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MikeB said:
@ shams

Only the PS2 can take down the Wii

I would think more along the lines of a Slimline PS3, which may not happen in 2008, maybe more likely in 2009 with the PS2 getting retired.

I doubt Sony will release a Slim PS3 in 2009. That would be less than three years after their launch and IIRC, the Slim PS2 was over four years after launch.

Without going to a liquid cooling solution, I don't see how they could do it. Power6 architecture is reknown for running white-hot. I doubt even 32nm architecture (late 2009 at the earliest) would even be enough to allow Sony to slim down the unit enough to launch a redesign unless they add expensive liquid cooling, which really defeats the purpose of a Slim unit in the first place.

Of course, the same applies to the 360 since it also runs on Power6 architecture. Just look at Apple's difficulty with their G5 line and their ultimate departure from IBM chips because they couldn't come up with a system to cram that heat monster into a laptop. Want a good laugh? Check out the G5 PowerMacs heat sinks before Apple went with liquid cooling. They also had to design a compartmentalized case to tone down the wind tunnel-esque fans they needed to run in those beasts.

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