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prof, you are such a dumbass sometimes.

Will contribute and cast my vote tomorrow since someone has to get lynched today.  It's late and I'm tired.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Wonktonodi said:

zex after getting so much flax yesterday over the post about the numbers(thanks for the answer sorry it's been so dragged out)  in responce to a question I asked.  His was very sure of his answer the coments that followed were people not sure of his reasoning, he explained yet some still wanted to keep doubt.  Mostly Hat.  I think hat was dragging out the discussion more that zex by making some points that make little sence.  The post from last game wasn't an exact amount and wasn't in repsonce to someone like me asking.  Also you said where was the other small % when he had said it clearly.

That's probably the scummiest thing I've read all game, especially since it was Zexen who kept forces theory after theory about numbers and how many days the game last etc. To flip it onto me and say I was the one who prolonged his yapping  is extremely interesting and to quote noname (like I always like quoting other players) "planting seeds of suspicion" in a player in what seemed to be a little accusation in a big ass post.

Had you carefully read my post like a regular towny should, you'd see  and understand that I was accusing Zex of shifting people's focus onto the mafia alone and dismiss the possibility of the SK.

You are my homework tomorrow.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I just wanted to quickly mention that I'm not keen on all this referencing to previous Mafia games - I have no idea what you guys are talking about most of the time, and it makes it much more difficult to make a judgement. Can we try to catch people on scumtells for this game, rather than based on people who were Mafia about 5 games ago? xP

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Wonktonodi said:

Been out for most the weekend.  MY thoughts on coming in

Heph has been MVP how many of the last few games?  His kill by the mafia doesn't give us much info since although he very well could have fos'd one or more of the maifa, he could just as well have fos'ed none of them.  The mafia had enough reason to get rid of him just by him being a very good palyer.

gniz and prof.  I cringe reading both of your posts not only that but then the two of you make almost radom votes for other people withiing 20 minutes with only one last coment between the two.

look prof he took out the quote of himself when he quoted you,  I don't know if it totaly disporves your theory, but it does say he didn't respond before because of your post not you which I think was the big point he was trying to make.

zex after getting so much flax yesterday over the post about the numbers(thanks for the answer sorry it's been so dragged out)  in responce to a question I asked.  His was very sure of his answer the coments that followed were people not sure of his reasoning, he explained yet some still wanted to keep doubt.  Mostly Hat.  I think hat was dragging out the discussion more that zex by making some points that make little sence.  The post from last game wasn't an exact amount and wasn't in repsonce to someone like me asking.  Also you said where was the other small % when he had said it clearly.

truk I don't think looking at hephs post will help much, but don't stop running ideas.  Always better to have people run ideas and then have us get rid of the ones that make the least sence than to have people keep things to themselves wind up dead and there ideas with them.

I will post more latter tomorrow but I need to get to bed and have an early shift tomorrow.  Things I hope to see when I return.  Post from people who have been lurking.  Scottie is one I know off the top of my head but I'm sure there are more.  I'd give a small break to those who are replacements but I do expect to see more from them.

If someone could do a post count before I'm back I'd be very greatful otherwise It will have to wait over 16 hours.  Probably much more since we already are over 400 posts and by the time I could get started it should be much more. prof if you could do it like you did day one last game I would really apreciate it.  I might not agree with all the posts you find of value or hazzy but it is something to work with.

Also I hope someone can do a list of all the FOS HOS since there have been more of those than votes.  Don't bother with the ones involving GOW though.  Or it will also have to wait. I want to see if there are any patterns.  Is anyone often the second to do a fos or hos.  Have some people had more even without votes?  Have some who have gone after eachother not even fos or hos. 

Currently FOS's from me are Nen for trying to limit discussion.  It's not totally usesell information knowing how many mafia there are and it's not crazy for people to ask to understand the reasons.  FOS on hat as well for the way he was focusing his reasons and questions about the number discussion. Gniz more for having not really read day one yet comments like it's all meaningless.  Plus the strange vote for zex.

If anyone else seemed to want to limit discussion count it as a finger of suspicion on them as well.  I will go back through latter so if someone points it out latter and it is clear I would agree.

Also on those who are lurking. 

I'm sure I've missed some things but hopefully there will be much more to discuss when I am back.

Here's my bone with your post, It's mostly observations and emotions.

And what gets me is that they're observations already made countless times by other players! Except you made them wordier. Heck, you gave two word observations their own paragraphs ... You said heph was killed because he was a good player. Didn't someone earlier today say the same, except in a more brief form?

You make that statement just to end it by saying, "oh we shouldn't think so much of the fos because heph was town." Is someone not under the radar trying to indirectly cover for their fellow scum?

Prof and Gniz are fighting, what's new? They make you cringe? Thanks for sharing that. what's so odd about them exchanging votes? Seriously? Gnizmo gave a whole page of why he voted Zexen. Prof admitted he's voting for me because of a gut feeling. WHAT IS SO RANDOM ABOUT THAT! You are trying to make yourself look like you're contributing to the game when all you did was make a huge post of nothing.

Then you squeeze that  flag raising stunt about ME  prolonging an argument I didn't even respond to until 200 posts later in the game when I wasn't even arguing about it, just using it as as a means  to support my SK theory. And the way you snuck that fos in the middle of repeated observation was really sneaky Wonk.

"I'm glad [Trucks] took the initiative in finding Hephs interactions ..." Sound familiar Wonk? That's because you basically just told Trucks the same thing I did a couple dozen posts ago! Seriously dude, are you just skimming through the game summarizing everyone's thoughts into your own words and shoving them into a post of your own? Are you even trying to be productive on your own in this game? Only scum behave the way you are...

You'll post more tomorrow, how cute because I was just about to head to bed before I saw this clusterfuck post that popped my snoozing bubble. Save your posts, I've seen enough plagiarism for one night.

Listen, Wonk, you're new, I know. But because you're new don't take it personal when I vote and possibly lead a lynch against you today. Yourpost was so big and so unproductive that it's screaming scum.

-Scum don't try to scumhunt because they're scum. And when they try to, it's so fake, just like your post.

-Scum are usually active lurkers, and let me quote this straight from the wiki page because it (with the exception of the underlined part) suits you perfectly " Active Lurking: A subset of lurking is the so-called "active lurking", where a player posts in the thread but without making any contribution to the progress of the game. Their posts may be minimal in length, off-topic, or merely parroting what other players have already said."

-Scum want to mislead and sway townies into voting other non-mafia members. I can only speak for myself but it seems like you took the opportunity in that big post to cast suspicion onto me. You then end the post by reminding people " hey what about nen? remember nen? Let's be suspicious of him again" It erks me that you leaned back onto him. I admit I totally forgot about that and nen for that matter, but it seems like you're laying the carpet to lead or sway everyone's attention towards him.

That said, nen get your ass back in the game. I want to hear from you.

Take this post however you guys want it. I honestly believe that wonk is a scum trying desperately to act like an active town. 

Vote: Wonk

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

90 posts! You guys really loves to start your days in the middle if the night >_>

Give a minute to catch up.

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Well i was expecting a dead "Nord" or cooked "Moza" seeing them both alive is surprising.

So either both are townies or both are mafia.

Losing Hep this early in the game is bad. He's a good analyzer.


I'm going home now & will post later.

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Final-Fan said:

What do you think you're doing?  This post is stupid.  There is no point in responding only to say "lol u missed it look again".  Either it's not as impossible as you think or he's missing it on purpose; either way the solution is to nail him to the wall with your rebuttal.

Frankly I don't see what I could state again that has not been made blindlingly obvious to him. He continues to ask for a source when the relevant text is in the quote box of his posts. I quite clearly stated I thought the post contained nothing to respond to, and he twisted it out into me somehow attacking him. All of this on top of the fact that he was almost the only person (if not the only person) I responded to on day one. The absurdity of the claim combined with the obviousness of my evidence leads me to believe he has to be intentionally avoiding seeing it for some other purpose. Either that or he just isn't reading what I post.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

zexen_lowe said:

You're kidding me right? So you haven't read anything that was discussed in the 1st day? We even discussed there not being a serial killer (you can find me saying there wouldn't be) and you now call me out for mentioning I probably was right? I dunno, maybe you were far too focused on your debate with prof but you can pretty much see that the SK discussion was quite important, I think it's pretty obvious you're not reading posts at all and you're nitpicking the little things you can spot here and there, just like you bringing a game that has to be like a year and a half old to try to explain my behavior...I barely even remember that game, I know I won it and I know I tricked the useless town pretty fine even considering I was stuck with two bad partners, but if you expect me to remember the details or how much my acting in that game relates to my acting in this, you won't have much success. Unless, of course, you can bring up the posts in that game that are so similar to my current play, I mean, since you're so confident that that my way of posting is similar you surely won't have no trouble in bringing them up and explaining the rest of us how they are right?

To be honest, I'm kind of baffled with this game, from being nitpicked over a discussion of the number of mafia because it just happened that the previous game a scum player happened to answer a question similarly, to being FoSed because I was "dragging the conversation too long" to now "trying to stop the discussion", "saying something that is obvious" and "play similarly to a year and a half game", seems like some of you are just scratching the bottom of the barrel to try to start an argument.

I know your way of playing is constantly starting such arguments, Gniz, but I honestly didn't expect you to do with such baseless arguments. Really? A remark about there not being a SK even though I've been saying it since the start of day 1 an old game where I was scum with not even a single post backing it up?

Then again, if what you wanted is that I carried your discussion, I guess you succeeded

Have you ever tried digging up old thread on this new site? I have a cliff notes version of the game I will post for others later. I had actually forgotten that insomniac was the one who knew the truth but got killed for it, Really though I don't see how you can complain about me bringing up an old game when you admit it was the last time you played for the mafia faction. Which more recent point do I have to reference?

The problem with the SK argument you are making now is you posted plenty earlier in the day. A few responses before this page even with no comment on it at all. The only time you brought it up was suddenly when the finger of suspicion was on you as a quick way to change the topic. Seems awful convinient for you to suddenlysee only one body then and decide to look into the SK bit.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Just like hatmoza I don't like wonk's big ass post.

1 - Because I like when people make their point quickly. Digging through long paragraphs for the main point irks me.

2 - He mentions two times that we shouldn't look at Heph's posts because he was probably killed because he's a good player. That may have been the main reason why he was killed but it's not like the town is lacking in good, experienced players.

So given the choice to kill Final-Fan, hatmoza, zexen, Hephaestos, theprof00 or nordlead, the Mafia chose Heph. It's possible that there is a reason why he was the unlucky winner of this death lottery other than his record in previous games.

Signature goes here!

Gnizmo said:

Have you ever tried digging up old thread on this new site? I have a cliff notes version of the game I will post for others later. I had actually forgotten that insomniac was the one who knew the truth but got killed for it, Really though I don't see how you can complain about me bringing up an old game when you admit it was the last time you played for the mafia faction. Which more recent point do I have to reference?

The problem with the SK argument you are making now is you posted plenty earlier in the day. A few responses before this page even with no comment on it at all. The only time you brought it up was suddenly when the finger of suspicion was on you as a quick way to change the topic. Seems awful convinient for you to suddenlysee only one body then and decide to look into the SK bit.

Since I'm such a good person, here you go, enjoy yourself

And if I had brought it upthe SK issue at the first moment you'd be saying that I was making sure that everyone acknowledged it and so they'd ease off me and let me be less in the spotlight, either way you'd find something to complain...

Plus, since you were so sure of there not being a SK (which I agree with you, there isn't), why didn't you say anything on Day 1? Since you're sure what Vanilla means you could as well said it so yesterday when I was discussing with hatmoza instead of totally forgetting it that day and suddenly making a huge deal on the next. It seems you only brought it now because it's "something you could use against me" but you really didn't care and still don't care about really