@the A Bad Clown situation
To me it feels like he did a poor job of feeling out the crowd he was playing with and just made himself look scummy instead. Well, I did until Noname's big post about his timeline. I still need to examine it more, but on the surface it does not look good for ABC. Even without that evidence, ABC has become enough of a distraction that I would not mind seeing him lynched if we got pressed by a deadline. Although he has been a little better since becoming robo-ABC.
(@mods: No, that doesn't mean I want to see a timelimit yet.)
@the Wonktonodi situation
I feel like a lot of the suspicion against him is completely misguided. It feels like the same thing I went through when I first came to the realization that it was in the best interests of the town to lynch on Day One (execption: small games starting with an even number of players). I fought for it hard several games in a row, and all I got for my efforts was suspicion on my head. Obviously, you want to lynch the most supicious person. If no one is particularly suspicious, or there are a couple of people equally suspicious, then other criteria must be used. Maybe someone has done something that is becoming a distraction to the town. I wouldn't want to lynch players that are going to be an asset should they turn out to be pro-town, so I have to look somewhere else...
Is it cold, calculating, and heartless? Yes, yes, and yes. But as I see it, that's the way this game is.