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MetalGear_94 said:


Wait, I don't understand

Do you think that I am accusing of lurking in this game, beacuse I haven't accused of lurking at all in this game. I was referring to the Dbz game where I remebered accusing you of lurking in that game.

unless, you mean you had more post than me in DBZ game than I have now. If that is what you mean then I don't understand the last part.

Unless you mean something completely different, then I just don't understand.

Sorry... okay that was a misunderstanding then...

I thought you were also trying to refer to this game and I was a bit puzzled why you listed players not even playing ;P

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Yes, I quite understand that some players lurk as mafia. I have just been getting a scummy vibe from you since your play has been similar to the last round. You may have posted more so far, but I didn't think you've produced much content until recently. So I just didn't like the way you jumped on scottie. If you'd have made a well thought out argument against any of the more active players I wouldn't have gotten on your case.

Regardless of your current stance, you seem to have gotten scottie to post once again, so well done.


Your vote really comes off as one of revenge to me, but I'm more concerned with your reappearance though. You said you've been reading and thinking, but not posting. Why did you choose now, when eyes are starting to focus on you, to start posting? And a quiz to test if you've been paying attention or only watching out for yourself: list a few topics/happenings that have gone on in the town and your thoughts on them. I can understand family stuff tying you up, but you're not providing anything to gauge your alignment on at all. So even if you are town, not being helpful comes off anti-town.
FoS: scottie



SuperAdrianK said:

If imu and soleron don't post at all this day, and doesn't get replaced, or modkilled,I might as well vote for them, so if you two are reading this, get yer ass over here! You guys only made one useless post the enire game according to linkz chart!

@linkz, what is the gray area suppose to mean, a little of both?


nord already mentioned it, but way to not stay up on the round. HoS: SAK
For me, gray area means it could be content, but it's just as easy to say it isn't content. For example if I said, "I think one of the people using fos/hos is scum" then I would count that as Gray. Actually I'd more than likely put that as NC because it doesn't really say anything, but if it had a name listed or even a reason then it'd go in the Content column. 


I should've put quotes around everything after "say" and up to the period. I meant you'd have the excuse of having the first vote, so it can't be bandwagon vote. I'm stressing "can't" because my initial point was that it seems you tried to get the first vote because you know others are suspicious of nen and may vote him also.



theprof00 said:

I dont think scottie is actually lurking. In my experience, someone who is gone a long time and gets lynched isn't mafia. It's those people that pop up right when you start accusing them of lurking.


It's odd that you say this right after scottie popped back up after being accused of lurking. Also scottie has admitted to lurking, in the sense of reading and not posting. What is your take now?


Your initial response to MG comes off as a bit defensive to me. But you bring up a good point that a lurking mafiosi may not give up any information on scumbuddies. This is one of the reasons I want to get more out of scottie than just a defense and retaliation against MG. Yes I know that if he's scum we can't trust his word, but if there's no words at all then there's not even a chance to try to figure out what is fact and what's fiction.

I am not marking which players are "useful" or not, as that certainly is for every player to decide on their own. I'm simply which posts I think fall into which column. A high NC count isn't necessarily bad as there's been a bit of Off-Topic chatter(and I'd say only a tiny amount of that has bordered on derailing things) or just short comments to noname(such as a correction on voting) or whatever which were important, but nothing anyone could use to make a case out of. A high Gray count isn't bad either, it just means I think some of their posts could be more specific. A very high Content count like prof's is troublesome because it means I have a lot to go through when I reread things.

Current votes (10 required to lynch):

[1, L-9] ZEX: GNIZ

[1, L-9] HAT: (PROF), WONK

[1, L-9] WONK: HAT

[5, L-5] NEN: ST, PROF, FF, SAK, ZEX

[2, L-8] ST: TRUCK, NEN

[2, L-8] SCOTT: MG, RAD

[1, L-9] MG: SCOTT

[1, L-9] SAK: NORD

MetalGear_94 said:


The reason why I find it suspicious is because it has happened before, Homer in the dbz game lurked so badly that he had to come up with a lie about him going to the hospital. He took his lie so far that he was willing to get replaced.

In the last game I played I lurked so much that people were actually calling out for a mod kill or a replacement.

There are probably even more examples.

I had two reasons for my vote, 1 to put pressure on you so that you can start posting . 2 because I found your massive lurking suspicious.

But you coming back with a revenge vote, has only made me more suspicious of you.

I don’t see how my no lynch vote can be suspicious, the reason why I voted that way was because I thought it was best decision for the town at that point.


I've already explained how your no lynch vote can be suspicious. If you are town, then by voting for no lynch you are saying "I would like the mafia to have more control over the lynching process" if you are mafia (and the person currently under suspicion is town) then you can get away with a no lynch vote.


The fact that you're voting for me on such weak reasons (sure, you can admit that you did what you're accusing me of in a previous game, but I found out that you're mafia by the 2nd turn, so I don't particularly hold your skills in this game in high regard I'm afraid. I can guarentee that if I were one of your fellow mafia, I would not be attracting suspicion in such a fashion.


@ all of those thinking that only a mafia would resurface to defend themselves, townsfolk have exactly as much desire to defend themselvs as mafia do...

scottie said:
MetalGear_94 said:


The reason why I find it suspicious is because it has happened before, Homer in the dbz game lurked so badly that he had to come up with a lie about him going to the hospital. He took his lie so far that he was willing to get replaced.

In the last game I played I lurked so much that people were actually calling out for a mod kill or a replacement.

There are probably even more examples.

I had two reasons for my vote, 1 to put pressure on you so that you can start posting . 2 because I found your massive lurking suspicious.

But you coming back with a revenge vote, has only made me more suspicious of you.

I don’t see how my no lynch vote can be suspicious, the reason why I voted that way was because I thought it was best decision for the town at that point.


I've already explained how your no lynch vote can be suspicious. If you are town, then by voting for no lynch you are saying "I would like the mafia to have more control over the lynching process" if you are mafia (and the person currently under suspicion is town) then you can get away with a no lynch vote.


The fact that you're voting for me on such weak reasons (sure, you can admit that you did what you're accusing me of in a previous game, but I found out that you're mafia by the 2nd turn, so I don't particularly hold your skills in this game in high regard I'm afraid. I can guarentee that if I were one of your fellow mafia, I would not be attracting suspicion in such a fashion.


@ all of those thinking that only a mafia would resurface to defend themselves, townsfolk have exactly as much desire to defend themselvs as mafia do...

Yes townies do have a desire to defend themselves of course but they also have a desire to find who the scum is. So when you pop up only to defend yourself it makes it seem that you're not interested in finding scum which could indicate that you're a in fact scum.

Signature goes here!

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c03n3nj0 said:

Also, @ Linkz

what are you talking about? "You think they're both scum and openly agreeing on what will be a mislynch(or a bussing), or something else?"

 How do you know lynching either Silver-Tiger or nen-user will be a mislynch? Or, when did I say in the post I quoted that I agreed they should be lynched? I think you were just seeing things that were not in there. There were two arguments going on when i made that post, and my post was a simple observation on the similarities going between the two that I deemed "interesting."

You may have been right about me needing to post more (and I will) but you jumping to conclusions is utter crazy. 

btw, bussing (bus-driver) is a night action. I have no idea what you're talking about there. unless you meant bandwagoing, but that wasn't even happening. 

I find it quite scummy the way you've quoted me out of context to try and paint it as if I have some knowledge that either would be a mislynch. Here was my post:

Linkzmax said:
c03n3nj0 said:

Interesting how both prof and trucks are going after nen and ST respectively for similar reasons. 

playing safe and acting townie being some of them. 

"I'm just going to throw this out there and cast suspicion on two players." Why is it interesting? You don't agree with the reasons, you think they're both scum and openly agreeing on what will be a mislynch(or a bussing), or something else?

First, the sentence in quotations is the way I read your post. Then I ask why you say it is interesting, a question which you have still yet to answer. Then I list the reasons I could think of if I tried to put myself in you're shoes.(Something I've already shown I do, crazy as it may be)

Now let me break down each thought I listed:
"You don't agree with the reasons." You find it interesting that prof and trucks are going after nen and ST because you disagree with their similar reasons. Simple enough and not scummy.
"You think they're both scum and openly agreeing on what will be a mislynch(or a bussing)?" You think prof and trucks are both scum. Furthermore you see them using the same reasoning out in the open to try to lynch a townie. And in parentheses , since you(and neither do I) don't know nen or ST's alignment it could be two scummates throwing a third under the bus(hence the term, "bussing") for a lynch. More complicated, but again not scummy.
"Or something else?" Self-explanatory. I figured your answer would fall here, but I'll have to wait for that.

If it's not already obvious what my answers are to your two questions, I'll answer them directly. I never stated that I know an ST or nen lynch would be a mislynch, nor do I know that it would or wouldn't be. I never stated that you agree that ST and/or nen should be lynched either.

The difference between our responses is I tried to guess at your line of thought.You tried to twist my words to incriminate me.

Wow, did I miss alot,  I wish I would have posted this sooner as alo of time has past since this happened but I believe it is a good lead

This first link is an exchange is between hatmoza and gnizmo, hatmoza says something interesting.

"contrary, if I were mafia I'd think twice about buddying with another player so you have no fears."

actually hatmoza thats exactly what you have done in the past, and its what alot of mafia have done in the past as well, get on the good side of the town and look like you are one of them.  But for you to throw it out there trying to look innocent seems like you are trying to hard to blend in.

The second link is more of the same, except its when you proclaim that:

"No. I would have totally killed Nord already, dead serious. Even if I were a vigilante."  

Again its like you are saying "I cant be evil because nordlead is alive",  you are praying on past habits hoping for a pass from everyone.  

Well I dont buy it at all

Vote: hatmoza

nordlead said:
theprof00 said:


I wasn't saying that. I was saying that they might be pursuing a strategy of killing the strong players first, and leaving some so that town can suspect them. If I am suspected, I completely understand. That is what I would do. When I talk about the strategy that I think they are pursuing, I say they might be inexperienced simply because of what they COULD be doing. In any case it wouldn't be smart to kill strong players and leave others when they will add suspicion to themselves. I hope that makes sense to you. This is a really quick post and I don't want to be rude.

I will say I slightly misread your post (the one I quoted). I completely understood what you were getting at when I quoted it, and it makes sense and I agree it could be what they are doing. But, both points still stand.

However, what I really want to know is why you (and everyone else for that matter) didn't address the SAK issue I brought up earlier.

~~~ (I don't care if anyone reads this next part or not as it isn't really relevant to the game just felt like posting it)

As a side note , I don't care if you ignore my post and won't consider it rude. I actually think people jumping on others because they didn't respond is a little overkill. If you don't feel threatened by my FoS, then I see no reason for you to respond. You responding means you acknowledge that I have a legitimate point, or you think I've misinterpreted things and it could hurt you. Not responding just means you think I'm outright wrong. If everyone always responded to everyone even if they don't deem it necessary then we'd overload the thread with what people are considering useless posts.

unlike gniz, if I don't respond, it's either because I completely understand your point or I think it may be useful in seeing a bandwagon on my behalf.

If I have a problem, I will always respond.

The only reason I haven't commented on SAK is because seriously, I have barely any time to keep up even on this little bit that I do. I'm currently in Colorado at my gf's family, and I hate to appear rude, so the only times I really get is at night when everyone is asleep. Additionally, we went to nebraska and the hotel didn't have an internet room, or computers and the ipod went out of charge. etc etc etc.

I'll look into it asap.


actually I was trying to defend myself, so you got the right feeling from what I wrote... I also tried to explain why I feeled attacked, also I think you are right about SAK... STs post could have been ninjad... I have to look at the posting times to get a closer look on that situation...

TruckOSaurus said:
scottie said:
MetalGear_94 said:


I've already explained how your no lynch vote can be suspicious. If you are town, then by voting for no lynch you are saying "I would like the mafia to have more control over the lynching process" if you are mafia (and the person currently under suspicion is town) then you can get away with a no lynch vote.


The fact that you're voting for me on such weak reasons (sure, you can admit that you did what you're accusing me of in a previous game, but I found out that you're mafia by the 2nd turn, so I don't particularly hold your skills in this game in high regard I'm afraid. I can guarentee that if I were one of your fellow mafia, I would not be attracting suspicion in such a fashion.


@ all of those thinking that only a mafia would resurface to defend themselves, townsfolk have exactly as much desire to defend themselvs as mafia do...

Yes townies do have a desire to defend themselves of course but they also have a desire to find who the scum is. So when you pop up only to defend yourself it makes it seem that you're not interested in finding scum which could indicate that you're a in fact scum.

Because talking is the best way to learn something?