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Wii DS software sales = 26m

Nintendo published = 10.5m

Who is publishing the other 15.5m????

I honestly don't know why those 3rd parties bother...

Around the Network

I'm really happy for Retro Studios.. Great sales for a great game by a great studio.. Now to see what the software sales actually were :P


Total Wii-Domination.

fwap said:
Just Dance 2 (Wii)
11 824,950 4,285,369
Just Dance (Wii)
58 184,540 5,083,680

How long until Just Dance 2 outsells Just Dance? 2 more weeks, says I!

Jesus christ, 825k for JD2!? What the actual f-


Kinect Adventures, sooo close to 1M, meh will have to wait till next years holiday sales for such spectacular numbers again.

And wow @ COD legs.. Also, why does it say that it's published by Square Enix underneath the PS3 AND 360 BO versions?

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

Just Dance 2 doing nearly 1M in a week? O_0

Around the Network
NotStan said:
And wow @ COD legs.. Also, why does it say that it's published by Square Enix underneath the PS3 AND 360 BO versions?

Because they publish it in Japan. Kinda like how Capcom publishes GTA in Japan.

Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
NotStan said:
And wow @ COD legs.. Also, why does it say that it's published by Square Enix underneath the PS3 AND 360 BO versions?

Because they publish it in Japan. Kinda like how Capcom publishes GTA in Japan.

So because it's published in one region it's labelled under that company world wide? Weird, considering is it's weakest region too, if SE published it in Americas then I'd understand

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

NotStan said:
Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
NotStan said:
And wow @ COD legs.. Also, why does it say that it's published by Square Enix underneath the PS3 AND 360 BO versions?

Because they publish it in Japan. Kinda like how Capcom publishes GTA in Japan.

So because it's published in one region it's labelled under that company world wide? Weird, considering is it's weakest region too, if SE published it in Americas then I'd understand

Probably just a mistake on this site because the Japanese section was the last part to be updated.

Sorry for missing the last week dudes.

IT ONLY DOES LEGZ - GT5 was destroying your old brother.

# GT5 GT4 Week Diff Cumulative
1 2,191,588 2,523,055 -331,467 (-13.1%) -331,467 (-13.1%)
2 729,245 1,000,378 -271,133 (-27.1%) -602,600 (-17.1%)
3 617,341 510,176  107,165 (21.0%) -495,435 (-12.2%)
4  575,343 326,608 248,735 (76.1%) -246,700  (-5.6%)
5 524,431 231,662 292,769 (126.2%) 46,069 (1.0%)
6   178,044    

ethomaz said:

Sorry for missing the last week dudes.

IT ONLY DOES LEGZ - GT5 was destroying your old brother.

# GT5 GT4 Week Diff Cumulative
1 2,191,588 2,523,055 -331,467 (-13.1%) -331,467 (-13.1%)
2 729,245 1,000,378 -271,133 (-27.1%) -602,600 (-17.1%)
3 617,341 510,176  107,165 (21.0%) -495,435 (-12.2%)
4  575,343 326,608 248,735 (76.1%) -246,700  (-5.6%)
5 524,431 231,662 292,769 (126.2%) 46,069 (1.0%)
6   178,044    

I did it x)


Weeks Gran Turismo 4 Gran Turismo 5 Difference Cumulative
1 770 867 473 393 -297 474 -297 474
2 299 629 173 931 -125 698 -423 172
3 152 368 174 036 21 668 -401 504
4 95 472 172 393 76 921 -324 583
5 68 348 198 424 130 076 -194 507
6 47 451
7 31 749
8 25 951
9 20 685
10 18 596
Total 10W: 1 531 116 1 192 177 -338 939



Weeks Gran Turismo 4 Gran Turismo 5 Difference Cumulative
1 1 078 304 1 293 458 215 154 215 154
2 542 279 495 715 -46 564 168 590
3 290 143 416 705 126 562 295 152
4 192 343 384 813 192 470 487 622
5 139 295 311 178 171 883 659 505
6 109 402
7 90 388
8 82 976
9 74 480
10 66 924
Total 10W: 2 666 534 2 901 869 235 335



Weeks Gran Turismo 4 Gran Turismo 5 Difference Cumulative
1 673 884 424 737 -249 147 -249 147
2 158 470 59 599 -98 871 -348 018
3 67 665 26 600 -41 065 -389 083
4 38 793 18 137 -20 656 -409 739
5 24 019 14 829 -9 190 -418 929
6 21 191
7 15 124
8 12 062
9 7 603
10 6 569
Total 10W: 1 025 380 543 902 -481 478



Weeks Gran Turismo 4 Gran Turismo 5 Difference Cumulative
1 2 523 055 2 191 588 -331 467 -331 467
2 1 000 378 729 245 -271 133 -602 600
3 510 176 617 341 107 165 -495 435
4 326 608 575 343 248 735 -246 700
5 231 662 524 431 292 769 46 069
6 178 044
7 137 261
8 120 989
9 102 768
10 92 089
Total 10W: 5 223 030 4 637 948 -585 082

Btw GT5 adjusted up 2k last week in Japan.