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However, this contrasts with my "mafia vote for other mafia on day 1" rule.

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theprof00 said:

you know, call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind lynching both radish and wonk either.

That exchange did sound artificial, especially wonk's "I have not pushed for his lynch", and original reasoning giving non-participation as an excuse. I believe him when he says he doesn't want to lynch him, and I also notice the conditional "we will see how it plays out". I also notice the increased presence of radish after their discussion.

should I call you crazy or would you rather I insult you?  You did take your time noticing this.  You had mention me being nailed by linkz then just left it as that.  I was expecting some major pressure from you back then.

Non participation was one of many reasons. It wasn't artificial.  I thought some people might like my idea of a second option.  I was wrong.  However I also figure that if nothing else but it gets someone to play a little better it's something.  I dropped off because I felt it was too much just bullying someone who didn't play as well plus he is playing better.  I'd still lynch him over a no lynch but having him play better is better than having him play the same.

noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:

you know, call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind lynching both radish and wonk either.

That exchange did sound artificial, especially wonk's "I have not pushed for his lynch", and original reasoning giving non-participation as an excuse. I believe him when he says he doesn't want to lynch him, and I also notice the conditional "we will see how it plays out". I also notice the increased presence of radish after their discussion.

Actually, the post that most makes me suspicious of wonk and his pushing for radish's lynch (yes, that's what he was doing), is this one.

In hindsight, it reads like "I smell opportunity."

It was me seeing if there were likemined people out there.  I won't deny I was pushing the option of lynching radish you might see that as the same as pushing his lynch, I however was making the case for it to be an option better than no lynch. 

I must say of the mafia games I've played so far this is my favorite day one by far. :)

Wonktonodi said:
theprof00 said:

you know, call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind lynching both radish and wonk either.

That exchange did sound artificial, especially wonk's "I have not pushed for his lynch", and original reasoning giving non-participation as an excuse. I believe him when he says he doesn't want to lynch him, and I also notice the conditional "we will see how it plays out". I also notice the increased presence of radish after their discussion.

should I call you crazy or would you rather I insult you?  You did take your time noticing this.  You had mention me being nailed by linkz then just left it as that.  I was expecting some major pressure from you back then.

Non participation was one of many reasons. It wasn't artificial.  I thought some people might like my idea of a second option.  I was wrong.  However I also figure that if nothing else but it gets someone to play a little better it's something.  I dropped off because I felt it was too much just bullying someone who didn't play as well plus he is playing better.  I'd still lynch him over a no lynch but having him play better is better than having him play the same.

well, if you insulted me, it would pretty much guarantee that you are mafia since both people who did last game ended up being mafia.

I didn't continue because ff pretty much summed up my own points about the situation. I hadn't looked at all the posts one after another to see the trend. Now, I did notice radish defending you, saying that he had been doing the same as you, which wasn't actually true. 

This defense is what initially made me think that you could both be mafia. 

As far as how long it took me to talk about this, I was content with Linkz line of investigation and decided that I should be looking into other people while he pursue you.

Also, participating more does not equate to playing better. What you wanted him to do, was participate more IMO. 

AND IMO those two different motivations come from two different camps.

Around the Network
Wonktonodi said:
noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:

you know, call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind lynching both radish and wonk either.

That exchange did sound artificial, especially wonk's "I have not pushed for his lynch", and original reasoning giving non-participation as an excuse. I believe him when he says he doesn't want to lynch him, and I also notice the conditional "we will see how it plays out". I also notice the increased presence of radish after their discussion.

Actually, the post that most makes me suspicious of wonk and his pushing for radish's lynch (yes, that's what he was doing), is this one.

In hindsight, it reads like "I smell opportunity."

It was me seeing if there were likemined people out there.  I won't deny I was pushing the option of lynching radish you might see that as the same as pushing his lynch, I however was making the case for it to be an option better than no lynch. 

bolded is exactly what mafia do.

TruckOSaurus said:

trangentspree has been replaced by theRepublic.

I'm here.  I've been following the thread a bit, but it has been moving extremely fast so I am already behind again.  It is going to take me some time to catch up and be able to contribute.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
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Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

you know, call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind lynching both radish and wonk either.

That exchange did sound artificial, especially wonk's "I have not pushed for his lynch", and original reasoning giving non-participation as an excuse. I believe him when he says he doesn't want to lynch him, and I also notice the conditional "we will see how it plays out". I also notice the increased presence of radish after their discussion.

You're crazy. :P

On a somewhat-related note: noname's post rings quite a bell with the flag I alluded to earlier. Time travel notwithstanding, there are explanations that simply don't fit.

Until I explain further, the flag makes me more suspicious of Wonk and less so of radish. To draw a parallel to last round, if ABC is nen then Wonk is MG/SAK and radish is scottie/IMU/Soleron. Then again I can see it from your perspective. If radish and Wonk are both mafia, it would've been the perfect way to give the "order" to be more productive this round, since they couldn't talk secretly yet.

noname's post does reinforce the idea that wonk considers radish a confirmed townie.

I've read all the posts discussing this topic, and I know that this idea was already brought up and denied, but I thought it was only that one post and now here's another.

Still...I don't trust radish.

I didn't think of radish as a confirmed townie. I thought by percentage wise he's more likely to be townie by behavior this game he was neutral and by reputation a liability.

your reaction to the whole thing is about what I expected from what you were saying about finding scum day one.  Had you not reacted this way I would be concerned that you and radish my actually be scum.  You reacting this way though just means all possibility are still open to me.

Linkz reaction is also about what I'd expect from him as well.  Suspect the player being aggressive not the player who is the victim of that aggression.

prof I'm glad you don't trust radish. you shouldn't really trust him or anyone. Especially those who know how to get it.

Wonktonodi said:

I must say of the mafia games I've played so far this is my favorite day one by far. :)

Statement: I agree. This is much more fast paced and mysterious than the former games I have participated in.

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*
Linkzmax said:
A Bad Clown said:

I'm thinking of

Final-Fan: He seems to just post a respone and leave, no one has really be able to ask him anything.

Orangetanget: Hasn't posted at all, he's probably busy but he should at least make an effort to tell us that.

Noname: He seemed to dissapear also, he hasn't posted since yesterday I believe.

Though Heph is in France, so his schedule(as well as anyone else not from the states) would be off, is there any reason you left him off the list? He last posted ~20 hours ago saying he'd be back in about 15. GASP!

Same goes for Stefl, who's been gone for nearly as long as noname with no explanation.

In case it isn't obvious, I'm being sarcastic. While we did tell people to only join if they're going to be active, it is unfair to expect people to be able to post all of the time, real life does take precedence after all. The only player I'd be suspicious of for not posting recently is trangentspree, who's been gone two days now and said he'd be around all day yesterday.

yeah... came back later so went directly to the movies the once finally home it was to 150 posts, started reading... but fell asleep halfway. Today i had 150 more posts and not much time.

weekends are not my best activity when i go out, i'm currently at post 401 wich i'm quoting (there are 450plus).

i'm currently at the post i'm quoting :p