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Forums - Sales Discussion - 2007 is now settled - will 2008 be any different?

KZ2 4M first month? I'd bet against that...a lot

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stranne said:
KZ2 4M first month? I'd bet against that...a lot

Crazzyman lives up to his username with those insane predictions.


I'll join in on the predictions.

Wii: 13m
360: 10.5m
PS3: 8m

Total @ end of 2008:

Wii: 30.3m
360: 27.5m
PS3: 16.3m

My predictions:

Wii = 12M
PS3 = 14M
360 = 9M



PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


At the end of 2007, I expect around 19 million Wii's, 16.5 million 360's and 8.5 million PS3's sold. For 2008, I'm generally bullish that all systems will have a increase from 2007.

Wii - I expect Wii's sales to increase only marginally due to supply problems. It'll still sell incredible, but there is an upper limit to what it can sell based on how many they can make. In 2008, I expect it to sell 21 million consoles, bringing LTD to 40 million.

Xbox 360 - I expect the 360 will continue to do very well in America. I think it's impressive back catalog and more accessible price will allow it sell considerably better here as well, with a price cut and GTA4 cementing it's position. In Japan, it will have a marginal but ultimately meaningless increase. In Europe, I expect it to do similar numbers as this year. However, I think a big price cut to coincide with the release of GTA4 could allow it to switch positions with the PS3 again. Overall, I expect it to sell around 10.5 million next year, for a LTD of 27 million.

PS3 - I expect the PS3 to follow a similar path as the 360 next year. It will sell better next year in Japan, but it will remain relatively insignificant (2 million for the year). In America, it will only do marginally better for most of the year, as it's price of entry is still too high. In Europe, I expect it to do considerably better compared the slow parts from last year, but the price advantage of the 360 could hurt it at GTA4 launch. I'm expecting games such as KZ2 and MGS4 to underperform based on other exclusives that the system has seen. Which is not to say they will flop, but they won't ignite system sales. I expect 8.5 million systems sold, for a total of 17 million LTD.

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It might seen crazy, but Ninty potentially COULD release a Wii II NOW - solve some of their manufacturing issues, as it would have a much higher margin - and need less units sold. They couldn't afford to develop software for it though - they would need 3rd-party devs to do that (i.e. X-platform titles).

Frankly, I think that this would be CORRECTLY seen as "pulling a Sega". United Wii stands, divided Wii falls.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

MikeB said:
@ shams

Only the PS2 can take down the Wii

I would think more along the lines of a Slimline PS3, which may not happen in 2008, maybe more likely in 2009 with the PS2 getting retired.

I doubt Sony will release a Slim PS3 in 2009. That would be less than three years after their launch and IIRC, the Slim PS2 was over four years after launch.

Without going to a liquid cooling solution, I don't see how they could do it. Power6 architecture is reknown for running white-hot. I doubt even 32nm architecture (late 2009 at the earliest) would even be enough to allow Sony to slim down the unit enough to launch a redesign unless they add expensive liquid cooling, which really defeats the purpose of a Slim unit in the first place.

Of course, the same applies to the 360 since it also runs on Power6 architecture. Just look at Apple's difficulty with their G5 line and their ultimate departure from IBM chips because they couldn't come up with a system to cram that heat monster into a laptop. Want a good laugh? Check out the G5 PowerMacs heat sinks before Apple went with liquid cooling. They also had to design a compartmentalized case to tone down the wind tunnel-esque fans they needed to run in those beasts.

Or check out my new webcomic:

End of 08 predictions

Wii- 18million+

Ps3- 9.5million +/-

360- 13million +/-

As for ds and psp i expect the same though a slight decline in both hardware sales. I think god of war psp and ff7cc will sell pretty well but after them e3 will be coming up and i think we will be hearing rumors about psp2 by christmas 08. Hey it could happen.




3 words:

Wii Lightsabre Game

Predictions for 2008:

Wii - Will continue to sell very well, although inevitably, numbers will decrease over the course of the year.  Will it disappear?  No!  Will it dominate to the same extent?  I don't think so!

PS3 - Will continue to sell better than it has.  I reckon it will have a good year next year.  It will be better for the PS3 then previous years.

360 - Will sell well in NA, but not as well as this year.  Sales will slow down considerably in Europe and it will die (if it already hasn't in Japan).

PSP - Will sell well next year.  Although will always play second fiddle to the DS.

DS - Will still be a beast, although sales will slow down slightly. 

In short, I reckon that the PS3 will be the must have console next year.  The Wii will still be popular and will rack up some good sales.  The 360 will start declining.  The PSP will remain constant and will gradually pull in decent sales although not brilliant and the DS will continue to sell well. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)