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Wonktonodi said:

@prof could you bully heph please or at least ask him tough questions and not give up till you get some answers.

What is this?  I don't think I have ever seen somebody ask someone else to do their interrogation for them.  How do you know that Prof is trustworthy enough to be able to give a fair interrogation to Hephaestos?  They could both be scum.  Or maybe just Prof is scum.  Either way it wouldn't work.

Why are you so trusting of Prof?  Do you know something the rest of us could not?

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:

if you require an answer (it's not undeserving, more that I didn't read it as requesting an answer):

I don't, I get a scummy vibe, but if you are scum, then you're playing it well as you don't give much tells. You're currently in a state where i'd want an investigation for sure (though in any case with you it's a good idea) but wouldn't want to risk having you bandwagoned trying to presure you.

Heph, there have been about 6 posts from you directly implying that I'm mafia, saying things like, "good thing you do the killing this time", and various other things. I can dig up so many posts where you do that, and yet, you make a statement that I wouldn't vote you if I knew your alignment.

I can't help but see massive contradiction in that. 

so i'm not alowed to talk trash to get you off your game and get info?

I confess that my scum vibe is lowered since I HoSed you, but if I did HoS you it's because I had a strong scum incling on you. Unfortunately for me, you getting off your game was a quasi shutdown....hard to read.


Hephaestos said:
Linkzmax said:

 There were a couple of other examples in which you seemed to be missing an observation, but I'd have to dig them up if you want. Also, it's your own fault but you reminded me of when you defended me as mafia and you're doing the same for ABC. Once again, I know you said you hope you'll always do that regardless of alignment, but I have no evidence of that being true. I'm left believing you're trying to buddy up to him or look good if he's lynched and flips townie.

I am not going to take it personal, but insulting me certainly won't convince me that I'm wrong.

when did i ever defend you as mafia?

where did i insult you? you mean making fun of your failed logic? i'm sorry ot hurts your feelings but your points are so far from the construction you used us to.

in fact, you remind me of myself, the only time i ever was mafia on day one. i had to be convinced by nordlead to vote radish cause i was tangeant, much like your exchange with proff earlier. Evidently in the present case he didn't have a vote on me as his logic prevented him from doing that early association to my lynch, only problem for you is that he would have had legitimacy in voting me erroneously, you on the other hand only provided proof from your immagination.

heck i'll make a point.


Vote Linkz

 for being unable to build a case when playing as scum (that or this is gonna make me lol for a long while

Linkzmax said:

I'm not going to be duped again.

(for future reference, Wonk is still definitely scum, his lowered activity since i began getting heat is further sign of this... that or he let the praise he got go to his head this round).

As theRepublic points out, you did defend me. But that's misremembering on my part. You were in fact a townie when you defended me. Thus you have shown you might do the same here concerning ABC. Since that was a big part of the reasoning in my mind,(mostly because it reminded me of hat last round saying things he would or wouldn't do as mafia) I see keeping my vote on you.

Unvote: Hephaestos

Still it is quite odd that you said that when it didn't apply to what I was saying.


To answer the rest of your post:

I think saying my points are worthless is insulting, it certainly does nothing to convince me that I'm wrong about you or that they're actually worthless though. What were you trying to type when you said "construction you used us to"?

I don't even know what you're getting at in the third paragraph. I have freely admitted that prof's interrogation of you has affected my suspicions, but he's also given me a town vibe. If he's scum and got me to vote for a townie, then I'm going to feel pretty stupid.

As for the "proof from my imagination" remark, I never said that you're sure to be scum; however, yes that is what I was thinking. There isn't any actual proof that anyone is scum on day one.  What should I do then, not vote anyone so I can't be wrong?

You'd been giving me the impression that you've surrendered and made it seem like a fact that you'll be lynched. I don't think your defense is that great, but the fact that you're trying is good in my book.

I don't like the way you called out Wonk, but he's been high on my list ever since his suggestion to lynch radish. I'll do another reread to make sure I'm not recalling anything incorrectly and then decide on a vote.

Hephaestos said:
theRepublic said:
Hephaestos said:

right.... I was a vanilla townie that round... dunno if you played it but if so you might remember the "a youma" nameclaim fiasco?

So what does this, "yeah like when I defended linkz in an unnamable round? =)" have to do with this, "I see it as a pretty standard scum tactic.

Defend another townie, and if he lives, you gain an ally*.  If he dies, you were on the "right" side of the lynch (against it)."

it means I do it irrelevent of whether i'm scum or town. Last round I defended Gniz to proff. the round before I did a little defence of FF when I attacked GoW (there I was mafia). before I defended Linkz. I participated in Kamal's defence . I... well no I got lynched the round before :p... I declared myself as SK to prevent Nicks being lynch on the GoW round....

If it had nothing to do with what we were talking about, why did you bring it up?

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Wonktonodi said:
theprof00 said:

stop worring about trashlegs for a bit next time you are on and use your skills to get answeres out of other people.  Preferable heph since he's not being "cooperative"

Quoting this to point out more of the same.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
theRepublic said:
Hephaestos said:

right.... I was a vanilla townie that round... dunno if you played it but if so you might remember the "a youma" nameclaim fiasco?

So what does this, "yeah like when I defended linkz in an unnamable round? =)" have to do with this, "I see it as a pretty standard scum tactic.

Defend another townie, and if he lives, you gain an ally*.  If he dies, you were on the "right" side of the lynch (against it)."

I think his point is that it's not only mafia who defend townies. 
Which I agree with. I did last two games for Radish (sorry guys btw XDXDXD)

defending townies IS a scum tactic, I agree, but it doesn't necessitate the fact. This is one of the reasons I use tipping point voter. Not every scum does it, and sometimes it's townies that do it. The point is, this should not be a big part of your evidence. 

This is also why I don't always bring up tipping point votes. You look at tipping point votes for guidance, but they are never evidence for a vote.

I never said it was exclusively a scum tactic, but point taken.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

I know there is some stuff from Noname and Linkzmax I need to get to, but it is dinner time.  I hope I can get back here later, but I may not.  I was reading some posts last night, but I did not have time to respond.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

Linkzmax said:

I see keeping my vote on you.

This should be "I can't see keeping my vote on you."

I still don't know why you brought that up when everyone was trying to show me that it's a scum tactic, but that's far less bothersome to me than my thinking you were mafia that game as well.

Linkzmax said:
Hephaestos said:

when did i ever defend you as mafia?

where did i insult you? you mean making fun of your failed logic? i'm sorry ot hurts your feelings but your points are so far from the construction you used us to.

in fact, you remind me of myself, the only time i ever was mafia on day one. i had to be convinced by nordlead to vote radish cause i was tangeant, much like your exchange with proff earlier. Evidently in the present case he didn't have a vote on me as his logic prevented him from doing that early association to my lynch, only problem for you is that he would have had legitimacy in voting me erroneously, you on the other hand only provided proof from your immagination.

heck i'll make a point.


Vote Linkz

 for being unable to build a case when playing as scum (that or this is gonna make me lol for a long while

Linkzmax said:

I'm not going to be duped again.

(for future reference, Wonk is still definitely scum, his lowered activity since i began getting heat is further sign of this... that or he let the praise he got go to his head this round).

To answer the rest of your post:

I think saying my points are worthless is insulting, it certainly does nothing to convince me that I'm wrong about you or that they're actually worthless though. What were you trying to type when you said "construction you used us to"?

I don't even know what you're getting at in the third paragraph. I have freely admitted that prof's interrogation of you has affected my suspicions, but he's also given me a town vibe. If he's scum and got me to vote for a townie, then I'm going to feel pretty stupid.

As for the "proof from my imagination" remark, I never said that you're sure to be scum; however, yes that is what I was thinking. There isn't any actual proof that anyone is scum on day one.  What should I do then, not vote anyone so I can't be wrong?

You'd been giving me the impression that you've surrendered and made it seem like a fact that you'll be lynched. I don't think your defense is that great, but the fact that you're trying is good in my book.

I don't like the way you called out Wonk, but he's been high on my list ever since his suggestion to lynch radish. I'll do another reread to make sure I'm not recalling anything incorrectly and then decide on a vote.

yeah i concede my defence is usually a bit agressive and hurtfull ^^

construction meant " you usually build strong arguments with many supporting facts pointing at them"

i guess it's badly phrased... i compared your current action to mine in the only round i was mafia... and noted them to be similar.

yeah no vote is a valid option if no target convinces you. why do you feel presure to lynch? because of statistical probabilities?

sure, it's day one, arguments against me hold little water, it's not easy to argue other than "no it's not so"... and i confess that i thought i'd already have a few more votes on me already from less present players.

heh, only reason i unvoted him was to send you a provocation, which you handled well, still one might argue that you got scared of having a vote on you. FoS linkz


Vote Wonk


theRepublic said:

If it had nothing to do with what we were talking about, why did you bring it up?

proff sprcifically called my name on this subject for this round, so my reply was to point out that i've done it (and quite vocally) as a town in the past.

i conceed that this sounded more evident in my head than for others.