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Forums - Sales Discussion - EMEAA 25th December Up!

CGI-Quality said:
atma998 said:
CGI-Quality said:

GT5 WW will near GT4's WW this week. If America's sales are consistent with the past 3 weeks, it's performance there is just fantastic. GT4 was at 1.5mill by it's tenth week in the US. GT5 should be able to reach that in similar time. Japan is the only region where the sales are not as pleasing as many hoped.

The only thing is that GT4 wasnt released during holidays so you're comparison isnt very valuable.


Sorry didnt want to burst your bubble. Still good numbers for GT5 in EMEAA unlike its performance in Japan and Americas.

Bubble hardly bursted.

If buyers don't want something, they won't buy it. GT5 is a hot item, so it's going to sell big. The holiday has helped, no doubt about it, but I'm willing to bet it would have done big numbers without the holidays, especially in this region.

Now if it drops off after the holidays (I'm talking a steep drop, not an expected, post holiday drop), then we can talk about it's sales rate. But for right now, the only thing to go on is what's there, and what's there puts GT5 ahead of GT4 in the same time frame, on a console with a considerably lower userbase (something some said would make a difference).

As for America/Japan - the only real letdown is Japan. In America, it's sales have been consistent the past few weeks, and it will be over 1 million this week. It should do at least 2 million there, but I'm thinking it will settle at 2.5mill (which would hardly be bad considering GT4 did 2.8mill)

No need to get so defensive, he was just pointing out how flawed your alligned comparison was, and even said they were good sales ... :-S


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Btw GT4 was release in late December 2004 in Japan so Japan sales are the one that are disappointing.

Wii dropped.

But not by much.

But it's gonna be totally domed soon.

Hey, DK and Mickey are doing great.

Other M....

Conegamer said:
dany612 said:
Conegamer said:
dany612 said:

Go Kinect Sports!

Yeah! Woot! Let's look at that one!


Can't find it in the charts

LMAO........your such a troll 

I meant to say Kinect Adventures -_-

I know what you meant

Also, agred. Kinect is monstrous. It's sold FAR beter than I could EVER have imagined. I predicted 5 mil LT. I was wrong. I admit that

Number of times wrong: 2

Really? You thought 5 million Lifetime? I thought 25% of install base was a realistic expectation before launch. But thaqt attach rate could be exceeded at some point, esp if this mopmentum is retained long term. 25% of 50 million = 12.5 million, it should do that some time in 2012. Of course by 2012 the install base will be >>50 million, but I expect it will get closer and closer to 25% and be pretty much there when the next Xbox iteration rolls out, or rather when the 360 is no longer being sold new.

As to the rest of this week's figures: It all seems to be going according to plan, for pretty much everyone. Seems like 360 will get 2 weeks over 1 million. Impressive indeed. I'm going to call this year a tie for 2nd place. PS3 remains stronger in most markets, 360 much stronger in a few markets. 360 got a lot more momentum out of these holidays than PS3, but PS3 is going to end 2010 with more sales overall. Move is doing respectable numbers, higher than most expectations, Kinect is doing phenominal sales, much higher than many expectations, including expectations that looks a bit optimistic before launch. GT5 has definitely benefitted HW sales in EMEAA for PS3. I suspect that if GT5 didn't release this holidays 360 would have outsold PS3 across the EMEAA markets.

2011 will be interesting to behold.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


forest-spirit said:

Wii dropped.

But not by much.

But it's gonna be totally domed soon.

Hey, DK and Mickey are doing great.

Other M....

That's very unusual, and DS as well. On top of that you would think sales would go up even more than normal because of that blizzard limiting sales in the UK the week before.

Proudest Platinums:
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Around the Network

i was right about kinect! just so you guys know!

toastboy44562 said:

i was right about kinect! just so you guys know!

LOL, remember how so many posters said that Kinect would sell less than a million units this year and 2 or 3 million units max over it's lifetime and how PS3 Move would handily outsell it? Good stuff. Those threads are hilarious.

pachoo5 said:
toastboy44562 said:

i was right about kinect! just so you guys know!

LOL, remember how so many posters said that Kinect would sell less than a million units this year and 2 or 3 million units max over it's lifetime and how PS3 Move would handily outsell it? Good stuff. Those threads are hilarious.

yeah. anyone that thought move was going to sell better than kienct is crazy imo

Krazy Kinect Kross!
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