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CGI-Quality said:
atma998 said:
CGI-Quality said:

GT5 WW will near GT4's WW this week. If America's sales are consistent with the past 3 weeks, it's performance there is just fantastic. GT4 was at 1.5mill by it's tenth week in the US. GT5 should be able to reach that in similar time. Japan is the only region where the sales are not as pleasing as many hoped.

The only thing is that GT4 wasnt released during holidays so you're comparison isnt very valuable.


Sorry didnt want to burst your bubble. Still good numbers for GT5 in EMEAA unlike its performance in Japan and Americas.

Bubble hardly bursted.

If buyers don't want something, they won't buy it. GT5 is a hot item, so it's going to sell big. The holiday has helped, no doubt about it, but I'm willing to bet it would have done big numbers without the holidays, especially in this region.

Now if it drops off after the holidays (I'm talking a steep drop, not an expected, post holiday drop), then we can talk about it's sales rate. But for right now, the only thing to go on is what's there, and what's there puts GT5 ahead of GT4 in the same time frame, on a console with a considerably lower userbase (something some said would make a difference).

As for America/Japan - the only real letdown is Japan. In America, it's sales have been consistent the past few weeks, and it will be over 1 million this week. It should do at least 2 million there, but I'm thinking it will settle at 2.5mill (which would hardly be bad considering GT4 did 2.8mill)

No need to get so defensive, he was just pointing out how flawed your alligned comparison was, and even said they were good sales ... :-S