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We can't afford lynching someone till we can know how many modkills will the be. The first lynch is always the "blindest" one, imagine if we lynch someone outside the two "leaving players" (since nordlead already has replaced one) and noname tells us there were no suitable replacement and thus we end up with three people down which could very well be all town. We'd be doomed from the start

I think it's worth holding off the vote till we get confirmation, which should be soon anyways. And if there's no modkill, then we shouldn't go for No Lynch at all

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zexen_lowe said:

We can't afford lynching someone till we can know how many modkills will the be. The first lynch is always the "blindest" one, imagine if we lynch someone outside the two "leaving players" (since nordlead already has replaced one) and noname tells us there were no suitable replacement and thus we end up with three people down which could very well be all town. We'd be doomed from the start

I think it's worth holding off the vote till we get confirmation, which should be soon anyways. And if there's no modkill, then we shouldn't go for No Lynch at all

Well if there are no modkills who do you like so far as a lynch possibility

c03n3nj0 said:
SuperAdrianK said:
Gnizmo said:
hatmoza said:

It's always fun seeing naturally suspicious Gnizmo going through the same thing with the newbs every time he plays.

I know right? At least the old timers are used to it by now. It is kind of why I dislike being Mafia in these games cause I know I am going to lose. I really should have put up my normal disclaimer but we will see how it plays out. Really it is amazing there aren't more people band wagoning by now.

What do you mean about that? That townies aren't sitting ducks or that the mafia is blind sheep?

No, he means he's amazed he's not being lynched yet. (A bit exaggerating, even for his history of being lynched.)

Also I'm curious, where did you get sitting ducks/blind sheep from? It had nothing to do with the conversation. 

I thought that was him implying, I wasn't thinking of him saying "I'm surprised I'm not getting bandwagoned" .

What I thought he was saying was "I'm surprised the people here aren't bandwagoning like dopes" or some crap like that.


Was he lying or misremembering? Just because he didn't answer your question doesn't mean it's a lie. I can't tell anyone's alignment this time based on the number of times they were scum or town in previous rounds, and I'd be suspicious of anyone that would try that. So I do agree SAK is a bit suspicious because of that. I'll get to him later.

You've been gone for quite a while and yet your post really doesn't say anything. Your use of "we" isn't inclusive as you've done no voting, and on that subject there have been some joke votes, but a few have been serious/intended to pressure as well. "Prof is being Prof, so I have nothing on him." Why should playstyle be taken into consideration? Just because someone is playing the way they usually does, it doesn't mean they aren't using that as a cover.

What is your stance on lynching today?

@Heph and FF:
I liked my role PM as well. I don't believe FF gave anything away, but let's just assume that even all of the vanilla townie PMs were worded differently and drop the matter to avoid another MINHA.

FF, what do you mean by "neat plan" in ?

Going to try and answer for prof, so I could be wrong. But I think he means those players are naturally suspicious to him, thus every round he has to start off by prodding them just to get to a neutral feeling. Did you think "song and dance" meant he was putting a show on to keep up appearances, possibly with scummates?

I'm with you on banning GOW from the next round, or at the least not rewarding with a hosting gig. Needing replacement is acceptable, things can come up afterall, but asking for a replacement in thread then saying nevermind and then shortly after that taking it back and asking for removal by any means necessary is just being a major PITA.

While on the subject of replacements/modkills. I think this early in the game replacements is the better option. Yes GOW has has interactions already, but there's a simple solution for this. Since three players are being swapped, simply give the new three their roles and don't inform them or us who they're coming in for. It essentially is just like they're late to the party and nobody, including the mafia, will be able to do anything but give them clean slates. I know nord has claimed to replace Soleron, but as long as you don't confirm it we're fine.

Though I wish you didn't say "apparently I'm a horrible mod." First, I think you've been great so far. More importantly, that makes me beg the question as to why the player(Sol apparently) thought you're horrible.

@SAK: (finally)
j0 brought it up and you answered that, but why exactly sitting ducks and blind sheep. More specifically, how would dope/non-dopey townies relate to sitting ducks and given mafia do know Gniz's alignment, how could they be blind sheep?


As for lynching or not today, I'd possibly vote no lynch, but only if there is a modkill. If there isn't then a no lynch provides far less information than a lynch going into day two. The numbers(odd players) are in our favor, so there's no reason not to have a lynch.

Linkzmax said:

Since three players are being swapped, simply give the new three their roles and don't inform them or us who they're coming in for. It essentially is just like they're late to the party and nobody, including the mafia, will be able to do anything but give them clean slates. I know nord has claimed to replace Soleron, but as long as you don't confirm it we're fine.

Brilliant!  Assuming the two remaining subs ever get back to me, I'll do that.  Thanks!

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Final-Fan said:
Silver-Tiger said:
Final-Fan said:
Silver-Tiger said:
Final-Fan said:
But fine. 
Unvote No Lynch
Vote GodOfWar_3ever

Just because I hate and suspect Heph doesn't mean I can't tell a neat plan when I see it.  And it did sound as if a second replacement was relatively unlikely. 

You should read that post:

GodOfwar_3evr said:
WOOT WOOT !!! I just got my Limited Edition God of War Ghost of Sparta PSP !!!!!
Modkill/Replace/Nightkill/Lynch me !

I saw it.  What's your point? 

My point is that we shouldn't waste our lynch on 3ever when he is gonna be modkilled anyway.

My vote was on No Lynch anyway.  I don't know what the difference would be between lynching GOW and No Lynching but having GOW modkilled. 

What I feared that people would banwagon on your vote and we waste our lynch. Anyway, we  shouldn't ths matter anymore, since it provides no valuable information and will just degenerate.

On another note:

j0 saying that he just noticed the sig mistake just irks me. I dunno why, but I get the vibe from that he wants to destract us from something. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I wanted to point that out in case it gets important later.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Gah, something went wrong with this post. (EDIT!)

Hey guys. Might be subbing in. I'll start playing with the delivery of my role.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Vetteman94 said:
zexen_lowe said:

We can't afford lynching someone till we can know how many modkills will the be. The first lynch is always the "blindest" one, imagine if we lynch someone outside the two "leaving players" (since nordlead already has replaced one) and noname tells us there were no suitable replacement and thus we end up with three people down which could very well be all town. We'd be doomed from the start

I think it's worth holding off the vote till we get confirmation, which should be soon anyways. And if there's no modkill, then we shouldn't go for No Lynch at all

Well if there are no modkills who do you like so far as a lynch possibility

My vote is on nen by now, I still don't like how he tried to cast doubts on what I posted, but I think we should go for one that both looks suspicious and that in the case he were town it wouldn't be someone that's good for scum-hunting. I'll explain: let's analyze Gnizmo, he might be town, he might be scum, we can't know for sure and he's not gonna put us easy to figure it out which he is, but if he's town he'd be a great asset because he has great scum-hunting abilities,  so it'd be a big loss if Gnizmo is lynched (I'm not saying it'd happen) and he turns out town. On the other hand, people like radishhead (who dtewi showed me that last game he didn't even read his PM, played all the game thinking he was playing for the other side he actually was and then quoting his role PM in the middle of the game) well, mislyinching him would be a lesser loss than mislynching proven good players like FF, Gnizmo or nordlead.

Of course, you might say that, if FF, nordlead or Gniz are in reality scum, them being alive is worse than if a bad player is alive scum, that much is true, I'm just saying that when in doubt we should prioritize lynching "non-assets", but if a good player appears scum, then a lynch will be in order. Then again, I don't expect any of them to appear scum early in the game, they're far too experienced for them to be

Still, I don't think any user yet has a sign "LYNCH ME", but those are my two cents

And I like the idea of links. Swapping the roles would make them anonymously again. I'm all for it.

PS @prof: Because you asked, I'm on the opinion of many others here, your playstyle is so ...massive it kinda scares newbies of. As far as I can remember, the first round you played you distracted the whole town and leaded to mislyches. It happened to me, too. You followed so many leads it confused me totally. Everytime I came back to this thead there were basically 3 pages full of text. I even kinda lost interest in the mafia game because I couldn't follow anymore.

I still can't decide who to vote to, but IMO we should begin voting soon. Basically, as bad as it sounds, a death would allow it to follow a lead. (And I don't want day 1 to extend until christmas :P)

nen would be my most likely candidate, though, because his posts about the number of mafia members being irrelevant kinda hangs in my head...

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

So apparently my role is to be delivered in 24 hours.

OK then. See you guys then. I'll read the thread before then.

Oh, and I don't think it wise to keep the game open over Christmas, so that's a concern.

Bye for now.

*hugs zex*

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you