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Forums - Sony Discussion - Finally going to try and platinum a game

i got to one star on spec ops for MW2 to get platium 

i couldn't be bothered getting it so i just gave up and sold the game. 

i dont really care tho i did try and go for it for AC2 but some of the things are crazy time consuming like the spending thousands on allies 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

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once i get a platinum on a game, i cant stand the game anymore because i played it to death. So beware.

patapon said:
routsounmanman said:

I have only Platinumed Demon's Souls. Twice. My life is empty now.

Damn, your only hope now is to platinum it a 3rd time

Me too but with a lot of help. Am thinking about getting the Asian version for the 3rd plat. Sometime next year if i wont be too busy playing the many exlusives.

You are doomed!!

(someone should make *insert world* is doomed! thread.)

The Platinum is a lie!

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i still didnt plat a game

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

d21lewis said:

Be careful with that.  I heard that once you Platinum a game, everything else in life starts to feel insignificant.  The only thing that will give you a feeling of pleasure is getting more and more Platinums.  I hope you know what your doing.

I can confirm this. I got my 19th yesterday and i'm going to start a new one soon. Also strange that most of my Platinums take at least 40-50 hours

--OkeyDokey-- said:

God of War 3 was the easiest Platinum for me. A sign? Maybe it's time for you to buy the game Max :P

Not many people believe me but GoW3 is a super easy Platinum. I think I got it in a little over 10 hours or so.

lestatdark said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

God of War 3 was the easiest Platinum for me. A sign? Maybe it's time for you to buy the game Max :P

I just need to finish the game in Chaos to get the Platinum, but I found that GoW III at least has a difficulty challenge, both in the Chaos mode and the Arena gold trophy.

Dante's Inferno has none of that, and the arena like trophy can be done even in Casual difficulty, for a piss poor easy gold trophy. 

Really, when I saw that you can pull a 666-hit combo in a couple of minutes just by mashing O, it lost all meaning of challenge >_<

Yeah I already beat God of War III over at a friends house, same friend I beat UNS2 at lol I was thinking of just taking my save buuuut I don't think that unlocks the trophies for you does it? So I just started from square once again.

Since I beat GoW III I really have no interest in playing it again though, not for a platinum or anything, I'd be far more likely to go get the GoW I&II collection since they're much better games.

And yeah Dantes Inferno is really easy, I have even less interest in that game, I played a few levels from it, it was really meh, I only like doing the trophies on games I like since it extends the life, UNS2, 3D Dot Game Heroes (which I might finish up trophies for now that they patched a few things), and the Fallout series.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


once i get a platinum on a game, i cant stand the game anymore because i played it to death. So beware.

You are not alone, just the thought of playing force unleashed 2 makes me sick.