A Bad Clown said:
theRepublic said:
A Bad Clown said:
Assumption: Jumping on the bandwagon would be easy, and cause day one to end. The main problem would be "mafia" could use that free lynch to make it easier to pick off active players during the night.
That doesn't make any sense. If there is a doctor, lynching someone today will improve their odds that they save someone. If there is no doctor, then the aliens will have no problem picking someone off no matter what we do during the day.
1) I am implying if we're going to lynch someone today, we've got to be sure we strike a mafia.
1) The less towns folk, the worse at this point because almost all of us are still arguing who is one.
2) I am almost sure I won't make it until tommorow if it wether it's a mafia kill or lynch.
The one mafia that would be killed could have high influence and be intelligent enough to determine who has what role among the others.
Without someone telling them what to do, the mafia could make the mistake of chosing the wrong player to attack.
3) The player they target could be a townie with a "crappy" role, saving the cop or vilgilante (if you guys have them here).
1) I believe that either we be certain and lynch someone, or have no lynch.
1) I believe this would give us a better chance at identifying Mafia.
4) It is only day one so the player that would be lynched could have a good role, like a cop.
Edited your post a bit to make it easy to respond to.
1) That is just not true. Based on the most likely setup for this game, lynching everyday will give the town an extra lynch before losing. Not lynching today means that the town has probably given up that chance forever. It would take a successful doctor to get that chance back. In the event that we have a successful doctor, we could always no lynch later to gain that extra day for the cop, or to thin the herd a bit through the night kill. Having one less player every day in this scenario also improves the odds for the doctor and cop to be successful, and improves the odds for each lynch to be correct.
2) It does look like you are going to get lynched. But if you don't, I seriously doubt the aliens would kill you. With the amount of confusion you caused and the focus you have shifted to yourself, you are their best friend right now. They would want to keep you around to continue to distract the town, and to use as an easy mislynch later in the game. This all assumes you are innocent, which I don't think is the case. I have no idea why you think the aliens would come after you, so I can only assume you are scum doing a poor job of thinking like a townie.
3) We do have vigilantes in the games we play on this website. I don't know if we have one in this game though.
4) If a player has a power role, and they are about to get lynched, they should role claim.
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