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Current Votes (5 needed to lynch):


[1, L-4] theprof00: Final-Fan 

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

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I reckon that if Wonk had said that he was doctor, we would at least have given him a day to contemplate the idea. At least, I would have done. It's a shame that he didn't mention it - the "pro-town role" claim made me fairly certain that he was bluffing with us.

In other news, I was away when Prof hammered Wonk, but I think that I would have interupted the goings on should I have been around. By the look of things, it was a very tense atmosphere, and everyone seemed to be tired of such a long first day. The votes just kept piling on, but it was Prof that did the final move. I'm used to Prof being a very good player, so I was expecting a brilliant explanation as to why he felt that Wonk was a good choice for a lynch that night, but it wasn't very detailed. It's not a huge mistake, but I've grown to expect better from a veteran.

FoS: Prof

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It seems that Wonk fell victim to trying too hard - I hope it doesn't stop him from being useful in the future rounds

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theprof00 said:

3) one, as in "the one chosen from among the group of people". Last round, like I predicted on day 2, they left you alive in the hopes you would get lynched ala Heph-style mafia. This time it's different. Different strategy. Leave ALL the high-profile... perhaps to blend in? Maybe it's several high-profilers? I think we should think about this. A real big problem I'm having with your logic right now is, "republic said we should revisit X, so let's do that", without a single question as to why we're doing that. I agree that we should look at his posts, but I am not so confident to think that Republic is on the right path.

4) I was just curious why she was even mentioned in my paragraph. But I see it's because you gave me an HoS and had to take one away from someone else. Your post is easily misinterpreted as taking suspicion off of Trashleg while discreditting me.

5) Like I said, I don't think republic should be taken at face value so easily. Revisit ABC? Aren't we past this yet? We are you focusing on his post about me and ABC when republic shared a lot of the same suspicions that I did. You're cherry picking, linkz.

3) I agree with dead day one townies not being particularly interesting in the info they give... they were mostly in the blind and extrapolating in the first place.... Wonk being dead is a fine example of that.

But the blending in doesn't make sense...  Besides Radish (no offence but you seem to still be playing more than one game at a time...) and ABC who's new, I don't see who could not be considered high profile here... unless your definition is of players that try to lead the town discussion... then yes the numbers are restricted.

5) You do seem intent on not having it revisited, yet yesterday you said you were expecting him to be revisited in the following days (if I recall correctly, it was part of the post which I described as sending flowers between linkz and you). Why do you now believe we're past this when you didn't yesterday? I don't see how the info from wonk's death or rep's could affect this belief.


Wonktonodi said:

I'm at L1? So better say it before I get hammered.  I have a protown role.  Hopefully you guys won't just lynch me and then hopefully tonight I can get some protection.

I played slightly differently this game because I didn't want to just do my gung ho protown self and get nightkilled.

I didn't read this as a "role" claim but more as a town claim...

FYI wonk, in games here, i've often seen docs able to protect themselves, so downplaying the possibility of you being the doc ("hopefully tonight I can get some protection") isn't helpfull, as a power role would read this as a fake claim ("he's not the doc and i'm the cop... he's faking it, there can't be 3 roles"), it could also make a later doc claim more difficult for the town to accept.


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Final-Fan said:


instead pointing the finger at me for hammering wonk when someone else might've done it anyway, and you casually say, "OH I WAS ABOUT TO TAKE MY VOTE OFF".

I'm rolling my eyes harder than a 16 year old valley girl.

Are ... are you saying you don't believe me? 

I believe you, it'd actually fit with your playstyle of the past few games.

but knowing i'm a townie too, I believe that if you were mafia, the second lynch train that would have followed was equally good for you.

so it's really moot.


After reading through most of the posts between prof, trashleg and heph, I think that the conversation does not hold enough value to judge anyone of them.

As for Heph: he tried to make a point, by claiming that prof bullies people, prof then claimed that he never bullied anyone, which is not quite true, but heph said that it is unusual for prof to bully people - I think prof is quite tame this round and isn't behaving that aggresive this game (considering he let go ABC so easy), so Heph IMO made two mistakes there:

1) It is unusual for Prof to bully people

2) Prof is more aggresiv this round then in others

As for Prof: Like stated above, he said he never bullied people, which is not true, and he is behaving not so aggresiv against ABC. I think in other rounds he would be all over him, and not let go until ABC gave up, or he turns up innocent somehow. Then again Prof is mostly right with what he thinks about trashleg. He investigated trashlegs  192-post-claim correctly and made some other valid points. Still nothing special since I don't know how trashleg plays normaly, also I feel that Prof is suspicious of trashleg just because she is too calm... while I think thats no real reason to think of someone as scum because of that. So prof is IMO wrong with the following points:

1) He never bullies people

2) People are suspicious if they keep their calm

Now to trashleg: I consider trashlegs actions not really that scummy, I think the 192-post-claim was simply a mistake, also in the discussion she did not say anything particularly suspicious, though I did not find her promised post investigating me and wonk (who is dead by now). I am not one to talk but I think she has not displayed much initiative in this game yet. Well she made only one big mistake IMO, which got her profs attention:

1) The 192-Post-Claim

There are still some posts left to read... but I want to continue now with more recent events:

I got the idea that TheProf and ABC might be on the same team this game. ABC jumped on the Wonk lynch train as soon as he smelled a possibility to avoid his lynch (granted even a townie would try avoiding his lynch, but there are better ways then jumping on someones lynchtrain), later Prof hammered Wonk pretty hasty, rescueing his scumbuddy ABC. Of course this does not mean that they are both on the same team, though I think if Prof turns out to be scum, ABC is scum. That does not mean that if prof turns out innocent ABC is innocent. Sadly if ABC turns out to be scum, I would still be in doubt of theprofs allignment. So well... I don't think I can really judge the allignment of the other one just by knowing the allignment of the other one (well, who can...)

Stefl1504 said:

 So well... I don't think I can really judge the allignment of the other one just by knowing the allignment of the other one (well, who can...)

should mean: I don't think I can really judge the allignment of one of the two just by knowing the allignment of the other one (well, who can...)

i'm gonna be online for like 2 hours later, buti just hadto cancel myinternet so il only be able to get on at uni.. couple of hours later then wont be on til tomorrow.

i can only say that what happened to wonk will be properly picked apart, by me, until i build a case against one or a few of you.


Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Son of a bitch.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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