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theprof00 said:
Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
and that's why, linkz, the real best course of action was to force nen to protect radish and no lynch.

It wouldn't have made a difference, if nen was refrained from killing once he could certainly do it twice. 

and then it's a tie.

what?  are you suggesting the town just keep no lynching until the mafia gives up and kills someone?  that's pathetic.  And there's no reason to think the mafia WOULD blink first. 

There was no other option ff. Every other course of action was too big of a gamble. You guys had 0 evidence on each other, and instead of solving it logically, you gambled.

are you missing the part where your solution doesn't actually WORK? 

you are missing the point that you had nothing to go on, and at least refusing to kill is SOME KIND OF EVIDENCE. 

LoOK! If either you or linkz were mafia, the best move would be to kill nen. Don't you see that? THINK ABOUT IT before you go and tell me that my plan doesn't make sense. I'm not going to draw you a graph because I know you're smart enough to understand if you give it even 5 minutes of thought.

Either if mafia was you or linkz, there would be no reason to "no kill".

I had thought of forcing nen to protect someone, but there's plenty of flaws in that too. I'd have to convince the others as well, otherwise I look like scum telling the doctor what to do.

1) As FF points out mafia-nen could simply refrain from killing.

a) If noname allows it without it becoming a tie. Then nen can simply say the next day "I knew you were setting me up to die, so I protected myself last night." Granted it lacks believability to most and that's usually not allowed, and if it is then extremely rarely on consecutive days, so the charade would've ended eventually. I grew tired of waiting for eventually.

b) if noname says it's a tie if the cycle repeats and nen isn't happy with that result, then he can kill myself or FF. radish was convinced already and the simple defense is "Linkz/FF killed the other one instead of me to make me look like scum since I wasn't killed."

2) If mafia was in fact FF then he has free picking on the doctor or myself. Chances are he'd pick the doctor and then it's right back to the two of us arguing for each other.

3) mafia-radish still could've existed as an extremely overpowered role, and he'd win in any town of 3 really. Though he has no reason to no kill except to give nen credibility and make it easier to lynch myself or FF.


Also, my biggest reason for voting FF wasn't that I ruled out the others, but the mutual distancing between all of the scum and FF. Well done on their part for setting him up like that. Also well done on their part for I assume making me appear like Heph last time around.

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Oh, I also called it that mafia were all low profile players and would leave out one strong player.

Linkzmax said:
SuperAdrianK said:

Linkz must be dead tired over this game.

I was! Took a great nap.

Well played nen!

Thankx, all the small hints i left were for you becouse you alone read posts carefully and dont let anything

go by you. And the with the control you had on the town having you as an ally willl sure lead me to the end game

My entire plan was for you not to miss anything and you didn't .

sadly your the kind of guys that can be fooled once.

And thank you for making this game fun.

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theprof00 said:

"In either scenario, town misses out on an extra lynch. If you don't understand, read my "mafia rules and hosting" thread for a more detailed explanation of how the numbers work out."

"And after playing in the game you hosted I'm really not interested in you thread >_>"


"Regarding nen, I honestly don't believe that someone who is so insulting and rude would be mafia. It comes off as really defensive, and if he really is a mafia talking trash, then he's a complete douchebag, and I don't think of nen like that."

Well that was meant as a joke....didn't know you toke it that seriously .

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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nen-suer said:
Linkzmax said:
SuperAdrianK said:

Linkz must be dead tired over this game.

I was! Took a great nap.

Well played nen!

Thankx, all the small hints i left were for you becouse you alone read posts carefully and dont let anything

go by you. And the with the control you had on the town having you as an ally willl sure lead me to the end game

My entire plan was for you not to miss anything and you didn't .

sadly your the kind of guys that can be fooled once.

And thank you for making this game fun.

I do have to give you credit. But you're right, now that I have a great deal of respect for you, the next time you act dense I'll be pushing you to the gallows.

Same to you. Even in losing, I had the most fun this last day, arguing with a fellow townie, lol.

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theprof00 said:

I called out Hat for not posting. He wasn't being his usual erratic self, and was hiding, just like in the last game he was mafia. He said something like "you really are an idiot sometimes".

I called out nen for saying that the ratio of mafia to town made a difference because it influences if town should vote on day one or not. He replied by saying something like, "judging by how you hosted the dbz game, I'm inclined to believe you have no idea what you're talking about".

I subsequently said, "if you're mafia nen, you're a scumbag and I've lost all respect for you", and he never replied.

You were right about nen, but your initial point was still wrong. The number of mafia(assuming all one faction) at the start never determines if there should be a lynch or not on day one. It's the total number that does that.

Anyway, I think this will be my last mafia game in quite a while, I had fun in the latter part, it really started becoming interesting.

Hope ya guys have fun in the next.


good job nen. I see why to took out me instead of linkz

So day 2 we went from scum to scum to town :(

zexen_lowe said:

I guess I analyzed the game better when alive than dead, I told ya guys to lynch nen

maybe next time GIVE REASONS!!