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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo doesn't only lack hardware!

I noticed over the last few weeks that hardware isn't the only thing Nintendo is really lacking. Software is almost non-existant I was looking for a few games and I couldn't find them anywhere. What games am I talking about?

 GuitarHeroIII - Yes I know that GuitarHeroIII is insanly hard to find anyways. But I can find at least a couple copies on PS3 and from time to time some copies on X-Box 360 they come in piles of like 60 to FutureShop. But in all this time since GHIII release I have yet to see a single Wii copy. I asked my buddy who works at Future Shop and he said they get about 3-5 copies a week and they sell out within an hour or so of openning.

DDR:Hottest Party - Now I have actually seen copies of this game in some stores. I have seen it twice once in EBGames and once in FutureShop. However I have never seen more then a single copy in any of these stores. Yet DDR:Universe is everywhere infact their was a pyramid of them at FutureShop for the X-Box 360.

MarioParty:DS - We set out to get a copy of MarioParty DS and went to over 7 stores before we tracked down a single copy of MarioParty:DS. Every single store we looked at was sold out.

 Now those are just the three games I was looking into buying. But I have noticed MarioGalaxy, Sonic&Mario:AtTheOlympics as well as various other Wii games are no where to be found. If you look in Walmart they had one glass case of Wii games but three glass cases of 360 games.

 So whats with the shortage of software. I mean with so little hardware selling you would think Nintendo could keep the software in stock. I mean Nintendo's software isn't dominating the charts entirely how could they not have any software. Games like GHIII and DDR:HottestParty should be huge sellers yet their are no copies to be found anywhere. 

Does anybody know if Nintendo still handles all of the third party software manufacturing like they used to? Or can third parties manufacture Wii games on there own now? 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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yeah i've had a hard time finding GH3 in australia. some catalogues don't even have the wii version advertised next to the 360/ps3/ps2 ones and i've never seen it in stores.

Guitar Hero is limited by supply of the Wii guitar, I hear.

As for other games, I'm not sure. SMG seems to be readily available everywhere around here. I haven't seen a copy of MoH: H2 anywhere, though...

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

You were looking for popular games in the weeks leading up to Christmas... and you found game shortages.


Joelcool7 said:

(...) I mean with so little hardware selling (...)



My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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A few weeks ago Reggie stated that Wii games were supply constrained, also (though not nearly as bad as the hardware).

Words Of Wisdom said:
You were looking for popular games in the weeks leading up to Christmas... and you found game shortages.


 lol, so true. Games are going to sell out in the holiday season.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
yeah i've had a hard time finding GH3 in australia. some catalogues don't even have the wii version advertised next to the 360/ps3/ps2 ones and i've never seen it in stores.

 MY local JB has had about 6 copies of Wii GH3 with the guitar for the last week or so.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Where is the Wii Zapper?

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Where is the Wii Zapper?

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