Captain Obvious: wonk, heph, and ABC are today's likely lynch targets. ABC and wonk have three votes, heph as two. At the moment, final-fan, stefl, and myself do not have a vote on anyone.
I don't completely understand why several of you think ABC is just a very confused townie, although it seems to stem from not respecting his level of play more than anything; let me know if I'm off-target there.
Wonk's been acting somewhat unusual for much of the game, in my opinion. Although it's true that radish hasn't been acting all that new or improved. In spite of that, he's been doing more to defend wonk than anyone.
heph wasn't really on my radar, but his bizzare overreaction to a pair of votes strikes me as being incredibly odd and out of character. The fact that trash has almost exclusively spent the last few days trying to distance herself from him is also noteworthy.
ABC still strikes me as the best lynch candidate, but it appears to me that getting six votes on him will be difficult and I think this game needs to move on soon, since several people are getting kind of antsy and it looks like we've mined as much out of this day as we can. (The fact that I'll be going back through all these posts in later days also weighs on me right now...and where the hell was this gung-ho attitude last game?!
Given this, I'm going to Vote: Wonk, and try to get others to do the same.