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Also, I believe Heph died because FF commented on his PM somewhere, and Heph got into an argument with him.

Looking at it, it appeared that they might have different roles, or some discrepancy at the very least.

It looks like mafia just picked one of them to kill.

Unless FF is mafia, and made his initial post simply to pull out a power role, I believe they would have picked Heph because he is a good player, AND possibly because I think Heph's objection could've been interpreted as reverse-psychology, meaning that he himself was a power role.

anyways. be back later. Done with page 5.

Around the Network

Current votes (10 required to lynch):

[1, L-9] ZEX: GNIZ

[2, L-8] HAT: (PROF), WONK, VET

[1, L-9] WONK: HAT

[5, L-5] NEN: ST, PROF, FF, SAK, ZEX

[2, L-8] ST: TRUCK, NEN

[2, L-8] SCOTT: MG, RAD

[1, L-9] MG: SCOTT

[1, L-9] SAK: NORD

Well, my current vote is not achieving anything so I may as well change it to the person who I think is most likely to be mafia amongst those who already have a decent amount of votes, and I gotta say I am not convinced by those accusing NeN. Even at the time I thought the whole scum number thing was not going to help us tell one way or another. Voting no lynch is always a tad scummy, but by itself is not enough and in my experience the most (and least) aggressive people in the game are not scum - scum generally tend to take the middle road for the vast majority of the game. They may occasionally be aggresive to save another scum's life, but unless they need to do that there's no point being aggressive


Ugh, now to trawl through this thing for scummy comments from those with 2 votes already.


Vote: ST (ie unvoting MG at least for the moment) his comments are certainly very suspicious, more so than the others with 2 or more votes imo

noname2200 said:

Current votes (10 required to lynch):

[1, L-9] ZEX: GNIZ

[2, L-8] HAT: (PROF), WONK, VET

[1, L-9] WONK: HAT

[5, L-5] NEN: ST, PROF, FF, SAK, ZEX


[2, L-8] SCOTT: MG, RAD

[1, L-9] SAK: NORD

Fixed :)

Current votes (10 required to lynch):

[1, L-9] ZEX: GNIZ

[2, L-8] HAT: (PROF), WONK, VET

[1, L-9] WONK: HAT

[5, L-5] NEN: ST, PROF, FF, SAK, ZEX


[2, L-8] SCOTT: MG, RAD

[0, L-10] MG: (SCOTT)

[1, L-9] SAK: NORD

Around the Network
hatmoza said:
Vetteman94 said:

Wow, did I miss alot,  I wish I would have posted this sooner as alo of time has past since this happened but I believe it is a good lead

This first link is an exchange is between hatmoza and gnizmo, hatmoza says something interesting.

"contrary, if I were mafia I'd think twice about buddying with another player so you have no fears."

actually hatmoza thats exactly what you have done in the past, and its what alot of mafia have done in the past as well, get on the good side of the town and look like you are one of them.  But for you to throw it out there trying to look innocent seems like you are trying to hard to blend in.

The second link is more of the same, except its when you proclaim that:

"No. I would have totally killed Nord already, dead serious. Even if I were a vigilante."  

Again its like you are saying "I cant be evil because nordlead is alive",  you are praying on past habits hoping for a pass from everyone.  

Well I dont buy it at all

Vote: hatmoza

Shoot, I tried a lot of things as mafia to throw people off. I buddied with FF once by saving him from a lynch train last year, which made him trust me. Then I broke his heart. I lurked, then claimed to be a bomb when put under pressure once. I basically told nordlead I was going to kill him one time. I told everyone I was an anti magician apprentice and lived throughout most of the game with that lie ... the list can go on. 

My point being, you really shouldn't hold one game I was mafia against me because I haven't gotten on Gnizmo's bad side yet. I see you didn't waste no time perusing with your personal vendetta against me in your absence from this game.

And about nordlead, well every time we play we threaten eachother. If it makes you suspicious, I can live with that. It only seems to bother you anyway, then again every game I play with you you find something interesting to say about me.

Now, I have some catching up to do.

So you are basically admitting you lied then, that fine.  What I dont understand is you trying to discredit my claims by making up a scenario that doesnt exist?  What personal vendetta do I have against you?   

I understand your little "game" you play with nordlead, but using it to prove you are town on top of your other comment which was a lie is just you trying to hard to look like you are town.

So a lie, and then trying to discredit it with another lie,  anything else you would like to lie about?

Final-Fan said:
hatmoza said:
Final-Fan said:

I'm too tired right now, but in addition to whatever I said in my accusation of him, he responded to that pressure in a really weak way.  I've just got a feeling about him, and he has a number of votes against him and I don't want this day to last forever. 

I wouldn't mind lynching hatmoza, but you haven't convinced me he's worth trying to switch from nen-suer. 

I'm sure Vette could come up with more, but I'm honestly interested in why you would want me lynched.

Well, it seemed like he just had some very good points, such as:  you saying you wouldn't buddy up if you were mafia, yet you have done so as I well remember.  What, have you changed your ways and we are just supposed to trust you on that? 

I would expect this kind of argument from someone ... less experienced. This is just really awkward coming from you and honestly, it kind of stinks. I'm not asking anyone to trust me. It's foolish for anyone to trust anyone at this point of the game. And to single me out on a trust issue is just weird from you. You always have a logical explanation behind your accusations. This is just weak FF.

You get a finger. FoS Final-Fan

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Silver-Tiger said:
noname2200 said:
nordlead said:
noname2200 said:
nordlead said:

Also, Hat and I just had a little side convo and he offered a truce. I told him that doesn't affect my suspisions in this game, but essentially I won't start my posting off with a "if I die lynch hatmoza"

Please elaborate.

I said "you started it" he said "truce" I said "fine, but it doesn't change anything for this game"

More or less. Nothing game related was talked about.

I see.  Since the rivalry has come up several times in the game, and has even been used by both of you to justify your actions, I would be much more comfortable if all of this had taken place in the thread instead, or if it had waited until after the game.  But admittedly it doesn't look like it violated the letter of the rules, so all I ask is that everyone keep similar conversations public, or wait until after the game.

Yeah, no problem. But to avoid furtehr problems just post it here.

Did this strike anyone as WTF is this shit?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

theprof00 said:

Also, I believe Heph died because FF commented on his PM somewhere, and Heph got into an argument with him.

Looking at it, it appeared that they might have different roles, or some discrepancy at the very least.

It looks like mafia just picked one of them to kill.

Unless FF is mafia, and made his initial post simply to pull out a power role, I believe they would have picked Heph because he is a good player, AND possibly because I think Heph's objection could've been interpreted as reverse-psychology, meaning that he himself was a power role.

anyways. be back later. Done with page 5.

If I were to agree with this, I would agree with the latter -that it 's possible FF tried to lure someone with his PM post. You actually make a good point.

FF is a smart guy, and he probably figured that he could quickly strike down someone with a power role with his PM reference (and this is assuming FF is mafia which I'm not entirely sure of right now).

Quite ingenious to be honest. A trap in plain sight.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

scottie said:

Well, my current vote is not achieving anything so I may as well change it to the person who I think is most likely to be mafia amongst those who already have a decent amount of votes, and I gotta say I am not convinced by those accusing NeN. Even at the time I thought the whole scum number thing was not going to help us tell one way or another. Voting no lynch is always a tad scummy, but by itself is not enough and in my experience the most (and least) aggressive people in the game are not scum - scum generally tend to take the middle road for the vast majority of the game. They may occasionally be aggresive to save another scum's life, but unless they need to do that there's no point being aggressive


Ugh, now to trawl through this thing for scummy comments from those with 2 votes already.


Vote: ST (ie unvoting MG at least for the moment) his comments are certainly very suspicious, more so than the others with 2 or more votes imo

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson