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theRepublic said:
Hephaestos said:
theRepublic said:
TruckOSaurus said:

trangentspree has been replaced by theRepublic.

I'm here.  I've been following the thread a bit, but it has been moving extremely fast so I am already behind again.  It is going to take me some time to catch up and be able to contribute.

I actually though trucks made you "disapear" to take the mod role.... I'm glad to see you're safe and sound ^^

Lol, no.  I just got a little busy.

Question: User:theRepublic, have you read the thread enough to have a general idea about what is going on?

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*
Around the Network
A Bad Clown said:
theRepublic said:
Hephaestos said:
theRepublic said:
TruckOSaurus said:

trangentspree has been replaced by theRepublic.

I'm here.  I've been following the thread a bit, but it has been moving extremely fast so I am already behind again.  It is going to take me some time to catch up and be able to contribute.

I actually though trucks made you "disapear" to take the mod role.... I'm glad to see you're safe and sound ^^

Lol, no.  I just got a little busy.

Question: User:theRepublic, have you read the thread enough to have a general idea about what is going on?

Still working my way through.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theprof00 said:

noname's post does reinforce the idea that wonk considers radish a confirmed townie.

I've read all the posts discussing this topic, and I know that this idea was already brought up and denied, but I thought it was only that one post and now here's another.

Still...I don't trust radish.


However, this contrasts with my "mafia vote for other mafia on day 1" rule.

For the sake of brevity, the following all makes the assumption that Wonk is mafia:

I remembered this post,(reference) but assumed it was more about trying to draw some connection between Heph and I. Now with everything else, the latter part definitely feels like a teaser for trying to give the idea of lynching radish. Also, it certainly does seem like Wonk is painting radish out to be a townie, a harmful townie but a townie nonetheless. I wonder if this really was an effort to cause a mislynch with the guise of creating a "stronger town" or if Wonk already knew the idea wouldn't fly and thus mafia-radish would not only be safe from a lynch now, but come out looking townie.

Though it feels like your rule borders on meta, which I thought you frowned upon, can you refresh my memory? I feel like you explained it as mafia vote for other mafia day one so that on later days if the other mafia is caught they can say something lie "Hah, I knew that!" Is that correct? And if so, since you've already stated that rule previously, isn't there some yomi thing that would explain exactly why Wonk wouldn't vote for another mafia?

theprof00 said:
Wonktonodi said:

It was me seeing if there were likemined people out there.  I won't deny I was pushing the option of lynching radish you might see that as the same as pushing his lynch, I however was making the case for it to be an option better than no lynch. 

bolded is exactly what mafia do.

Quoting prof, but this is directed more at Wonk.

What I don't get is that nobody even mentioned thinking about ending the day without a lynch, until you brought up radish as like a "last resort" option.

Also, I think you misunderstood prof about the bolded. I believe he means 'Mafia aren't seeing if other mafia are thinking along the same lines. They would be trying to see if there are townies that are thinking the same, so that they can capitalize on it.'

Wonktonodi said:

prof I'm glad you don't trust radish. you shouldn't really trust him or anyone. Especially those who know how to get it.

What do you mean by the bolded, as in what is "it"?

Around the Network
Hephaestos said:
Linkzmax said:

 As for the other "inactives," Heph was on 2 hours ago, Stefl 1 hour ago, and trashleg is on right now, so it's a bit worrisome not to hear from them.

when i open internet all my opened pages refresh. so me being on is not abnormal... especially in weekdays when i'm at work and read 5 mins at a time.

i don't play the online but not posting game, 90% of my VGC activity is in mafia threads.

Going to sum up all my posts about your absence here, because replying to them all would just be silly. I really meant the "bit" part, meaning it's only slightly worrisome. Moreso that over 25% of the players haven't been around than thinking any of you are suspicious for it. I hope last round isn't repeated. As my earlier post said, I was genuinely only concerned with trangentspree, who has now been replaced and I'm willing to offer some grace to theRepublic for jumping in those shoes.

I do realize that it isn't out of the question for people to have the online status when they aren't actually browsing VGC/reading the thread, but when I see it then I am hopeful to hear something from them. I'm not accusing you of being online but not posting. Same goes for the others, but if the popping online without saying anything continues then I will have to question if they're playing that game.

theprof00 said:


Townies want townies to play better because they need the help
Mafia want mafia to participate more because they can't risk a lurker lynch.

and vice-versa

townies don't need townies to participate more because participation =/= ability, and in a lot of cases can be distracting. The only case where townies need townies to participate is the case in which they are contemplating lynching lurkers, which doesn't fall under the category that you placed Radish in.

Mafia don't need mafia to play better because mafia hold all the cards. Skill isn't a necessity for a mafia teammate, just "not being a fuck up".


And no,

mafia are the ones that throw out an accusation (without a vote, I might add) and see if it sticks, then if it does, they pile on top of the vote. That is not to say that that is what happened, but it is one of the mafia tools to control the town.

Townies vote and FoS and such. They say, "due to X,Y, Z, vote/FoS:X"

I still disagree on posting more vs posting better even mafia want fellow mafia to post better because lots of posts filled with nothing will reveal a scum even more than lurking can. Plus mafia would also want there teammates to post well to try and find any townies with a power role.

What I through out wasn't even an accusation.  It was an idea of what we could do if someone doesn't stand out.  However I did still give my reasons for it and stand by those even if others disagree. But that would just be general gameplay philosophy.

Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

noname's post does reinforce the idea that wonk considers radish a confirmed townie.

I've read all the posts discussing this topic, and I know that this idea was already brought up and denied, but I thought it was only that one post and now here's another.

Still...I don't trust radish.


However, this contrasts with my "mafia vote for other mafia on day 1" rule.

For the sake of brevity, the following all makes the assumption that Wonk is mafia:

I remembered this post,(reference) but assumed it was more about trying to draw some connection between Heph and I. Now with everything else, the latter part definitely feels like a teaser for trying to give the idea of lynching radish. Also, it certainly does seem like Wonk is painting radish out to be a townie, a harmful townie but a townie nonetheless. I wonder if this really was an effort to cause a mislynch with the guise of creating a "stronger town" or if Wonk already knew the idea wouldn't fly and thus mafia-radish would not only be safe from a lynch now, but come out looking townie.

Though it feels like your rule borders on meta, which I thought you frowned upon, can you refresh my memory? I feel like you explained it as mafia vote for other mafia day one so that on later days if the other mafia is caught they can say something lie "Hah, I knew that!" Is that correct? And if so, since you've already stated that rule previously, isn't there some yomi thing that would explain exactly why Wonk wouldn't vote for another mafia?

I concur with the 1st paragraph. That's exactly what I was thinking, Radish would never get lynched for that, and both would look slightly more townie, and if wonk or radish flip scum later, the other would look better. Although that would take significant planning if it were the case, it does seem plausible.

And yes, it is for that reason and another. Additionally, it also leads to the same logical fallacy as, "it seems strange to me that a mafia would make a case out of another mafia who wasn't under suspicion", which occurred last game. I find that a lot of tendencies result from experiences of the very previous game. This fallacy happened late last game, but I forget exactly who did it.


And yes, he was misunderstanding me, mafia throw out an idea and see who bites. That is in the scum manual.


And I believe by "it" he means "trust".

Another problem I have with that statement is his lexicon: "shouldn't really trust him". That comes off a little weird, though forgivable.

A Bad Clown said:

Statement: Correct, User: Noname was trying hard to make a case.

This makes him appear to be pro-town.

You have been neutral.

I cannot say much about your actions so far.

As for User: Trashleg, user has not active enough for me to be suspicious.

Unfortunately, I have to say that this post imo guarantees ABCs town affiliation. That idea that noname's effort paints him as pro-town is townie logic.

I also think that noname is town. While I don't think he would go through all that trouble to chronicle the statements over time, I think he is capable of doing so in order to appear townie. In either case, both appear much more town to me than previously.

However, this also furthers my suspicion of trashleg for putting an easy vote on ABC.

While ABC is horrendously bad at communication (and thinks he's doing much better as a robot, despite being a great example of self-fulfilling prophecy), I think he has very good intuition, and has been making some good points.

Linkzmax said:
Wonktonodi said:

I started my post then put in the townie x so that was a mistake there. 

I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the weakest players or at least leave the discussion till after the game.

I was the one saying "townie x", because as you point out the night kill is almost surely a townie. Your use of "player x" made me think that you misread me and thought I was discussing the weak player or whomever is the lynch candidate. You are admitting to a mistake that you didn't even make.

No I'm admiting a mistake I did make. You're townie x was the person the scum would kill at night.  My townie x wasn't supposed to be that same person. The weakest player and the player most likely to be lynched day one are very unlikely to be the same person.  I started out  post without person x.  Then reworded it after useing person x without rechecking how you used it.  So it very much was a mistake that I made.