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trashleg said:

Vote: A Bad Clown

1) reasons: these look like they have everything to do with me, but thats just incidental i think. anyway, i've written it i 3rd person because "trashleg" in this could quite easily have been anyone, and i'm not voting for him for like revenge or anything.

There was a LOT of nonsense going on at the start of the game, everyone was in on it. I personally was suspicious of the amount of conversation between hephaestos and noname, but i think its just random banter. everyone's excited to start a new game, after all.

trashleg asked a question, hephaestos answered then voted trashleg (i think that was a joke, since he was demonstrating something and trashleg hadnt actually said anything of importance or even really relevant up to that point). noname made a reference to heph "knowing" that trashleg was an alien (i think that was because of the convo about heph knowing deep, dark secrets).

2) A Bad Clown (ABC) jumped on that, asking "does that mean we should?..."
There followed a lot of nosense about traps (lol), Heph unvoted trashleg.

3) ABC said he'd wait for noname to check people out. maybe its just me, but i dont trust ANYBODY in these games. not until they're dead. and why did ABC later jump on the fact that heph had spoken a bit to trashleg, but not to noname? does this mean that ABC is trying to buddy with who he sees as a respectable player? i dont know. i dont like buddying. but thats just me.

ABC calls trashleg his prime suspect (why?). then repeats later that he is still suspicious (in a bigger post about a few things). 

noname questions ABC about his big post, but not the part about trashleg. then ABC mentions again, he is suspicious of trashleg AND hephaestos.

4) ABC: suspicious of hephaestos because he said ABC looked funny and was trying to get people to vote for him.
Said he voted for trashleg because
1) he had that photoshop idea - whut?
2) she left quick - it was late here - and
3) was talking to hephaestos a lot - he tried to cheer me up cos i was in a pissy mood.

5) i'm sorry if i wasn't really "in" the game last night, im facing the prospect of losing my flat and all my furniture and having to commute a 100mile roundtrip next semester. i know its not relevant to this, but my head's been up my arse for the last 26 hours or so.

1) I did try to read it as if it were third person; however, I question why you'd even bring up it not being a revenge vote.

2) How do you know ABC's "Does that mean we should?..." post wasn't just continuing with the joke. He did later follow up a reply of that with another joke.

3) ABC then said he was waiting for prof, not noname. Though I can understand why you'd think ABC meant he was waiting for prof to check out people, it's now clear that was a misunderstanding and ABC meant he wanted to check out prof himself.
Also, ABC said you talked with Heph a lot which I also thought to be true, and though I did notice you talked a little with noname, it wasn't nearly as much as with Heph.
Furthermore, I don't know where you'd get the idea that noname is a respectable player, but not say Heph or anyone else. I didn't see any of ABC's posts as buddying up, so I feel like you're making an argument that doesn't fit because buddying up usually is sign of scum and so you might persuade others to vote also.

4) First, I don't think it's odd that he said a few times that you were his prime suspect/suspicious/whatever. I've now mentioned a few times that I've noticed a post which makes me think Wonk and ABC could be scummates, but I'm not certain enough about either of them yet to go over something which could very well be nothing at all and thus just a distraction.
On to his stated reasons. He said the photoshop thing was just a joke. I think it was more about your username. "2" is a lame reason, but you honestly think a mafiosi would believe they are convincing others with a reason like that? Lastly, 3 of the 6 posts before you revealed the breakup(sorry btw, see below) were quotes of Heph and another without any quote was about wizards when Heph was joking a lot about lizards. Still, while I'd say that his point was true, it's another lame reason. So given how bad his suspicions of you were, I find it quite odd how overly defensive you became.
Also for someone that seems so bothered by ABC not giving his reasoning for being suspicious of people, you later state that you're increasingly suspicious of ABC but give no reason, and I don't see anything in the ~2 hours between your vote and the linked post that would raise suspicions further.

5) Finally, I am sincerely sorry for any hardships going on in real life. Losing a flat and furniture as well as a 100mile roundtrip commute sounds absolutely horrible. I hope things work out somehow, and in the short-term I hope you get some good news to lift your spirits.

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I'm caught up.  Hopefully I can post a lot before my fiancée gets home.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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noname2200 said:

Also, everyone's either checked in, or had a chance to but failed to do so.  We can ask trangentspree about that later, I think.  In the meantime, I'd like to hear Stefl's response.  Additionally, how serious was your suspicion of radishead, Linkzmax?  Fair warning:  I intend to try to lynch anyone who pulls "gambits" in this game.  I'm really not a fan.

Agreed.  More often than not, they just catch unsuspecting townies.  I can only remember one ever working.  It was from someone the town already knew had a power role, it was specifically targeted at one individual, and it was very simple.  

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Stefl1504 said:
noname2200 said:
Stefl1504 said:

well so far there has nothing happened but random votes and chit chat... not very much to go by... So maybe we should produce some slip-ups...

also could someone make a vote list, I got somehow confused by all the random votes...

Answer my question from earlier.  That'll give you something to talk about!

what the murderous question or another other question...?

well I have not much to do with all this relationship junk, because at the moment it all pisses me off ;P

srsly though, i took some sweets out of a bag counted them and then counted down the list on page one, so it was completely random...

I don't see it as risking lives of innocent people, since even if all the mafia bandwagon on that vote, there has at least two other townies to jump on that vote...

Something about this post strikes me as strange.  This post was the start of a bit of some controversy about math that eventually turned out to be a miscommunication, but I am not talking about that.

This post makes a strong, implicit assumption that there are three mafia.  Considering the number of people in this game, I would assume the same.  However, the way that Stefl breezed right by that assumption without even mentioning it makes me think it could be a slip up.  Like he knows the number of mafia.

Speaking of Stefl, I don't think we have heard from him lately.  I know it is still only Day One, but I want more from him.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theprof00 said:
A Bad Clown said:
Wonktonodi said:
A Bad Clown said:

I might have to vote against nonome after the day one accusation, unlesss heph is still playing. I'm confused who's voting for who so far, it shows Stef voting twice

bad clown take a look if someoen else explains is sooner or beter my apologies.

Current votes (6 needed to lynch):

[0, L-6] Linkzmax:  (theprof00), (Stefl1504)

[0, L-6] Stefl1504:  (noname2200)

[1, L-5] noname2200: theprof00

[1, L-5] theprof00: Stefl1504

[0, L-6] trashleg: (Hephaestos)

[1, L-5] A Bad Clown: noname2200


the number on the far left is the number of current votes.  when a persons name is in brakets that means he(or she) voted for that person but is no longer voting for that person.

Ok, I'll wait for the prof to check him out to see if he could be bad news

Hmmm. This is a relatively serious post.

You're targeting two good players, one simply for voting for you, ne?

YET, you wait for ME to check them out? Why, may I ask, would you be waiting for me to check? During what point in this day have I been painted as the "checker"? 
Are you waiting because I've voted for noname, and you think I have insight into him? 
Why do you think I'd have some special insight?

Have you been following mafia, and remember me as "that guy that interrogates people"?  

This is yet another post that caused a bit of controversy.  The first time I read it, I read it as A Bad Clown wanting to wait for Prof, so that A Bad Clown could make a decision on if A BAd Clown felt Prof was "bad news".

Prof interpreted as A Bad Clown waiting for Prof to give his opinion on other players.  I felt it was a very strong reaction.  If felt odd to me, like it was too strong.  But then A Bad Clown let the whole miscommunication last for about another 200(plus) posts after that, so I'm not sure.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Forgot to add:

A Bad Clown eventually cleared this up to have meant my original interpretation.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Linkzmax said:
Wonktonodi said:

you missed the other random vote on you, something so very alien for you :P

prof never said that it was a random vote though. And though truck counted it, because it wasn't bolded I didn't pay much attention to it.

I think you're joking, but I don't like the way you're saying everything that is done is "alien." It reminds me of the "scummy" posts last round. Granted you were a townie last time, so maybe it's just the way you play. Or is that how you want everyone to think you always play?

I don't see the issue here.  The theme of the game is humans vs aliens.  For this game, scummy = alien.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Statement: Sleeping unit engaged. Return within the next day. Good night all.

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*
Hephaestos said:

Oh forgot to say this...

FoS the clown.... for not even realizing that me saying he was funny looking... was a pun on his sceen name... that and taking my attack on Noname to the first degree when he did the exact same thing (I even commented on this game being ninja themes as I got ninjaed twice in my replies already).


That said, I'm entirely against first day lynches of new players, even if they do a massive slips, they deserve their chance to play here a bit and get the atmosphere.

I am however for not letting slip through first day lynch the other players that slip up, as otherwise, they just slip through the holes and continue slipping scrutiny as other people appear to slip up every day (like radish did 2 rounds ago sleeping though his townie duties after sliping on first day.... that was a usefull tool for the mafia). I'd sleep better with first day targets properly prosecuted. (that also means cops can investigates the slip, lynch is not an absolute).

Assuming we even have a cop, which might not be the case.  Those assumptions can be dangerous.

I also agree that we need to remember to revist the people that we thought were the second most scummy the previous day.  For those not in the game last round, SuperAdriank had a huge slip up Day Two.  He was almost lynched, but then Scottie was ultimately lynched at the end of the Day.  Everyone forgot about him for another couple of Days, until Zexen came back and said "WTF is SuperAdriank still doing alive?"  Of course, SuperAdriank turned out to be scum.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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radishhead said:

Obviously lynches give you more information, but a (mis)lynch on the first day isn't going to give you much information, is it? The only thing that it would do is reduce the numbers so that you have better odds next time - which isn't worth killing a townie just out of curiosity. You're right in that there isn't much behaviour to read on day 1, and clearly we disagree, but I reckon that 9 times out of 10 that a no-lynch is best if there isn't anything solid to go on. Especially in a game with such a low player count as this.

I'm not going to go into it too deeply, but it is in the town's favor to lynch Day One for this game.  It is a pro-town move to be for a lynch today because of the number of players we started with.  I usually just confuse people if I explain further, so I will leave it there.

(Unless someone reeeeeally wants me to explain.)

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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