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Forums - Sony Discussion - 5 reasons to own a PS3 in 2011

I'd like to fix your section talking about the games. You haven't mentioned any titles that are coming out in 2011, only titles that have come out in the past.

Little Big Planet 2, Mass Effect 2, InFamous 2, Twisted Metal, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, The Last Guardian (maybe?), Killzone 3, Motorstorm: Apocolypse, Ape Escape, Sorcery, Team ICO collection.

I'm only talking about exclusives there obviously, and so far the list stacks up to be more game then I would typically buy in year with exclusives and 3rd party games combined.

 Proud owner of the PSone original, PSone slim, PS2 slim, PS3 slim, PSP-3000.

37 PS3 games and counting.

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vr6GOLFr32 said:

I'd like to fix your section talking about the games. You haven't mentioned any titles that are coming out in 2011, only titles that have come out in the past.

Little Big Planet 2, Mass Effect 2, InFamous 2, Twisted Metal, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, The Last Guardian (maybe?), Killzone 3, Motorstorm: Apocolypse, Ape Escape, Sorcery, Team ICO collection, Socom 4.

I'm only talking about exclusives there obviously, and so far the list stacks up to be more game then I would typically buy in year with exclusives and 3rd party games combined.

 Proud owner of the PSone original, PSone slim, PS2 slim, PS3 slim, PSP-3000.

37 PS3 games and counting.

theprof00 said:

Man these top 5 reasons for both 360 and ps3 were terrible.

Here, I'll save you the effort and write the Wii one.

5: It sells a lot. During the past Christmas, Wii sold almost 2 million consoles in one week. It's very popular. That on its own shouldn't influence your decision, but keeping in mind that all those sales are probably from people who don't play video games like those hot chicks in your pre-law class, there's a handful of reasons to get a wii (no pun intended).

4: It has great exclusives. The Nintendo lineup is top tier. They are challenging and fun. Mostly, this is referring to the Nintendo developed games: the marios, the zeldas, the metroids, etc; And there are plenty of new ones coming out this year to boot.

3: It's efficient. Notice how low your power bill is when you play that new wii game for a month rather than a competitors console, and then tell me that the 40$ a month you saved in electricity doesn't make a difference. (you won't).

2: Homebrew. Nintendo is simply the easiest console to hack and play pirated games on barring its other console, the DS.

1: Fun for the whole family. Have kids, grandparents, MILFS? They will all benefit from having a wii. With Nintendo's new vitality sensor coming out, and two Wii Fit iterations already on the market. There's something for everyone. Just don't blame me when you now have to fight over who gets to play the console. That's how it should be!

LMAO...theprof just made the source look like a tool.  On a personal note I too have been boycotting Sony products (except movies).  I haven't been a Sony console fan since the original PS1.  The PS2 pissed me off by promising 10x the power of a Dreamcast (made me buy it from some shady guy for 2-3x the cost at launch) and only to be trumped by GCN and the original Xbox in power. Then I find out they take out BC, and that's when I had to break-up with Sony.  Besides last gen GCN and Xbox got more playing time for me.  Also, their LCD-TV's are nothing but rebadged Sharp panels; but costing the most out of all LCDs out there. (I got the new Sharp LEDs---they're freakin sweet for $250-300 less than the comprable Sony). 

oni-link said:
theprof00 said:

Man these top 5 reasons for both 360 and ps3 were terrible.

Here, I'll save you the effort and write the Wii one.

5: It sells a lot. During the past Christmas, Wii sold almost 2 million consoles in one week. It's very popular. That on its own shouldn't influence your decision, but keeping in mind that all those sales are probably from people who don't play video games like those hot chicks in your pre-law class, there's a handful of reasons to get a wii (no pun intended).

4: It has great exclusives. The Nintendo lineup is top tier. They are challenging and fun. Mostly, this is referring to the Nintendo developed games: the marios, the zeldas, the metroids, etc; And there are plenty of new ones coming out this year to boot.

3: It's efficient. Notice how low your power bill is when you play that new wii game for a month rather than a competitors console, and then tell me that the 40$ a month you saved in electricity doesn't make a difference. (you won't).

2: Homebrew. Nintendo is simply the easiest console to hack and play pirated games on barring its other console, the DS.

1: Fun for the whole family. Have kids, grandparents, MILFS? They will all benefit from having a wii. With Nintendo's new vitality sensor coming out, and two Wii Fit iterations already on the market. There's something for everyone. Just don't blame me when you now have to fight over who gets to play the console. That's how it should be!

LMAO...theprof just made the source look like a tool.  On a personal note I too have been boycotting Sony products (except movies).  I haven't been a Sony console fan since the original PS1.  The PS2 pissed me off by promising 10x the power of a Dreamcast (made me buy it from some shady guy for 2-3x the cost at launch) and only to be trumped by GCN and the original Xbox in power. Then I find out they take out BC, and that's when I had to break-up with Sony.  Besides last gen GCN and Xbox got more playing time for me.  Also, their LCD-TV's are nothing but rebadged Sharp panels; but costing the most out of all LCDs out there. (I got the new Sharp LEDs---they're freakin sweet for $250-300 less than the comprable Sony). 

This is more your fault for believing the hype...rule one of anything in life, don't believe the hype.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Ajescent said:
oni-link said:
theprof00 said:

Man these top 5 reasons for both 360 and ps3 were terrible.

Here, I'll save you the effort and write the Wii one.

5: It sells a lot. During the past Christmas, Wii sold almost 2 million consoles in one week. It's very popular. That on its own shouldn't influence your decision, but keeping in mind that all those sales are probably from people who don't play video games like those hot chicks in your pre-law class, there's a handful of reasons to get a wii (no pun intended).

4: It has great exclusives. The Nintendo lineup is top tier. They are challenging and fun. Mostly, this is referring to the Nintendo developed games: the marios, the zeldas, the metroids, etc; And there are plenty of new ones coming out this year to boot.

3: It's efficient. Notice how low your power bill is when you play that new wii game for a month rather than a competitors console, and then tell me that the 40$ a month you saved in electricity doesn't make a difference. (you won't).

2: Homebrew. Nintendo is simply the easiest console to hack and play pirated games on barring its other console, the DS.

1: Fun for the whole family. Have kids, grandparents, MILFS? They will all benefit from having a wii. With Nintendo's new vitality sensor coming out, and two Wii Fit iterations already on the market. There's something for everyone. Just don't blame me when you now have to fight over who gets to play the console. That's how it should be!

LMAO...theprof just made the source look like a tool.  On a personal note I too have been boycotting Sony products (except movies).  I haven't been a Sony console fan since the original PS1.  The PS2 pissed me off by promising 10x the power of a Dreamcast (made me buy it from some shady guy for 2-3x the cost at launch) and only to be trumped by GCN and the original Xbox in power. Then I find out they take out BC, and that's when I had to break-up with Sony.  Besides last gen GCN and Xbox got more playing time for me.  Also, their LCD-TV's are nothing but rebadged Sharp panels; but costing the most out of all LCDs out there. (I got the new Sharp LEDs---they're freakin sweet for $250-300 less than the comprable Sony). 

This is more your fault for believing the hype...rule one of anything in life, don't believe the hype.

I couldn't agree more. This generation has been filled with so much disappointment due to hype that it's so ridiculous.

 Proud owner of the PSone original, PSone slim, PS2 slim, PS3 slim, PSP-3000.

37 PS3 games and counting.

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OMG dude...i think 2011 is gonna be a hard time for you...i mean for me its such a nono to not even played MGS4...for me i would kill myself if i didnt play this game ^^

but will start of with Little Big Planet 2...u will read all the great things about it and how groundbreaking it will be...Uncharted 3 will make you shake...but it will all end with The Last Guardian...cause if you cant play this game...suicidal is the only way out this fukked up no Ps3-life ^.^

how did you even survive Heavy Rain,Uncharted 2,MGS4 and God of War 3?

Versus XIII  on the way !!!

Wait you say you've been boycotting sony products for 7 years yet in your second point you say you own a PS3. Don't make no sense.

Berstuck said:

Wait you say you've been boycotting sony products for 7 years yet in your second point you say you own a PS3. Don't make no sense.

He was not own the PS3.. just put 5 reasons to do that.

ethomaz said:
Berstuck said:

Wait you say you've been boycotting sony products for 7 years yet in your second point you say you own a PS3. Don't make no sense.

He was not own the PS3.. just put 5 reasons to do that.

No he clearly says in point two that he has both HD consoles at the moment as he is able to compare the graphics and prefers the PS3.

  • The PS3 Delivers Stunning Graphics – Breathtaking graphics are one of the primary reasons so many gamers have chosen the PS3, and is also one of the most noticeable differences between the PS3 and other systems. The graphics and overall visual quality the PS3 offers are unsurpassed by any other system, and in my opinion, offer simply the best viewing experience from among any of the mainstream gaming systems.  I’m sure there are some Xbox 360 fans out there that will disagree with me, but we will simply have to agree to disagree as I own both systems and definitely prefer the graphics on the PS3.