with people downloading games for free.  you can't count him responsible for other people.  why don't we arrest people who sell guns or knives if any of those are used in murder?  

people kill people, guns don't.  People use this code illegally or not, geohot isnt' responsible for that.

Fine ignore the part about murder.But what kind of idiot thinks posting the root key online won't bring anything bad to the PS3, obviously someone is going to pirate games, and yes in that case it should be illegal, he had no reason to post the root key, it's not his to show to everyone anyways.

irstupid said:
Ail said:

The worse that will come out of this is that if he somehow he wins, next gen every game will be online enabled with constant DRM checking with an online server to check that the game was purchased through legal means....

That or some other feature that half the people saying they support the dude will bitch about...

Personally I don't care if this leads to stricter DRM, still I want the dude to loose....

they will shoot themselves in the foot if they do that.  people will be turned off and just quit buying games if it is too much of a hastle.

hell i refuse to buy games like that because they are annoying.  No i do not pirate them, i don't buy them, thus don't play them either.

I want to be able to take my system to anywhere i want and be able to play. I dont' want ot have to get someones interent password to hook up to their wifi, or worry about if they even have internet.  

I don't see how you guys can root for sony.  This has nothign to do with it being sony, it has to do with a company restricting us consumers from doing what we want LEGALLY to our own products.  

And what will you do if every single gaming company puts that type of security in place, will you stop gaming altogether??? Just remember its not only Sony games that get pirated and hacked.

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SqueakySamurai said:

Fine ignore the part about murder.But what kind of idiot thinks posting the root key online won't bring anything bad to the PS3, obviously someone is going to pirate games, and yes in that case it should be illegal, he had no reason to post the root key, it's not his to show to everyone anyways.

The root key is merely a binary value out of a large combination of many. Sure, he doesn't own it, but neither does sony. You cannot copyright a binary integer.

Laws are pretty messed up nowadays. Publishing instructions on how to commit murder is legal and murder is illegal, while publishing information on how to circumvent code protection is illegal but actually circumventing it is legal.

geddesmond2 said:
irstupid said:
Ail said:

The worse that will come out of this is that if he somehow he wins, next gen every game will be online enabled with constant DRM checking with an online server to check that the game was purchased through legal means....

That or some other feature that half the people saying they support the dude will bitch about...

Personally I don't care if this leads to stricter DRM, still I want the dude to loose....

they will shoot themselves in the foot if they do that.  people will be turned off and just quit buying games if it is too much of a hastle.

hell i refuse to buy games like that because they are annoying.  No i do not pirate them, i don't buy them, thus don't play them either.

I want to be able to take my system to anywhere i want and be able to play. I dont' want ot have to get someones interent password to hook up to their wifi, or worry about if they even have internet.  

I don't see how you guys can root for sony.  This has nothign to do with it being sony, it has to do with a company restricting us consumers from doing what we want LEGALLY to our own products.  

And what will you do if every single gaming company puts that type of security in place, will you stop gaming altogether??? Just remember its not only Sony games that get pirated and hacked.

yea i probably would.  but your example is extreme, not all games would do this.  If entire systems were like this, i would not get that system.  There will always be pc games that won't do this and i can't imagine at least nintnedo doing this in their handhelds, so i'll still have handhelds at least.

alekth said:

Laws are pretty messed up nowadays. Publishing instructions on how to commit murder is legal and murder is illegal, while publishing information on how to circumvent code protection is illegal but actually circumventing it is legal.

Tell me how this is circumventing a protection system? It's the front door, put there intentionally by Sony in order to publish content on the PS3. It plays by the rules of the protection.

win or lose sony will do what MS did and release a ps3 with new and better security.