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I'm not feeling well due to self-starvation and drinking some weird liquid... and I might not post tommorow because I've got an appointment with the hospital tommorow...

If you want to go deeper than that, than you're going to have to pm me about it starting now, if noname and the republic lets you, don't want to derail this thread any further.


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Final-Fan said:
zexen_lowe said:
Final-Fan said:
zexen_lowe said:
OK, I've pretty much skimmed through all the thread. Shame there were so many modkills, I hate that kind of games
Linkzmax said:
zexen_lowe said:
I'm back, bla bla 300 new posts to read, according to the 1st page I'm still alive so it'll take me a day or two to catch up, bear with me

Any explanation for the quilty scan on yous?

What do you mean guilty scan? When I read your quote I thought you were saying a cop investigated on me, but reading through the thread I haven't found anything like that, if you can please point me what you mean I'll be grateful

And before I left I had a vote on SAK and I think I had a good idea that he was mafia. For some reason I can't really explain even after the big evidence against him, he's still alive, so I think he should be lynched for good

Vote: SAK

Is that really all you have to say?  I mean I wasn't expecting you to necessarily come in and write a book but unless I missed something this one post is pretty much your entire commentary on at least two weeks of play.  We may have been slow but not THAT slow. 

I mean hell, you don't even back up the SAK vote with anything that even happened in that time, you just say "oh hey, SAK isn't dead even though he was so suspicious back then?  Might as well stick with that vote lolz"

FoS zexen.

Are you kidding me? Did you even read why I have been absent these two weeks? Prolly not given that you posted during those two weeks many times why I wasn't here and why I wasn't posting, even when I had clearly stated in my post that I was coming back on the 15th. I don't know why now you come and be oh so suprised that I come back now, what do you expect me to do, post a ten page essay?

I've wanted to lynch SAK before going on holiday, when y'all for some reason I cannot explain lynched Scottie instead of him when Scottie had barely done anything scummy and SAK was an excellent candidate for mafia. Now that y'all got that wrong, I think it's a good time to correct that mistake and lynch who should've been lynched that day.

In addition to what Linkzmax said: 

It's not that I'm surprised you came back, it's that I'm surprised you came back with nothing to say about anything that happened in the meantime.  What, did you not even bother to read through the thread? 

Even if you are determined to lynch SAK regardless of anything else that happened, don't you have anything to say about even SAK's behavior in that time?  Or fuck, even so much as a recap of your old suspicions? 

This is just incredibly lazy of you, hence the FoS. 

In fact --

Vote zexen_lowe.

I don't like posting a list of "I think this guy is suspicions, this other one is giving me a good vibe, this one is blabla". I prefer going straight to the point, that's precisely what I've done and I've always played like that. I'm sorry if you were expecting something else from me.

Besides, there's barely anything worthy of talking during my 17-day absence, all I see is a game that has been totally ruined by an insane amount of modkills to the extent that they almost duplicate the normal deaths, making me care for this game far less than I would normally. If you wanna spend your time posting a full-fledged analysis of those 17 days be my guest, I can't care enough to do it. It seems like it's impossible to play a true mafia game in here because half your players are gonna drop out, but then again, if you can keep the interest after that, it's fine. I've said many times before leaving that I wanted to keep the modkills at a minimum because they ruined a game, and I come back and see that 30% of the roster has been modkilled. I didn't come back from a year-long mafia absence to play a game like this, but of course I'd be a hypocrite if I asked for a modkill so I'll continue playing, no doubt

/end rant

Given all that, during my skim I haven't seen anything that makes any living player now seem any more suspicious than SAK was before my departure, hence my vote.

SuperAdrianK said:

I'm not feeling well due to self-starvation and drinking some weird liquid... and I might not post tommorow because I've got an appointment with the hospital tommorow...

If you want to go deeper than that, than you're going to have to pm me about it starting now, if noname and the republic lets you, don't want to derail this thread any further.

Hope things go alright for you.

However I will be voting for you now.  Two scum voted scottie so I think they were pulling the vote away from you MG by getting the town to focus on a lurker that wasn't you and Sefl voted for you when there were 4 on you and 3 on scottie.

Also most your posts haven't had that much to them when they did show up.

Also you hardly showed up when you had all those votes on you and when you didn't you didn't even say you were town.


radishhead said:

Oh right, yeah :p

I haven't got anything solid, and I hate referring to past games, but I feel that Wonk is playing very suspiciously this round. It's a very similar situation to the last time that he was Mafia - only appeared when it was time to defend himself, and he has a "suspicion pile", which consists of people that suspect him. Does he feel that this list of people that he's suspicious of will deter people from voting for him? It was a nice idea, but I'm getting more than just bad vibes from Wonk at the moment.

Vote: Wonk

Radish I haven't only shown up to defend myself.  My suspicios pile is down to three HAT SAX and FF.  You suspect me as well as Linkz yet neither of you are suspicous to me.  I don't think the list will deter people.  I think I'm already dead however when you guys see I'm town I'm hoping you will look more closely at those three.

Linkzmax said:

Vodka has kicked my ass. I have work and then playing football today, but I'll be around tonight.(~8-9 hours) I'll do a Stefl recap then.

In the meantime, here's the previous day votals. Bold is mafia, italic is a dead townie, and radishhead is a confirmed mason. It's not very telling yet, but may be useful in future days.


Day one Votals:
[11] No Lynch: (Final-Fan), Wonktonodi, Vetteman94, nen-suer, (Hephaestos), Silver-Tiger, radishhead, zexen-lowe, MetalGear_94, hatmoza, Gnizmo, Stefl1504, c03n3nj0
Gnizmo: theprof00
[1] hatmoza: nordlead
[1] Silver-Tiger: Kantor
[0] GodOfWar_3ever: (MetalGear_94), (Hephaestos), (Final-Fan)
[0] MetalGear_94: (GodOfWar_3ever)
[0] Final-Fan: (theprof00)
[0] nen-suer: (zexen-lowe)
[0] theprof00: (Gnizmo)
[0] zexen-lowe: (hatmoza)
[6] No vote: Linkzmax, scottie, Final-Fan, TruckOSaurus, SuperAdrianK, Hephaestos

Day two Votals:
[10] scottie: MetalGear_94, radishhead, Silver-Tiger, Stefl1504, (theprof00), hatmoza, Final-Fan, c03n3nj0, Linkzmax, Wonktonodi, theprof00
[4] SuperAdrianK: nordlead, (Linkzmax), (theprof00), (Final-Fan), nen-suer, zexen-lowe, scottie, (theprof00)
[2] zexen-lowe: Gnizmo, Kantor
[1] nen-suer: (Silver-Tiger), (theprof00), (Final-Fan), SuperAdrianK, (zexen-lowe)
[1] hatmoza: (theprof00), (Wonktonodi), Vetteman94
[0] Silver-Tiger: (TruckOSaurus), (nen-suer), (scottie)
[0] Wonktonodi: (hatmoza)
[0] MetalGear_94: (scottie)
[1] No vote: TruckOSaurus

Day three Votals:
[6] Stefl1504: Linkzmax, Final-Fan, TruckOSaurus, hatmoza, nen-suer, c03n3nj0
[1] SuperAdrianK: Stefl1504, (radishhead), (nen-suer)
[1] nen-suer: SuperAdrianK
[0] hatmoza: (Wonktonodi)
[0] Linkzmax: (radishhead)
[0] TruckOSaurus: (c03n3nj0)
[0] c03n3nj0: (Final-Fan)
[0] Wonktonodi: (TruckOSaurus)
[3] No vote: Wonktonodi, radishhead, zexen-lowe


I was just looking at the votes with the idea that SAK is scum and other scum helped save him.

We have mg (scum) voting for a town lurker before one of the mafia lurkers got attention.  Stefl adds his vote to Scottie relatively early.  Now as for people I'm suspecting.  FF first has his vote on SAK but I"m thinking that was isurance for the scum since he could always move it before it got close and could later be used to show they weren't on the same team should one be killed.  He does move his vote not long after hat adds his vote.  SAK mostly kept quiet and kept his vote on another town that had had a badnwagon on him. One who FF had also voted for and hat had tried to seem defend but saying he could be wrong leaving it open to him being able to come back and vote if nen had enough of a bandwagon.

Day three we have SAK sticking to Nen.  While we have FF and Hat joining in on voting Stefl to try and get some dinstance, plus with no other town getting many votes they didn't have many other options.

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Two other things I wanted to bring up but I won't be digging up the quotes till tomorrow.  i lost the last post I ad made that had links in it but did a simpler post for now.  I could do likns and more details again if someone wants but that won't be till tomorrow.

first is hat mentioning me for deliberatly miscomunicating when SAK had 3 instances at least.   One where he mistook who was in a debate saying he mixes people up.  There was the sitting ducks and blind sheep and there was the thinking there is no doctor while wording it in a way that says there is one. 

second is the way their posts interact like ff and saks after my vote and vets vote on hat.  there was something else I wanted to say but I've lost my train of thought now.

Wonktonodi said:
radishhead said:

Oh right, yeah :p

I haven't got anything solid, and I hate referring to past games, but I feel that Wonk is playing very suspiciously this round. It's a very similar situation to the last time that he was Mafia - only appeared when it was time to defend himself, and he has a "suspicion pile", which consists of people that suspect him. Does he feel that this list of people that he's suspicious of will deter people from voting for him? It was a nice idea, but I'm getting more than just bad vibes from Wonk at the moment.

Vote: Wonk

Radish I haven't only shown up to defend myself.  My suspicios pile is down to three HAT SAX and FF.  You suspect me as well as Linkz yet neither of you are suspicous to me.  I don't think the list will deter people.  I think I'm already dead however when you guys see I'm town I'm hoping you will look more closely at those three.

Two votes? Already dead? That looks even more suspicious to me.

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Vote: nen-suer

If anyone was being saved with the scottie lynch day two it was nen.

Linkzmax said:

your vote on j0:

First, I question how you arrived at the phrase "kick me under a buss." Both times I've explained the phrase this round it has been about a mafiosi setting up a scumbuddy to get lynched. If you're using the phrase as it usually implies in the real world, well then j0 would be trying to make a scapegoat out of you for his own mistake. Something which hasn't happened.

I thought that was just "Bussing", but anywho i didn't think it was an exclusive phrase in that case

yeah scapegoat it is

Second, you rushed your vote in because you didn't want to be the last poster of the day and get killed because of it? Well the last vote has never been the last post of the day, because we've always had some "twilight" time. Now that's not guaranteed to always be the case, but if you were so worried about having the final post and dying then you could've just not posted. I'm thinking you're scum that didn't want to be questioned for not being on the lynch, and you're using this self-preservation claim(which is extremely weak btw) as a defense.

I don't like to "avoid" things by not posting and since it was pretty late (in my time zone) i decided

to vote (just in case) before going to bed.

J0 is right about "i thought you guys learned i'm not to easy to get rid off during the day. If you want me you better use on of your precious night kills" being scummy. Just about everyone has stated suspicions of you throughout the round, so I imagine it would actually be quite simple for you to get lynched. To me this just seems like you're telling town "don't waste a lynch on me, scum are going to have to night kill me," meanwhile when you don't turn up dead each night you can continue to pretend to mock scum.

Its not the first time the mafia tried this with me, you played theDBz game with me right ?

And i said the same thing to MG and he was scum......why wasn't my post scummy then ?

And as for "what made you look bad is that you posted that late and after stefl was about to get lynched
to me it was like desperate attempt to have the lynch train stop.
You could have waited and expressed your feelings tomorow if it wasnt your intent.
i mean what does it mean to FoS someone when someone else is about to get lynched ?"
I didn't like the things j0 said at the end of the day at all, and I'll get to that in my next post. However, tomorrow isn't a sure thing for any townie, so it can be important to lay things out before the night.

He was online when you asked about the cop and was online when i posted that...yet he posted

at that time....thats why i think its scummy.

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Linkzmax said:

Vote: nen-suer

If anyone was being saved with the scottie lynch day two it was nen.

Huh ? i was against Scottie's lynch.

Who pushed for Scottie's lynch btw ? i have limited time and cant look back at this time.

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