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Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

I understand that, but please do not vote him until much longer down the line. Please read today before doing anything rash.

Have I ever seemed rash? Rest assured that I'm not going to vote until I'm caught up on the thread, current with potals(now with a finger pointing chart), and have a good idea who I'd suspect tomorrow given the possible flips of the lynch.

Exactly why are you so insistent on people leaving ABC alone? I had the same feeling as you, that efforts would better be focused elsewhere, but the way you seem to be trying to push that feels very odd. If you're both mafia I can't imagine you'd try to cover for a scumbuddy like this, but then again maybe that's exactly how you're trying to make me feel. On the other hand, I don't see you going to these lengths as mafia if he's a townie, so if that's the case then I guess it's a plus for you.

I see it as a pretty standard scum tactic.

Defend another townie, and if he lives, you gain an ally*.  If he dies, you were on the "right" side of the lynch (against it).

(I'm not necessarily suspicious of Prof, I'm just going with the example.)

*Just ask Final-Fan.  I think it was the game right before I joined the mafia games.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:

yeah we have gotten quite a few verbose happy players... it does make the game harder to follow... but oh so much interesting to read.


(oh yeah I just replied for the lolz of linkz and proff saying we talk a lot :-p)

You're sarcasm isn't helping your situation, Heph.

proff, you don't lead the town by bullying people, you lead it by bringing forward investigations.

the bully type is, you know, the one asking money for protection, same as you seem to be asking people to fit your criterias to be safe. I would have though that with the appearance of more players of type (the ones that post a lot) you'd have turned more to the cooperative yet carefull side, not the "i'm boss do as I say".

HoS proff, you're trying to impose yourself by being the strong minded one here, you may think it fits your townie playstyle, but you're wrong, you're usually more subtile.

I've not done any of that once. Not once.

I point out things that I think are scum and give explanation for why. I've not bullied any person here ever.

Interesting though that you hoped I would be cooperative.

theRepublic said:
Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

I understand that, but please do not vote him until much longer down the line. Please read today before doing anything rash.

Have I ever seemed rash? Rest assured that I'm not going to vote until I'm caught up on the thread, current with potals(now with a finger pointing chart), and have a good idea who I'd suspect tomorrow given the possible flips of the lynch.

Exactly why are you so insistent on people leaving ABC alone? I had the same feeling as you, that efforts would better be focused elsewhere, but the way you seem to be trying to push that feels very odd. If you're both mafia I can't imagine you'd try to cover for a scumbuddy like this, but then again maybe that's exactly how you're trying to make me feel. On the other hand, I don't see you going to these lengths as mafia if he's a townie, so if that's the case then I guess it's a plus for you.

I see it as a pretty standard scum tactic.

Defend another townie, and if he lives, you gain an ally*.  If he dies, you were on the "right" side of the lynch (against it).

(I'm not necessarily suspicious of Prof, I'm just going with the example.)

*Just ask Final-Fan.  I think it was the game right before I joined the mafia games.

yes republic is correct, this happened several times last game, which is why this game I've been looking at the people defending others, like Heph, and radish (in that one part where he defended wonk)

Wonktonodi said:
Hephaestos said:

whatever your reasoning, killing someone you think is town is illogical. Even if you say it won't hurt the days we have, that is wrong. A no lynch is in effect a half day, so if the doc (if there is one) saves someone, then there is indeed an extra day of play sprining from this no lynch.

Killing someone you think is town really has no benefits. The only one you pointed isn't even true, all players can be manipulated and make mistakes, linkz is the example for last round, the "I healed linkz day 2 and 3" was a direct attempt at buddying up with him, and that most inevitably affected his judgement. I'd even say that manipulating linkz was more important than manipulating radish last round. Cause linkz could have shifted the town if he had a target in sights.

Also, you might want to further your logic by lynching the best players first... after all they are the most likely to be good at hiding in sheep's clothes and their backstabs would be the most deadly and yet stelthy to the town. At least here you don't lynch someone you think is townie, as the player quality is independent from his random role.

Oh and don't worry, Radish isn't cleared by a longshot.

First I have never said I thought he was town.  Only that I was neutral on him. I've never seen a game with a doc so I don't know how often those actually happen.

Next there was more than one point.  So saying I only have one isn't true.  I don't know why you are not noticing the other points I've made. You are good enough a player to have noticed them so I think something else is going on.  However since people seem to forget. One thing he did was  hammering without noticing that he's doing it.  Once would be bad enough, but he did it twice in a row.  The other point was how he was inactive after being a confirmed mason.  This was before his computer had problems because one point when linkz called him out on it he came it back really quick and voted without much information along with the vote.

That tactic seems to work better for scum.  IE your first day lynch last game after being MVP. You take out enough good players then they might miss something they wouldn't had more of them been left since the weaker players don't notice as much.  I really don't see how having strong players can hurt the town while having weaker ones can. Plus once again I've never said I think he's townie.

For instance although you are a stronger player you either not noticing or more likely choosing to leave out the other points I made, plus your bad math moment are really suspicios.If you were a weaker player I could see it happening but not so much from you.

HOS Heph

that made me lol thanks.

your other points are irrelevant, even if he were the worst player in the world, you didn't even adress the fact that a no lynch could gain a day even with an odd player count setup.

also don't let the mvp thrown arround get to your head, that's a tactic to put me in the crosshairs, in fact I got MVP for 1) winning as SK my first round (easy no one knew my playstyle), 2) wrecking the game mechanics of the DBZ game, in effect gaining advantage by finding 2 scums with calculations... roleblocked the said scum on 2 kill attempts, 3) taking advantage of Radish defending himself to appear active and focused during a round. ->All this means is that I can take advantage of my environement, but definitely not that I can pull out grandiose tricks like the mafia last round or stefl a few rounds ago with his thrid day cop claim. In effect, I never created my wins, I just only managed to hold on to them.


theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:

that wasn't it at all.

those are the two posts.

It's also suspicious that I'm already frustrated with you. How could you possibly miss that?


Edit: snipped quote boxes

you posted one of my quotes and the unvote post... what new info is that to the argument.

and what does you being frustrated is even relevant?



Hephaestos said:

fun and games refer directly to noname's post so i'm not sure your linking this to my unvote is really accurate...

Noname's post, and leg's response were before your post. I never mentioned "fun and games" in my post, so I don't know WHY you even brought that up. 

theprof said: "At another point, though I hate to refer to it, she said she was in bad shape IRL. Heph unvoted her. Her next words were something like, "hey get back here and throw accusations around", yet heph's vote was a joke/random vote in the first place and he never really accused her that much of anything."

Your second link (trashleg's "come back here") happens 8 minutes after your post. Whereas your first link happens before your post.


Especially that she says "GUYS", it's obvious she is responding to your post.

guys is plural but whatever...


Around the Network
theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:

yeah we have gotten quite a few verbose happy players... it does make the game harder to follow... but oh so much interesting to read.


(oh yeah I just replied for the lolz of linkz and proff saying we talk a lot :-p)

You're sarcasm isn't helping your situation, Heph.

proff, you don't lead the town by bullying people, you lead it by bringing forward investigations.

the bully type is, you know, the one asking money for protection, same as you seem to be asking people to fit your criterias to be safe. I would have though that with the appearance of more players of type (the ones that post a lot) you'd have turned more to the cooperative yet carefull side, not the "i'm boss do as I say".

HoS proff, you're trying to impose yourself by being the strong minded one here, you may think it fits your townie playstyle, but you're wrong, you're usually more subtile.

I've not done any of that once. Not once.

I point out things that I think are scum and give explanation for why. I've not bullied any person here ever.

Interesting though that you hoped I would be cooperative.

To continue on this post,

what I think, is that you're upset that you're being accused and you can't find "a way out", which if I recall correctly, was what made everyone in the mafia group mad at me. What was it that you said?


why the hell am I being suspected because I posted less than 100 posts? Since when is being the 5th most contributing townie suspicious (on the postals chart)?
I should have shut my trap last game and let links dies as I was already intending on not posting much, it's not even a strat to appear less in the game, it's because I have less time :( this sucks.

And I hate these longcat posts, it's ridiculously hard to follow when you don't have 10 hours ahead of you. (and impossible to quote it takes 5 mins to edit out the irrelevant stuff to your reply).

anywho, if gow is a cop i'm dead (though he'll have to reveal himself).
If proff is a cop i'm dead too (and he won't have to reveal himself because FF and noname are now kissing his ass, worst part is that his logic is flawed, grrrr).

For SK I suspect proff, FF and links.
Links most definitely has a power role, he's been very shy this game.

Wonk, good job dodging the "mob mentality" bullet with a return to the lynch strats, just try to avoid being openly happy to kill...

MG... well you set up the little activity last game... I did find it overly suspicious then.

Nord... well Kantor's death will ease suspicion of you as you stood up for him.

I'm kind of for lynching proff... his suspicion casting is helpfull... but he's already cast so much arround that I don't know if it won't backfire on us to let him be.

And again, i can't believe i'm being called out on my "low" activity when both dsister and vett are literal ghosts...grrrr. Both can be potential center of interests to turn the town to tomorow."



"prof00 - twisted logic that will get one of us killed."



AND YET, that game I had both you and nordlead pegged on the first day. Twisted logic indeed.

I think, and I am being more than fair about this, I think that you are looking at this game in the exact same way you looked at that game. And I think that you're upset that things haven't changed.

...not only because I've accused you...but because I've BARELY accused you. I've accused at least 5 people now... do you realize that? Nobody else is even glancing your direction. Have you noticed that?

You are overreacting.

theprof00 said:

two questions leg, and one statement:

a) completely objective perspective there are more suspicious people out there and i hope the cop picks up on that

Who then? You've only mentioned ABC. Additionally, you mentioned earlier that:

people in general have been more suspicious of, eg, ABC, Wonk, Raddish, even you.

"I'm reading all your arguments the best I can, some of them seem redundant and some of them are valid but like I said, we all know (most of us) how to play smart and act dumb."

I'd like to know who you think those people are that you're implying are "playing dumb".

i didnt say i'd noticed anyone was this game but i know you all know your stuff.

b) im hopeful that the scum will be found out easy enough so i dont HAVE to defend myself too much

So, in the event that scum aren't easy to find, you will have to defend yourself and aren't confident in that? That's what I would gather from you "hoping" that you don't have to defend yourself.

not at all. dont put words in my mouth, its rude. nobody WANTS to have to defend themselves.

Lastly, and just a comment:

This is my game face. If you are my enemy, I will bring the hammer of justice down on you. I was not getting aggressive with you,(I know you didn't specify, but the implication was noted) I was just spelling out the bottom line. There is absolutely no vehemence, and no emotion involved period. 

you want justice. i want justice. i am no enemy of yours. i didnt imply you were being aggressive and i know theres no emotion but please dont talk like a douche for the sake of a game.

I do feel for your situation fyi. I was homeless for 2 months 4 years ago when my landlord kicked us out and we were living paycheck to paycheck with no backup plan. I also went to college while holding two jobs during this period. Heph being a nice guy or not does not excuse him from actions, (which he is nice, btw) but even so, as I'm sure you will appreciate, this isn't the let's pity trashleg party. If he is covering for you, whether for sincerity or for personal gain, it's a loose end. You said it's not suspicious. OK. Why don't you tell me just who is suspcious then.

excused for his actions?  they dont need to be excused. i already said i didnt want sympathy. but who are you to say who can and cant say whatever? maybe he wanted to cheer me up but didnt want to pm me outside of the game, i dont know.pretty decent of him anyway. he has nothing to gain from it, im not buddying with anyone.

im a one-man woman and my votes on ABC. i've already justified that. i dont have alternatives right now.


Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
Linkzmax said:
Hephaestos said:

o recall both massons and mafia being told they could talk day one last round... trucks was a masson, he might have liked the idea. Especially as this little advantage could help tweak the game to a 2 mafia other day SK rather than just 3 mafia?

Well I did think it was wierd when I read it in the quicktopics but now I wouldn't rule it out...

What makes you think there's an SK? Also, I can accept that you misread Stefl and thought he implied there were 4 mafia. Yet just as theRepublic pointed out with Stefl, it seems you're making a statement of fact that if there's no third-party then the scumteam is composed of three members.

4 or 2 would be unbalanced... unless for2 if there is an sk.

and i know the option i didn't explain is wrong.


also can everyone please stop referring to old games.


we're in this one, now.



Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
Hephaestos said:

guys is plural but whatever...

Yes but YOU make it appear that she is responding to noname, when she is addressing you both. 

It is my fault for the miscommunication though, I meat to write "you also"