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Forums - Sony Discussion - Activision may close PlayStation Network Black Ops servers

Why is it that 1st and 2nd party titles work excellent on the PSN servers? Food for thought.

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How exciting.

I wish they did it. I mean, losing 10 million customers is obviously better than just putting a damn dedicated server, right?

Activision fail.

The more realistic outcome will be that the spokesperson will get the shit slapped out of him by Activision's CEO for this statement. No matter what security issues there are, I don't think Activision will risk hurting Modern Warfare 3 sales by cutting off 9 million users. Besides I still haven't bought it yet......

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Mummelmann said:

Why is it that 1st and 2nd party titles work excellent on the PSN servers? Food for thought.

PS3 = New wii!@!@!!@!@@!

/trolled x), just kidding.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

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NotStan said:
Mummelmann said:

Why is it that 1st and 2nd party titles work excellent on the PSN servers? Food for thought.

PS3 = New wii!@!@!!@!@@!

/trolled x), just kidding.

Don't say that! Pachter will d0me it and we'll have to deal with incredible sales!

There is a far bigger issue here than a customer service rep clearly speaking out of line.  Sony has no response to the current hacking threat invading it's network.  There is no blame to be placed here towards Activision, Treyarch, infinity ward, or Sony for that matter, hackers are to blame but Sony and only Sony can deal with the threat.  Treyarch can't change the code to keep the modders out, IW can't change the code to keep the modders out, only Sony can police their network and deal with their online service that they provide. 

This activision employee spoke out of turn but he may not be the last if Sony doesn't begin an aggressive campaign to fight against the hackers online.  MS figured it out pretty quick, mod your console and show up online and it's banned forever, your ISP is gone, your gamertag, everything.  You want to mod your console fine but don't show up in a public match and don't mess with the code.

If the PS3 jailbreak reaches mass media it could bring a negativity upon it that could hamper the consoles life span.  Members on this site should spend less time pointing fingers at the programmers and start contacting Sony and demand that they take the necessary steps to protect online gaming.  If you think this will end with COD you are way off, KZ3 sells millions, some a-hole hacker will target box it and ruin the experience for everyone.  You like playing Uncharted 3 online, you won't when they are done with it. 

AussieGecko said:

:O wow this hacking thing is reallllly bad for sonys image.

this has nothing to do with the hacking. Activision's p2p styled servers suck, period. Not a shock, even on PC they blow. They are total lagfests and there is no reason for that at all. No other publisher has lag issues like Activision. COD4 is unbearable on PC. They really should have dedicated servers like everyone else.

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mchaza said:
raptors11 said:

lol @ blaming Sony for hackers and network issues. How come Bad Company 2's dedicated servers are working just fine Activision?

As much as I don't enjoy Battlefield I wouldn't mind seeing it crush CoD.


And not because of this whole fiasco, but because I'm sick of the Cod series, Black Ops is the last CoD game I'll buy day 1. If say a couple months after release people still say Modern Warfare 3 is good I'll maybe buy it.

battlefeild bad company 2: Dedicated servers 

Call of duty black ops: Peer to peer (no dedicated servers) But dedicated Servers for stat collection and running the peer to peer 

problem is that cod servers at running there peer to peer suck and lag like crazy 

Yes sir. Unless Modern Warfare 3 (or whatever is next) has dedicated servers I'm not buying it.

Mummelmann said:
NotStan said:
Mummelmann said:

Why is it that 1st and 2nd party titles work excellent on the PSN servers? Food for thought.

PS3 = New wii!@!@!!@!@@!

/trolled x), just kidding.

Don't say that! Pachter will d0me it and we'll have to deal with incredible sales!

But...But..But there is no 3rd party support!@!@!@!@

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.